But, for our shining knight, RSS = SIMI !!

via H Balakrishnan published on October 7, 2010

Dear Sir,

Ever since the ‘ Learned Judges ‘ of the Lucknow Bench of the Allahabad High Court pronounced their ‘ verdict ‘ in the vexed Ayodhya – Babri Masjid Case, the ‘SILLY SEASON’, has HIT the poor and unsuspecting ‘Aam Aadmi’ with ‘secular – gale force’ !! As the political commentator Ashok Malik wrote in the Hindustan Times of 05 Oct 2010 , in an Article entitled :” Flogging a Dead Horse ” – ” For the most part, those who are instigating this are not the regular ‘religious fundamentalists’ but self-proclaimed ‘secular modernists’, taking their litany from television studio to television studio and op-ed page to op-ed page. They are picking loopholes in the judgement, misrepresenting it where possible — for instance, a judge’s observation that there is a history to the Hindu perception of Ayodhya being the birthplace of Ram is being passed off as acceptance of Ayodhya being the physical birthplace of Ram — but at no stage are they pointing to an alternative solution that is legally workable and socially sustainable”.

(REF: http://www.hindustantimes.com/StoryPage/Print/608780.aspx)

Adding his ‘ two-penny ‘ bit of maudlin commentary, to the ‘silly season ‘ we now are treated by the ‘Prince-in-Waiting’ – Raul Vinci – oops!! Rahul Gandhi’s, ‘considered intellectual opinion’ on the RSS : ” Rahul equates RSS, SIMI “ – (TNIE – 06 Oct). The ‘secular modernist Oracle’ has spoken !! Wow !! Time for some ‘Aam Aadmi’ examination !!

It so happens that on 19 Dec 2003, a website ‘christianpost.com,carried an Article entitled:  ” RSS neither Nationalist nor Fascist, Indian Christian priest’s research concludes “ !!

The report stated: ” The name of the research institution is Sorbonne University, Paris, France. The researcher is Dr. (Father) Vincent Kundukulam of St Joseph Pontifical Seminary, Aluva, Kerala. The thesis for the doctoral research is: ‘Le RSS Et L’Eglise En Inde (RSS and Church in India)’. To Fr. Kundukulam goes the credit for being the first Christian priest to do a doctoral thesis on the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, that too in a foreign university. He is also the first clergyman to author a book on the RSS titled RSS: Enthu? Engott? (What is RSS and Where is it headed for). What motivated Fr. Kundukulam to conduct a research on the RSS was his conviction that the Catholic church should closely study the philosophy, organisational structure and working of all the socio-politico-cultural movements in the society in which it operates, imbibe the best in them, and invite a dialogue on their negative aspects “.

Again. ” At the same time, Fr. Kundukulam argues against branding the RSS ideology as fascism, Nazism, fundamentalism and communalism. He said the terms fascism, Nazism, and fundamentalism are much abused terms in India. They have a distinct connotation in the European context that can hardly apply to the Indian milieu. The term fundamentalism was first coined inthe context of the emergence of the Protestant movement in the Christian church in America in the twenties. The ideology of the RSS and the way in which it is interpreted by the Sangh leaders borrowing modern terminology have no camparison to the sense in which the term fundamentalism was used in America. So also, fascism and Nazism do have distinct meanings in the socio-political contexts that prevailed in Italy and Germany which have no bearing in the Indian context. Fr. Kundukulam felt that communalism is not at all a part of religion. Communalism is nothing but mobilisation of people on communal lines to serve a specific cause. RSS can, therefore, be said to be communal only in a limited sense. BJP, the political arm of the RSS, during its rule at the Centre has not committed any acts that could truly be described as fundamentalist, fascist, or communal. “In fact, one of the first acts of A B Vajpayee after taking over as Prime Minister last time was to call on Mother Teresa and Delhi Archbishop,” he said.

Also. ” He admires the RSS for the dedication and discipline of its cadres, the simple life style of its pracharaks, the moral teaching it imparts to the younger generation in its daily sakhas, and the voluntary labour put in by its cadres at critical times such as natural calamities “.

