Casualties from ‘Jihad and Crusade’ less than those due to Natural Causes.

via K Vijayan published on September 23, 2011

India’s Nuclear Preference – ENS; 22—9-11

A yellow box on the Indian Express front page today informs us that the Chairman of India’s Atomic Energy Commission, Srikumar Banerjee told the IAEA General Council at Vienna that nuclear energy caused far fewer ‘human casualties’ than other Power Generation Methods. May be true too, in the Sachhar & Retreaded Justice Banerjee Tradition.

We find this argument eminently acceptable and in tune with Imbecile Indo-Italian Thieves’ policy.

Like we would aver on our affidavy word of Honour that the number of casualties in Jihadi strikes is less than those due to Natural Causes.

That the number of casualties due to Crusades is far, far less than deaths due to old age.

That the figures for AIDS casualties would be a fraction of all other effing diseases, or any other disease including heart attacks, cancer, diabetes and accidents.

That the total casualties due to the A-bombing of Nagasaki and Horoshima are far less than that due to Conventional Wars waged by the USA and European Christian Nations.

Perhaps the deaths due to Natural causes among those of the non-abrahmaic faiths is much less than those attributable to the merciful, ministering efforts of Christianity and Islam.

 Lesson for us Bharathiyas somewhere in all these outpourings of Nuclear Logic from Official Spoke Men of a government which has sold itself and its Parliament to Aliens.

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