BJP’s Disservive to the Nation

via Naveen - published on September 23, 2011

Over the last three days the Gujarat government under the leadership of Sri Narendra Modi conducted a unique programme called the “Sadbhavana Mission”. The star attraction of this mission Mr.Modi sat on a 3day fast to spread the word pf peace, harmony & brotherhood amongst all. This programme was designed in the back drop of supreme court verdict on One of the Godhra riots case which was investigated by a SIT Team & an Amicus Curiae into the allegations leveled against Mr.Modi & 62others by the victim & an NGO. The court did not find any irregularities in the investigations & has asked the complainants to go back to the trial court for further hearing. This verdict is very unique given the constant allegations by some NGO’s against the investion team & Gujarat judiciary being hijacked by Modi & his government. In this backdrop it is certainly a great victory for Narendra Modi & his administration who have allowed the investigations & judiciary to carry on their work without any provocations or interference from him or his govt. By asking the Complainants to go back to Gujarat courts for further hearing/justice the supreme court has vindicated the stand of Modi , that if there is any evidence of criminal culpability on him or his government he is ready to face the music.

Mr.Modi on his part has never reacted to any of the allegations leveled by the media & some vested interests in the last 10yrs. His silence has been interpreted as arrogance by one and all but he remained calm & poised. None of the hatred shown by political parties, media , NGO’s & to a matter of fact some detractors in his own party BJP stopped him from continuing to work tirelessly for the growth and development of Gujarat. In these 10 testing years Modi has won three elections & ensured that the state of Gujarat reached the number 1 status on all growth parameters in comparison to any other state in the country. The Delhi media & the intelligentsia has always turned a blind eye to the developments in Gujarat & they purposefully chose to stay back in 2002 while Gujarat & its people moved on very rapidly. There are enough articles & blog posts available in the public domain for people to understand & make a comparative analysis of how the justice system worked post riots in the country. The data will definitely show that it was much much better in Gujarat. That said if tomorrow the judiciary which till date has no case or evidence against Modi’s of criminal culpability, does find evidence then like Modi himself said “Hang him”. Till then it will be in the best interest of victims who are awaiting justice the media,NGO’s and vested interests should stop their anti Modi campaign & thereby disturb/obstruct the judiciary process.

In the wake of the above backdrop Mr.Modi chose this opportunity where the supreme court reposed faith in the judiciary of Gujarat to make a strong statement and answer his critics. He took up the fast on 17th September morning under the umbrella of Sadbhavana & in his opening remarks highlighted how Gujarat made good progress in every sphere in spite of he being under constant pressure and scrutiny by the people who hate him. He said every stone that was thrown at him & his govt was picked up & used as a ladder towards the path of development. He said he will make some statement at the end of his fast on the 3rd day & he sat down. For the next three days we saw this man sitting on the dias, smiling, waving,shacking hands with people who wished him. He did speak to media after 9pm on the 1st day individually answering their questions. The people have watched these interviews & have noticed the difference between what he had to say & what the media said all these days. What was interesting was that Barring a few channels the media by and large went back to twisting his words & had their own interpretations of what he said. This is by no means anything new or surprising to Modi & the Gujarat story in the last decade. During the course of 3days we have seen many leaders from all over the country from BJP came and showed their support & solidarity with the man. I really doubt how many actually knew what Modi was upto with this Sadbhavana fast and This was very conspicuous by what they spoke & their body language. And then there were those who wholeheartedly said in clear words that they would like to see him lead the country.

Mr.Modi just smiled and never reacted to any overtures from his own party men from across the country. With representatives of AIADMK,RPI,MNS,SAD also showing support with their presence at the fast Mr.Modi answered his critics about his ability to get allies for a national alliance. In his final speech on the 3rd day evening after ending his fast Mr.Modi in his own style answered his critics by showing examples from the fast & past 10yrs of governance. The following points highlight his final speech to my understanding……

1.”The Sadbhavana mission was highly successful beyond many people’s expectations because Gujarati’s who benefited from the development turned up in large numbers irrespective of their identity”.

2.”Inspite of having faced challenging situations like riots & natural calamities Gujarat progressed & developed much faster 7 better than any other state in the country because they dreamed to do big & achieved it”.

3.”The rest of states & the governments at the center lack big ideas & vision to dream big & hence we have a dismal growth across the country in comparison”.This is a serious challenge thrown open by Modi to the govts in Delhi and they will have to answer very soon.

4.”Modi made it very clear that he neither in favor of minorities nor the majority. All that he& his govt knows & work for is the 6crore people of Gujarat”. This is one template which has brought in communal harmony in Gujarat & must be replicated everywhere in the country.

5.”He said he had risked his govt & his party BJP chances in elections by not supporting the vote bank politics practiced by congress & other parties”.

6.”Modi succeeded without vote bank politics because his vision was from the aspirations of each & every person of the 6cr Gujarati’s”.

7.”He attributed his success to the people of Gujarat who realized their dreams of a progressive future by participating in the development story”.

8.”His subtle message to congress was to look beyond vote bank politics & dream big for the nation. He said they wasted 6decades by indulging in appeasement & vote bank politics.

9.”He said each & every person(6cr) in Gujarat are game changers unlike the media describing Rahul Gandhi one off appearances & speeches in parliament as game changer.

10.”To take Gujarat to even greater heights he would now want to do a one day Sadbhavana fast in every district of Gujarat”.

