Can this Fake Gandi crusade prevail against Ramdev’s Shiv Thandav?

via K Vijayan published on June 6, 2011
PM a “political Saint”?

Soniastooge Janardhan Dwivedi has described Manmohan Singh as a “political Saint” the Ramdev Satyagraha as a ‘dance performance’, and the Hazare-UPA appointed Lok Pal Committee as “two-three people”.

Is this “Congress Dwivedi” competent, accreditted and authorised to canonise, beatify and execute all those due processes necessary to make a declaration of this sort?

Has the Sonia Government plans to make Manmohan a Martyr, courtesy the Romans of Dilli, martyrdom being the easiest route to Sainting, and the Number One Lady being one already, her number Two should also be sainted during UPA number two?

We volunteer our services to attach Manmohan to a Cross made of pussy-willow with dog-nails manufactured by muhammedan forgers of Maharastra, at any venue of Janardhan Dwivedi’s choice.

We agree fully with this Dwivedi’s averment that this sort of Billing and Cooing has to be done by Parliament with a 2/3 majority, though we wonder what Bill & Coo was passed empowering Poll Cheat to sell out the country in bits and pieces to terrorists, or enabling Kalmadis, Marans, Balus, Andiputty Rajas, to loot the country?

And where was the Bill that allowed Abdullahs to kill lakhs of Hindus and drive out half a million from their Islamic Ghetto areas?

And did Dilli Sarkar pass an Ordinance allowing Congress Partymen to kill twenty thousand Sikhs in Dilli alone?

Have Sonia’s MPees moved a Bill seeking Sainting of the Retreaded Judge who gave a Clean Chit to Cong murderers?

Sonia’s cabinet is now closing in for the kill –

“Like a mighty army moves the church of God;
            brothers, we are treading where the saints have trod.
            We are not divided, all one body we,
            one in hope and doctrine, one in charity.
Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
            with the cross of Jesus going on before.”

Can this Fake Gandi crusade prevail against Ramdev’s Shiv Thandav?

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