BMS – Calm,Persistent-Is the strongest

via HK published on February 19, 2007

New Delhi:As per the latest verification report prepared by the Central Labour Commissioner Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh (BMS), the labour force of Sangh Pariwar retains it’s top position.A huge increase in the membership has been noted in the case of BMS since 1996.BMS has added 33 lakh members to its 1996 strength of 27 lakh.


BMS is much ahead of it’s opponents in national arena like INTUC and AITUC.CPI(M) supported CITU is not at all in the National picture.BMS is strong in all the industry oriented states in the country while CITU is prominent in Industry backward states like Kerala,Tripura and West Bengal.


There is a steady growth in the Kerala BMS unit as well compared to yester years.The day is not far where the people of Kerala lash out this curse of the state CITU from it’s soil and work  

together for the development of the state under BMS.

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