Brilliant Launch for ‘Janmabhumi Amritha Readership Programme’ in Kollam

published on July 3, 2012

Kundara: The ‘Janmabhumi Amritha Readership Programme’ witnessed a brilliant launch in Kollam. The programme that was held at the NSS higher Secondary School, Ilamballoor, Kollam was inaugurated by M Unnikrishnan, RSS Mahanagar Sanghchalak, Kollam.

“When contemporary media publications are turning out to be mere commercial pieces, with the sole aim of profitable sale, Janmabhumi has always adhered to its prime aspect: culture and principles,” said M Unnikrishnan. He reiterated that through its programmes that insist on enhanced reading habit, Janmabhumi can be instrumental in carving out an entirely new perspective of life. He added that the readership programme is being implemented with a target of 100 schools in the district.

The programme was presided over B Anil Kumar, school Principal and Higher Secondary District Coordinator. Others who spoke at the occasion were Headmaster John Varghese, former President of Mid-Town Rotary Club, Kundra P Antony. Antony also stated that a reading competition will be conducted for students as part of the readership programme. The programme will be held based on Janmabhumi’s editorial and ‘Samskrithi’ page. Competitions will be held by the end of academic year. The prizes will be sponsored by Rotary Club, Kundara.

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