Build a magnificent Ram Temple without being encumbered by a mosque – FHRS USA

published on September 30, 2010

Foundation of Hindu Religious Studies, USA PRESS RELEASE


We welcome the Honorable High Court’s verdict and the unambiguous decision that the Ram Janma Bhumi Mandir site is indeed the birthplace of Lord Ram and indeed a Hindu temple has existed there from time immemorial. We appeal to all decent and peace-loving people of faith in India to respect this High Court decision gracefully and participate along with Hindus in the construction of a magnificent Ram temple.

We also note that the High Court has allowed three months status quo period to allow the parties to consider appeal. We hope that the leaders of the Muslim community in India will behave in a dignified manner and not insist on demanding restoration of an Islamic triumphalist structure that was built by colonial invaders from abroad on the demolished remains of the original Ram Temple. If this matter is further litigated, it will generate further ill-will towards more than one billion practicing Hindus world-wide. There is no reason to demand building a mosque on the birth-place of Lord Ram where an ancient Hindu Temple had existed from time immemorial. The Islamic community in India should not identify with the atrocities committed by invading foreigners from Central Asia who had no respect for and understanding of Hindu tolerance. Further fruitless litigation and unnecessary appeals to Supreme Court will hurt the feelings of more than one billion Hindus worldwide.

We appeal to the Government of India to immediately bring a parliamentary legislation to build a magnificent Ram Temple without being encumbered by a mosque akin to reconstruction of Somnath Temple in Gujarat after independence. We believe that the religious rights of Hindus should not be sacrificed on the altar of a peculiar concept of further victimization of the victims. The Ram temple needs to be built immediately without the mosque on the Ram Janam Bhumi site. We need to remember that justice delayed is justice denied. Hindus are only asking for justice and their rights peacefully.

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