Call to support Bhrashtachar Mitao Satyagraha June 4, 2011 led by Baba Ram Dev

published on May 7, 2011
Below is message from Bhishm Agnihotri who is heading Baba Ramadev
Bharat Swabhimaan movement in US, asking worldwide support for  Baba
Ramadev massive Satyagraha on June 4th.

 Every nook and corner of the country, old and young, man and woman, boy and girl, poor and rich, have to feel in their hearts and participate in this great movement.     When Gandhi ji did Dandi Satyagraha,  120 million out of India’s 350 million population participated in it.   Let every citizen of India stand behind Baba Ramadev ji and make this historic one.

Let us not underestimate what the country is up against.  There are people who will pose as sympathizers and sabotage the movement,  they will try to defame the Baba Ramadev ji, they will gag the freedom of speech,  they will invent stories and doctor CDs, they will devise methods to confuse people, they will try every possible way.   If there is one enemy,  it is not them but our own will  lack of unity,  our own smallness to gain some name, to gain some fame.  They know very well on how to tempt  you and then at opportune time throw you down.   Do not become a pawn.  Never forget Jayachand, never forget Charan Singh, India has many such leaders who fell prey to short lived fame and sacrificed the nation.

There is an American expression, ‘Give me freedom or give me death’.  We got to conquer fear and summon courage to deal with the selfish people sucking up the national wealth, dividing the country for themselves and their dynasties,  worse than British did and making our country into another Africa (while China next door is becoming a super power).


Movement to Remove Corruption

          India is at the cross roads. Despite the seeming economic prosperity, the systems in India are not working. Scams after scams are so rampant and mega monstrous that deadly immunity has gripped a section of India. To save India something has to be done to undo what has been going on. Fortunately, we have Baba Ramdev Ji who is providing spiritual and tireless direction to a divine movement in action to combat and destroy the Ravanas of corruption with the forward planning for systems change for a value based, spiritual and glorious India.  Swami Ji is the life of save India Movement.   

         For more than five years, Swami Ji has been visiting every nook and corner of India, village to village, state to state, and educating the masses about the problems facing India. Swami Ji believes that the systems in India require change and it’s not possible unless the ground people, the masses join the movement and uproot the entrenched current systems, built on corruption or inefficiency and supported by powerful vested interests. For saving India, people have to wake up as a united force.  The people have a spiritual, committed and inspirational YUG PURUSH in P.P. Ramdev Ji.

          Bharat Swabhiman movement led by Baba Ram dev has now entered in a new phase. On June 4th 2011 a massive Satyagraha will be launched in New Delhi and other major cities of India. It may be a long drawn struggle. People of India origin residing in every part of the world feel the pain of India and they are anxious to help the Movement to save India of their dreams.        

 Bharat Swabhiman Overseas (BSO) along with Friends of India Society International is committed to support and promote the Movement. They call upon every N.R.I. individual and organization to join the Movement and help positive forces in India engaged in efforts to save India. Let us dedicate our resources, skills and contacts to provide support to the Movement.  

The following immediate initial action plan is as suggested (It is a long struggle):

1.     Persons already involved in this movement should contact other organizations and individuals to co-operate in this movement.

2.     Hold meetings or programs to educate, discuss and plan activities in this connection.

3.     On Saturday June 4th  programs should be organized in the different cities. Fasting at least for Saturday should be part of the program. It happens to be Rana Pratap Jayanti therefore inspirational and other relevant presentations can be organized. Details shall be discussed later.

We are in the process of finalizing some of the committees to streamline the efforts. Please let us know of your interests or skills. You may contact any of the coordinators for more information. You may also contact Shekhar Agrawal (+ 7134438228) email: [email protected], Bharat Somal (+714-404-9597) email:  [email protected] and Vivek  Sinha (+7322724250) email: [email protected]
Best Regards,
Bhishma Agnihotri /toni dotson
Former Ambassador at Large of India
President FISI & BSO
Ph. No.+212-365-8613
e-mail: [email protected]

The Friends of India Society of International (FISI)
FISI brings together friends of India worldwide in order to safeguard the India and people of Indian origin living outside India (Bharat). FISI was founded in 1975 to safeguard Indian democratic institutions and ideals in the aftermath of “emergency rule.”  The reactivated FISI now is an international, non-denominational, and non-political association of the friends of India- drawn from among the Indian Diaspora and the public’s in which the Indian Diaspora resides- who will educate the wider public about India and the status of the Indian Diaspora.

The Bharat Swabhiman Overseas, Inc. (BSO)

BSO is inspired by the Bharat Swabhiman movement of Baba Ramdev Ji. It is also non-political, non-denominational and a not for profit US Corporation. It promotes, amongst others, individual, societal and global physical, mental, and spiritual health through Yoga, Pranayam and Vedic principles; Emphasizing personal and professional integrity in every walk of human endeavor; Encouraging unity and harmony amongst all human beings.

e-mail: [email protected]

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