Cautious Peace in Deganga

published on September 10, 2010

Today no attacks or untoward incidents happened in Deganga.

Yesterday (September 8th) more police reinforcements were there and more raids by the police were conducted in the Muslim villages (the source of the attacks for the last few days). Nine Muslim activists were arrested. They were denied bail by the Barasat court, due to the seious nature of their conviction.

Today (September 9th), police arrested fours Hindu youths of Deganga – Lab Kumar Das, Kush Kumar Das, Gopal Das, Gopal Das (brothers, and sons of Parimal Das), and Chana Banik (son of Anukul Banik). They all got immediate bail from Barasat Court. Advocate Satyabrata Sen, a prominent lawyer in that court represented them. There are a group of very active Hindu Samhati supporters among the lawyers in Barasat Court.

Yesterday evening (August 8th) Tathagata Roy visited Deganga. His visit was followed visits by 3 state ministers. They declared compensation for the Hindu victims, etc. Today BJP MPs Chandan Mitra and Uday SIngh visited the area, accompanied by BJP state leaders Rahul Sinha and Samir Bhattacharya.

On August 8th Hindu Samhati organized protest meetings in many places. There were road blockages by HS supporters at two location in Barasat. Samhati President Tapan Ghosh attended a rally in Baguihati.

On August 9th, Hindu Samhati organized successful ‘Rail Roko’ (Block Rails) at two places one in Thakurnagar on Sealdah-Bangaon Route, and the other at Canning Station on Sealdah-Canning Route. There was massive participation in both the events.

At both the places police / rail police tried to intervene and stop the protesters, but could not succeed. Later, one Officer named KM Siraj (a Muslim) of Sonarpur RPF Police Station (Sealdah SOuth Section) interrogated and tried to intimidate Hindu Samhati’s Canning Unit in-charge, Dinabandhu Gharami. We have unconfirmed reports that Mr. Gharami and three HS workers have been charged with a case.

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