BJP is a Party with Difference – Analysis of an “Aam Aadmi”

published on April 8, 2009

by Sudipto Das – Courtesy- Friends of BJP

I’m now travelling across Uttarakhand on a vacation. I wanted to be
away from computers and emails for the entire duration of fourteen
days. But then I’ve experienced something so interesting yesterday on
my way from Delhi to Naukuchiatal, a place near Nainital in
Uttarakhand, that I couldn’t resist sharing this with the readers of
“Friends of BJP”.

Just after leaving Delhi on a hired car, I started talking to our
driver for the entire trip. Each vacation that I take is something like
a realization and learning experience for me. I always want to know
more about the local culture, cuisine and the sentiments and emotions
of the people. Apart from seeing the new places I always feel
enlightened to mix with the people around me. Our driver, Prakash,
hailing from Himachal, seemed to be a very well informed and aware
person. I can’t remember how exactly the discussions turned towards
politics, but within the first hundred kilometres from Delhi we’re
already discussing about Mayawati – might be because we’re travelling
through UP. I asked him whether he likes Mayawati. Without giving a
direct answer, he started saying that things seem to have deteriorated
under Mayamati – cases of hooliganism (goondagarti) seems to have
increased substantially, development seems to have ceased and many more
things. But then he also mentioned that she does have a fair chance to
become the next Prime Minister. That was quite a contradictory
statement, provided the fact that he feels Mayamati hasn’t improved
anything in UP. But then his explanation was an eye opener for me. It
was quite surprising to have come from a driver. Had this kind of
analysis come from Prannoy Roy or Barkha Dutt I won’t have been
surprised. But coming from a driver, whom we might categorize as an
‘Aam Aadmi’ was indeed very interesting.

His analysis was very simple. Mayamati has understood the psyche of
the people. She knows very well that illiterate people in UP won’t
appreciate the long term impact of making roads, setting up industries
or colleges. For a really poor villager all these things don’t have any
meaning as long as they see a direct impact of these in their lives. On
the contrary if a politician does a petty thing like getting a really
low paying job even for one villager or help someone (even through
illegally means) in constructing his house or getting a water line for
someone, even that becomes more important than making roads and setting
up of industries which can create employment for so many people. Out of
1000 people even if a single person is benefitted he can influence the
remaining 999 people by arousing a false hope that the same politician
might do the same for themselves. That’s exactly what keeps Mayawati
winning – by giving a false sense of security and hope. I was already
quite amazed with this level of analysis. But what came next from him
just bowled me off. He kept on saying, “Just see how much work BJP
does. Where ever they go they make roads, setup so many industries and
most importantly they setup educational institutions. But common people
in the villages never see the long term impact of this”. That’s what he
feels is the main reason why in spite of doing so much development BJP
still fails to win elections. It should be noted that his scope of
knowledge is limited to Delhi, UP, Haryana, Punjab and, to some extent,

We’d started from Delhi at around 11:30am and by 4:30pm we’d covered
the entire stretch of route through UP and entered into Uttarakhand, a
BJP ruled state. The first place was Udham Singh Nagar – the erstwhile
Rudranagar which has been rechristened recently. The industrial town of
Pantnagar is also nearby. Immediately after entering into Uttarakhand
the condition of the roads improved. It was just a coincidence that,
due to the proximity to Pantnagar, there were a number of industries
all around us alongside the road. But our driver pointed to all those
factories and told me, “That’s what BJP does where ever they go”.

Well, I don’t want to elaborate anything more. I think I’m able to
give the message that I wanted to give – well, not my message but the
message from our driver, an ‘Aam Aadmi’.

He would be with me for the next 12 days and I hope to learn more from him.


Moral of the story: Literate and Urban crowd who can appreciate all these development please come out and vote .Remember
there was only one doordarshan, Atalji’s NDA government introduced
prasar bharathi and now we have countless channels..Its a mystery that
they are against BJP who gave them the right to work in India .Remember those days when we need to wait for year for a phone connection, now even aam aadmi has a cell phone.
those days when we need to travel on village type roads and see the
world class Golden Quadilateral introduced by Atalji, which will beat
foreign highways..

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