11.”Any big ideas if conceived with national interest taking all sections of people together will always be a great success.

Taking a cue from the above points Narendra Modi hit back at his critics by asking them to see this fast , Sadbhavana Mission from a national interest & not as political gimmickry. Those who want to stay back in 2002 & vent their anger will remain there while Gujarat will move on to newer & greater heights. This to my mind is the ideal template for the country now & I personally feel a man who has such great vision & clarity like Mr.Modi should play a very important role in our country & not just the state of Gujarat………………

“Sadbhavana Mission” in National Interest

The three day “Sadbhavana Mission” of Narendra Modi was a grand success for the government of Gujarat & BJP in particular. In my first part on this subject i have explained in detail my views on why the Sadbhavana fast was important for Modi & the state of Gujarat. In this post i look at how the nation & BJP in particular can make use of this template for a better & prosperous governance in the country. The current UPA government at the center, run by the congress has failed to deliver on all accounts is a well known fact. The number of scandals & abuse of all institutions has crossed all limits. This has resulted in creating a great deal of anger in the general public of this country. Our country which still has 40% of BPL population has not been able to cope with spiraling price rise in all commodities because of high inflation. The regressive appeasement politics of the UPA has further drained the countries coffers & the common man is left to his destiny. The BJP though has been very proactive & vocal about the UPA misgovernance, it failed to catch the public attention. This paved way for the so called self righteous civil society agitations under the leadership of Anna Hazare & an anti corruption drive by the Yoga Guru Baba Ramdev. How these two fared & the political fall outs of these two movements is well known to all.

Back to Sadbhavana Mission, in his closing remarks Mr.Modi emphasized on the need to ponder as to why Anna Hazare & Baba Ramdev anti corruption movements gained a lot of support from common man. He goes on to say

    “The common man is frustrated with the happening in the country & he is feeling worried & alienated. The common man needed a space to vent his anger & in search of support for him he joins a movement like Anna’s with a hope that he will get a way out of these troubles”.

He also reminded us that this is not the first time such things have happened. Almost every decade India has seen such people’s movement for one cause or the other. The first reason he gives for peoples dejection every now & then is because everything in our country is looked at as Rajneeti, while what is needed is Rashtraneeti. The whole developed world criticizes India for not dreaming big in spite of such huge numbers of young population. Per Modi this is the root cause of all the problems this country has faced in the last 6 decades. As a part of his Rashtraneeti the first big idea he conceived & achieved was to bring all the 6cr Gujarati’s under one umbrella. Now what does Modi mean by bringing all 6cr Gujarati’s under one umbrella? When the Sachar Committee visited Modi & asked him what are benefits & programmes offered to the minorities by the Gujarat Government, Much to the shock & dismay Modi replied to them in Negative. Mr.Modi said to the Sachar that neither Minorities nor the majority gets any special preference or programmes. All the programmes undertaken by the Government are conceived taking into consideration the aspirations of 6cr Gujarati’s & thats been the secret of his Governments success in implementing the development programmes.

Modi’s Mantra of “Appeasement for none & development for all” should be carried across to all parts of the country. A person who was widely hated post 2002 riots just because he belonged to a Hindu right wing party is today the most popular CM’s of the country & his own state has shown faith in him for his actions by keeping him in power for a decade now. This is what the country wanted to see & hear when scam after scam of UPA was unearthed by CVC,CAG,RTI activists & some Journalists. The country missed a leader like Modi who could speak the language which gives confidence to the common man with big ticket ideas. Dont know how many of you observed, we have been going through anti corruption movement in last 2months but at “Sadbhavana Mission” there was nothing to talk or say about anti corruption. All the three days the speeches made by various leaders who came to support Modi had only time to talk of the success stories & positive developments. While the whole country is reeling under the spell of anti corruption, Gujarat remained insulated. This proves a point that the message of “Appeasement for none & development for all” and the Big ticket ideas for development of the state must be a national agenda now. It is not enough to expose other wrong doings or misgivings, we should be able to give better alternatives. Inspite of so much hate campaign against him & his government , Narendra Modi did not budge/succumb. He took all the allegations & criticism in his stride silently without reacting to anyone. He with all humiliation meted out to him he carried on with peoples aspirations as the only one point agenda there by ensuring the state of Gujarat as a model for governance.

In my honest opinion the BJP has done a great disservice to the party & the country by limiting the role of its Chief Ministers just to the state they are in power. Apart from Modi people like Raman Singh, Shivraj Singh Chauhan, Sushil Modi have been doing wonderful work in their states. The development in BJP ruled states is much much better than any other state in the country today. The Central leadership of BJP must give greater role for all its performing Chief ministers in the national issues. Some of the ideas & programmes that these people have successfully implemented should be showcased & proposed as a National template for governance. Leaders like Modi must have a role to play in the central leadership. The young India looks for actions & that too credible ones. Leaders like Modi have shown the way in Gujarat with their innovative ideas. I have no doubt in my mind that Narendra Modi will again win in the 2012 battle(elections) in the people’s court. The Sadbhavana Mission has invoked a big ticket national debate & while Modi is taking it to every district in Gujarat, The BJP should ask all its CM’s to take forward the message of Sadbhavana in their states to start with. Its now upto BJP to reap the dividends of the Sadbhavana Mission success across the country by asking its leaders to do similar exercise everywhere. The happiness & hope one saw in the faces of people in Gandhinagar can be a national reality……………………………………..

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