(REF: http://www.indiadivine.org/audarya/hinduism-forum/421410-christianpost-rss-neither-nationalist-nor-fascist.html)

Here is authentication for the ” voluntary labour put in by its cadres “.  ” About one third of the 14 voluntary organisations whom the Union Ministry of Tribal Affairs has identified in its annual report for their outstanding services in 2006, are the RSS associated organisations. The Ministry of Tribal Affairs implements its welfare schemes for all-round development of Vanvasis with the help of voluntary organisations. The Ministry has identified 14 organisations, which produced remarkable results through the better implementation of its various schemes. The Ministry has kept them in special category to grant relaxations while providing grant for next year. Highlighting the role of these organisations, the Ministry in its annual report has said that the organisations had done a good job in implementing the government schemes and they would be encouraged in implementation of developmental schemes in coming years. The Ministry is working on four major schemes with the participation of voluntary organisations. They include grant to the organisations working for the welfare of the Vanvasis, literacy campaigns among Vanvasi women, running of vocational training centres and development of various Vanvasi communities. The report said that the fund granted to voluntary organisations in the first four years of the Tenth Plan was utilised hundred per cent”.

(REF: http://sewabharathi.wordpress.com/2006/07/)

The courage and fortitude displayed by the RSS cadres in erstwhile West Punjab (now Pakistan) has been movingly chronicled by (late) H.V. Seshadri in his poignant  ” The Tragic Story of Partition ” (2002). Suffice to state : ” Noted Gandhian and recipient of the highest civilian award in India, Bharat Ratna, Dr. Bhagwan Das commended the role of the “high-spirited and self-sacrificing boys” of the RSS in protecting the newly formed
Republic of India, from a planned coup to topple the Jawaharlal Nehru Administration in Delhi “.

During the Sino-Indian conflict of 1962, their service for the Nation, earned it an invitation from Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru to take part in the Republic day parade of 1963. It along with several other civilian organizations took part in the parade. Later in 1965 and 1971 Indo-Pak wars too, the RSS volunteers offered their services to maintain law and order of the country and were the first to donate blood.

Their ‘ High Water Mark ‘ was during the Emergency, imposed on India , by ‘Raul Vinci’s’ grandmother !! RSS, which was seen close to opposition leaders, and with its large organizational base was seen to have potential of organizing protests against the
Government, was also banned.  Police clamped down on the organization and thousands of its workers were imprisoned. The RSS defied the ban and thousands participated in Satyagraha (peaceful protests) against the ban and against the curtailment of fundamental rights. Later, when there was no letup, the volunteers of the RSS formed underground movements for the restoration of democracy. Literature that was censored in the media was clandestinely published and distributed on a large scale and funds were collected for the movement.  Networks were established between leaders of different political parties in the jail and outside for the coordination of the movement. ‘ The Economist ‘, London, described the movement as ” the only non-left revolutionary force in the world “. It said that the movement was “dominated by tens of thousands of RSS cadres, though more and more young recruits are coming”. Talking about its objectives it said ” its platform at the moment has only one plank: to bring democracy back to India”. The Emergency was lifted in 1977 and as a consequence the ban on the RSS too was lifted.

(REF: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rashtriya_Swayamsevak_Sangh)

But, to the ‘seculars’, RSS = ‘COMMUNAL’; ‘FASCIST’ etc. etc. !! ‘Incredible India’ !!

If the foregoing was not enough, here is ‘ news ‘ for ‘Old  Blightey ‘ !! A report by theagency IANS, entitled : ” RSS, Bajrang Dal are not terrorist groups: Britain “ of 19 Nov 2008, stated : “  LONDON: The British government has said neither the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) nor the Bajrang Dal are terrorist organisations and their members are not banned from entering Britain. ” The government do not consider the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh or the Bajrang Dal as terrorist organisations, ” British Minister of State for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office Lord Malloch-Brown told the House of Lords.  ” Neither organisation is proscribed in the UK or in India, nor do the Indian government  classify either as a terrorist organisation, ” Malloch-Brown said in reply to a question by former cabinet minister Lord Chris Patten “.

(REF: http://timesofindia .indiatimes. com/RSS_Bajrang_ Dal_not_terroris t_groups_ Britain/articles how/3730887. cms)

The ‘ Intellectual Kshatriya ‘, (late) Sita Ram Goel, in his monograph “
Perversion of India’s Political Parlance”, gives an interesting insight into the visit to a RSS Shakha by J.P. The rest, in Sita Ram Goel’s words :

” It was the summer of 1959, I was working as the secretary of an organization of which the late SHRI JAYAPRAKASH NARAYAN (J.P.) was the President. One day an RSS leader walked into my office. I had known him for a number of years. After some small talk, he suggested that I should request J.P. to visit an RSS camp which was being held in New Delhi at that time. J.P also happened to be in town. I was diffident about the proposition. Having worked with J.P. for more than a year, I sensed his preferences and prejudices. But I said to the RSS leader that I would do my best.”

