Bouquest For Jihadi Murderers and Bullets for Innocent Victims

via Dr Babu Suseelan published on November 27, 2009

When Jihadi murderer from Pakistan was arrested for killing hundreds of innocent people in Mumbai on November 26, 2008, it looked like the case of justice had scored another victory. His trail, it seemed would be a mere formality. Yet Indian police, judiciary and criminal justice system is grotesquely long and inefficient. Instead of criminal liability for the heinous crime, Indian judicial system considers the presumption of innocence until proven guilty even if the criminal admits his guilt. We cannot expect anything better from Indian criminal courts.

Indian Tax Payer’s earned income is wasted on saving Jihadi murderers like Pakistan born Islamic murder Kasab and other Desa Drohis. Maharashtra government is spending more than 8 lakhs of rupees per day to keep Jihadi killer in luxury conditions at the prison. More than 31 cores of rupees have been sent since he was arrested last year.

The Jihadi terrorist favoring misguided policy of the Sonia government to treat murderers as victims is the main reason for long delay in administering justice.  The government role is to nurture, protect and provide luxury living conditions for Jihadi murderers no matter the circumstances. The government is willing to spend enormous amount of money to provide five star living conditions to Jihadi terrorists so their rights will not be snuffed out by the police and the criminal justice administration. Jihadi terrorists in India get unlimited legal representation and special privileges. In several cases, government refuses to implement Supreme Court verdict for fear of offending organized Islamic thugs. In the parliament attack case, the culprit is still enjoying his life in New Delhi correctional Institution. As a result, Islam crazed Jihadis are free to continue their “kill for Thrill game” without fear, guilt or shame. Since the Sonia government took power, crime, violence, burglary, murder, sabotage, home invasion, contract killing, train and bus burring, rape and drug sales are on the increase. They continue to soar in every state.

Spending on police investigation, criminal justice administration, judiciary, and intelligence agencies is on the increase year after year. Despite Jihadi terrorists are free to roam every nook and corner of the country planning for the next terrorist attack.  Without significant apprehension of Pakistan trained Islamist terrorists and their hidden Jihadi agents in India, Jihadi murderers are free to commit heinous crimes in India at free will.

By redefining Islamic murderers as innocent victims of circumstances, the government is misguiding the public and putting pressure on judiciary and it is costing tax payers dearly. Currently Indian system provides more rights and privileges to Jihadi terrorists and Islamic hoodlums.

Sonia government’s utopian dreams of rehabilitating Jihadi terrorists are a nightmare. These Jihadi terrorists trained and deployed by Pakistan commit heinous crimes without fear, guilt or shame. They are willing to kill and get killed in the name of Islam. The phony dreams of rehabilitating born Jihadi murderers amounted to providing bouquet for murderers and bullets to innocent public.

India has inefficient intelligence system, weak judiciary, corrupt police, spineless political leaders and frightened public.  Under the Sonia government Jiahdi criminals have more rights displacing the concept of “Law and Order”. The victims and the fearful general public are puzzled by the idea that Jihadi murderers are protected and offered privileges and legal representation at tax payers’ expense.  Another part of the problem is the increasing game of vote bank politics where protection of Jihadi murders has become the centerpiece of vote Bank politics. This game has been played in Air India bombing, Ghodra Train burning, Bus Burning in Kochi, Coimbatore Bombing, Murder and destruction at the Parliament building, RSS head quarters bombing in Chennai, Akshradham temple Massacre and Mumbai Terrorist killing.

The general public should call for a reassessment of Vote bank Politics where Jiahdi criminals can smile and seek out innocent victims. Making matters worse, policy analysts doubt the police and the judiciary system is doing what it is intended to do. Instead of punishing Jihadi criminals for their heinous crimes they are provided more privileges. Jihadi criminals who are serving time in correctional institutions are frequently visited by leading Politicians, provided special privileges, cell phone, special foods and early release.

It is treason. India cannot survive treason from within. Corrupt politicians and politically appointed Judges are more interested in twisting the laws to advance Jihadi criminal offenders. They compromise our safety, security and life. What are most saddening are the media support and the endorsement of pseudo secularists and Marxists for the Jihadis.  They want citizens to compromise with Islamic terrorists, Violent Maoists and common criminals. Doesn’t life require compromise? If we compromise with Jihadi murderers, what value did the murderer offer us in return? Can we compromise with life and death?  What the bogus secularists and Marxists are doing is moral treason. They are offering Bouquet to Jihadi murderers and bullet to innocent citizens. It is the biggest threat to our freedom, culture and social life. If the majority refuses to wake from their apathy and indifference and resist corrupt politician’s war on our values, they can really drag us down the road to degeneracy.

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