” I broached the subject to J.P. next day as soon as I found him alone, which was a rare event. J.P. seemed to be stunned as if I had uttered an obscenity. There was an expression of disapproval on his face which made me too feel uncomfortable. He was a gentle person who seldom lost his temper. But now he seemed to be on the verge of exploding. The atmosphere became tense. For a few moments none of us could find words to break the spell of silence. – – – -. [and then] He did it in a moment, and said, ‘ Okay, you win. I am willing to visit the RSS camp. Make an appointment with them, and let me know. I hope tomorrow evening will suit them. Day after I am leaving Delhi.’

“ Next day he spent nearly two hours in the RSS camp, witnessing their mass drill, moved by the songs of devotion to the motherland, meeting and talking to their leaders, asking all sorts of questions, and offering his own comments. Finally, he sat on a chair facing a group of about hundred RSS workers from several parts of the country. The workers sat on the ground in row after row, stood up one by one to introduce themselves to their honoured guest of the evening. Each one of them told his name without mentioning any surname indicative of caste or community, his educational qualifications, the province from which he came, and years he had spent as a SWAYAMSEVAKA. I COULD SEE THAT J.P. WAS IMPRESSED.  His face which had been grim so far softened suddenly, and visibly. Most of the SWYAMSEVAKAS held graduate and post-graduate degrees in arts, commerce, or science.  All of them were between the ages of 20 and 35.“ On our way back, J.P. muttered as if talking to himself, ‘ They have a lot of young and disciplined workers. The workers are also highly educated. I NEVER KNEW THAT. In our socialist movement, most of our workers are not even matriculates.’ I kept quiet and waited for him to say something more. He made one more comment as we got out of the car at the end of our journey. He said, ‘ Sitaramji, I am grateful to you for helping me break down what looked like an insurmountable wall “.

So, J.P. = “COMMUNAL” !!

Be that as it may, what exactly is the ‘track record’ of the ‘shining knight in white armour’ as an M.P.? In a ‘revealing Article  “ Go figure: Development indicators in Gandhi pocket boroughs “,  in the Indian Express of May 05, 2009, the economist, Bibek Debroy wrote: ” Purulia, Amethi, Kalahandi and Rae Bareli –- these are India’s most backward regions by any criterion. The Congress-CPM face-off began with a Congress statement about Purulia being worse than Kalahandi, and the CPM brought in Amethi and Rae Bareli. Have these constituencies improved significantly over time? And what is the role of an MP in furthering this improvement? That is the question one should ask”.

And the answer !! ” Tracking progress from 2004 to 2008, what’s remarkable is poverty ratios have increased in Rae Bareli and Kalahandi, immunization of children has declined in Amethi, Rae Bareli and Kalahandi, percentage households with electricity connections has declined in Amethi, and per capita expenditure has declined in Amethi and Rae Bareli”.  ‘secular’ JAI HO !!!

(REF: http://www.indianex press.com/ news/go-figure- development- indicators- in-gandhi- pocket-boroughs/ 454856/)

Now, things start getting ‘interesting’ !! Over to Gurumurthy !!

A hard hitting Article, ” First family of Congress party is a target for probe : Who will probe first family’s billions? ” -  The New Indian Express,
30 April 2009 !!

Gurumurthy wrote : ” When it comes to the topic of funny money stashed in foreign banks, why has the Congress party observed a studied silence over the years, almost always ignoring charges levelled against the Gandhi family?

” The first family has other, perhaps bigger, reasons to worry, apart from about the Bofors slush money. Two more stunning exposures — but not as well-known as the Bofors scam — make the first family a target for investigation on slush money. Now on to the heart of the story which has three limbs “.

. The shocking exposure came from Switzerland itself. The most popular magazine of Switzerland, Schweizer Illustrierte, [dated November 11, 1991] did an expose of 14 politicians of developing nations who, it said, had stashed their bribes in Swiss banks. The title of the expose in German read “Fluchgelder — Die Schweizer Konten der Dictatoren”. In English it meant, “Curse of money — The Swiss bank accounts of the Dictators”. Rajiv Gandhi figured in the expose as one with slush funds in secret accounts. Schweizer Illustrierte is not some rag. It is the Number One Swiss magazine and sells some 2,10,000 copies. Its readership is 9,18,000 — some 15 per cent of Swiss adults. The magazine had mentioned specific amounts in secret Swiss accounts of different leaders with their pictures alongside “.

” SECOND: FAMILY BENEFITED FROM KGB, SAYS BOOK The second expose, Rajiv Gandhi figuring again, is that the first family of the Congress accepted political payoffs from the Russian spy outfit, the KGB. In a highly acclaimed book The State Within a State: The KGB and Its Hold on Russia-Past, Present, and Future by Yevgenia Albats, a journalist on Moscow News and Izvestia, the author writes: “A letter signed by Victor Chebrikov, who replaced Andropov as the KGB head in 1982, noted: the USSR KGB maintains contact with the son of the Premier Minister Rajiv Gandhi (of India). R Gandhi expresses deep gratitude
for the benefits accruing to the prime minister’s family from the commercial dealings of the firm he controls in co-operation with the Soviet Foreign trade organisations. R Gandhi reports confidentially that a substantial portion of the funds obtained through this channel are used to support the party of R Gandhi.” (p223). The author also cites the KGB letter and file reference. In Dr Swamy’s write-up on Sonia, KGB’s letter in Russian is attached at page 45 and its English translation at pages 43 and 44.The letter says that Rajiv Gandhi himself has admitted that “benefits” accrued to “the prime minister’s family” from commercial dealings through Russian co-operation. All major newspapers, The Hindu and Times of India included, had carried the expose on KGB payments “.

” THIRD: BOFORS SLUSH PAYOFF TO ‘Q’. Ottavio Quottrocchi, the star actor in the Bofors scam, is indistinguishable from Sonia’s family. His association with the family is as
old as Sonia’s. Even Sonia Gandhi cannot dispute that Q got the first instalment of $7.3 million out of the total bribe of $36.5 million (Three per cent of the contract value of $1.2 billion) due to his front company for swinging the gun deal for Bofors. The slush money of $7.3 million was traced to Q’s account by the CBI which got it frozen some 20 years ago. But when the law was closing in on Q in early 1990s, the Congress government stealthily allowed him to escape from India “.

(REF: http://expressbuzz.com/Opinion/Columnists/who-will-probe-first-familys-billions/62676.html)

Dr.Subramanian Swamy, in his ” Do You Know Your Sonia? “, wrote: ” After Sonia married Rajiv, she went about minting money with scant regard for Indian laws and treasures. Within a few years the Mainos went from utter poverty to billionaires. There was no area that was left out for the rip-off. On November 19, 1974, as fresh entrant to Parliament, I asked the then Prime Minister Ms. Indira Gandhi on the floor of the House if her daughter-in-law, Sonia Gandhi was acting as an insurance agent of a public sector insurance company [Oriental Fire & Insurance], giving the Prime Minister’s official residence as her business address, and using undue influence to insure all the officers of the PMO while remaining an Italian citizen [thus violating FERA]? There was uproar in Parliament, but Mrs. Indira Gandhi had no alternative but to cut her losses. She made a rare admission that it was so, and that it was by mistake, but that Sonia had resigned from her insurance agent status [after my question]. But Sonia was incorrigible. Her contempt for Indian law continued to manifest “.

” In January 1980, Indira Gandhi returned as Prime Minister. The first thing Sonia did was to enroll herself as a voter. This was a gross violation of the law, enough to cause cancellation of her visa [since she was admittedly an Italian citizen then]. There was some hullabaloo in the press about it, so the Delhi Chief Electoral Officer got her name deleted in 1982. But in January 1983, she again enrolled herself as a voter! Such is her revealed disdain for Indian laws and that is her mindset even today “.

” Some of this ill-gotten money from auction went into Rahul Gandhi’s National way into the Gandhi family account in the Bank of America in Cayman Islands. Rahul’s expenses and tuition fees for the one-year he was at Harvard, was paid from the Cayman Island account.
What kind of people are these Gandhi-Mainos that bite the very hand of Bharat Mata that fed them and gave them a good life? How can the nation trust such greedy thieves? “


Despite all these ‘allegations’, how come there is no case of ‘libel’ against Gurumurthy or Dr.Subramanian Swamy ?

And, here is some more on our ‘ lily white shining knight ‘ !!

The news agaency IANS, in a report of 08 Mar 2005, entitled : “ Rahul’s $2 mn encounter with FBI “, stated: ”

LUCKNOW: A suit has been filed in the high court here seeking information about the alleged detention of Congress MP Rahul Gandhi and his Colombian girlfriend by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in 2001. According to the public interest litigation, Gandhi, the son of Congress president Sonia Gandhi, and his companion were released after being detained at Boston airport following the intervention of the Prime Minister’s Office. ‘Vajpayee’s principal secretary and then national security adviser Brajesh Misra spoke to top US authorities to enable Rahul Gandhi and his girlfriend to get away,’ claimed Prem Chandra Sharma, who moved the court along with three others “.

” The petition alleged that Gandhi was found in illegal possession of about $200,000. And it was in that connection that the FBI had detained him along with his girlfriend Sep 21, 2001. The FBI was said to have sought an explanation about Gandhi’s possession of such a huge amount of money, which he was unable to provide, the petition said. The petition sought a writ of mandamus to the Indian ambassador to the US as well as the union home secretary to make a disclosure about the entire episode “.

(REF : http://intellibriefs.blogspot.com/2005/03/why-rahul-gandhi-was-detained-at.html)

Cash from the ‘Caymen Islands’??? !!!

Now, if the foregoing was not enough, Mr.B.G. Deshmukh, former Cabinet Secretary and later Principal Secretary, to Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, recounts an interesting episode in ‘Manio’ household, in his book : “A Cabinet Secretary Looks Back”  !! Here goes !!

“  That the PRIME MINISTER’S HOUSE (of Rajiv Gandhi) had access to funds from abroad, I became aware of in a very curious way. After Arjun Singh was shifted from the PMO to the Ministry of Defence, the cabinet secretary supervised the Prime Minister’s special security force in a rather loose fashion and I became associated with this. Sometime in October 1986 one of the security officers at 7 RACE COURSE ROAD said that two or three of them would be going to Italy within a couple of months for special trining. I was rather upset as I had neither seen nor cleared that prposal but Rajiv Gandhi said that this had been arranged by the Prime Minister’s House and ‘the Party would bear the expenses’. I was not at all happy as the security force was not for Rajiv Gandhi but for the Prime Minister of India  and, therefore, arrangements for its training and its expenses should be borne by
the government.———–” Rajiv Gandhi said that I should discuss and resolve this matter with Captain Satish Sharma. Satish Sharma said that Joshi,director of RAW, could  speak to a certain Italian, whom he named, and settle the details. When I asked who he was, he had a hearty laugh and said that Joshi would know him.  Joshi was more diplomatic and said it might have escaped my memory that this person was Rajiv Gandh’s in-law. Joshi came to me after a week with a curious follow up report. When his Geneva office asked the Italian gentleman to make arrangements to pick up the amount in US dollars he said that  Joshi himself should make arrangements to bring the amount in Italian currency and deliver it in Italy.Joshi was not at all happy with this as it would entail carrying about a quarter million US dollars in Italian currency in a big suitcase, which was sure to invite trouble. I told Joshi that I would clarify this. I told Rajiv Gandhi that the  arrangement suggested was not acceptable, specially because the amount asked for was so large. He flushed and told me to forget the whole affair. Later I learnt that the Prime  Minister’s House was asked to be more discreet with me.The security officers were not sent to Italy for training but an Italian expert came to India (of course he became rather unpopular with the security force for he would throw his weight around). I also realised that in the mughal-darbar-like functioning of the Gandhi’s I had committed the cardinal  sin of cross-checking with the king himself the message he conveyed to me through his aides.”
  (pp – 219/220)

But, for our shining knight,  RSS = SIMI !!

Raul Vinci’s  and other  ‘ secula r’ mindsets is best summed up, in the words of sociologist Ashis Nandy (a Christian) : ” The policies and actions of the Hindu nationalists may often have not been secular, but a part of their soul has always been. One example would be Nathuram Godse’s last testament in court, in which he repeatedly accuses Gandhi of flouting the canons of secular statecraft. The opponents of the Sangh Parivar, not finding any intellectually meaningful response to these anomalies, pretend as if they do not exist or paper them over with the help of trendy, imported theories of fundamentalism and religious extremism “.


And, as far as the ‘Congress & its Court Jesters’ go, what Sri Aurobindo told on 13 Sep 1906, holds true even today !! He stated: ” Ever since the birth of the Congress, those who have been in the leadership of this great National Movement, have persistently denied the general public in the country the right of determining what shall and what shall not be said or done on their behalf and in their name. The delegates have been gathered from all parts of the country, not to deliberate upon public matters, but simply to lend their support to the decisions that had already been arrived at by secret conclaves of half dozen men “.

(REF: ” India’s Rebith ” – pp-19)

But the ‘ORACLE’ speaks !!

‘Hyde Park – Speakers Corner’, translocated to Bhopal !!



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