Bhagat Singh died for nationalism, not communism

via Dipin Damodharan published on March 23, 2011

On this day (Mar 23) entire Bharat is commemorating the heroic sacrifice made by three young patriots on 23 Mar, 1931. Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru gladly kissed the gallows on this day by singing the song that praises their motherland Bharat.

After long 79 years of their execution we are still debating on the legacy of this revolutionary patriot. For all of us, the chronicle of Bhagat Singh is a source of inspiration in serving Bharat Bhavani.

To my knowledge he sacrificed his precious life for a noble cause, for the liberation of Bharat from the invaders, for nationalism. Undoubtedly Bhagat’s legacy belongs to every Bharati.

But for the communists (experts in transforming sheep to dog), he died for communism and not for nationalism. They are incessantly advocating Bhagat as their poster boy, for several years they have been using Goebalsian tricks to claim Bhagat’s legacy.

They are injecting fake stories about Bhagat into the blood of youth who are ignorant about Bharat’s history. Discarding the historical facts, the communists become angry with the Sangh inspired organizations for propagating Bhagat’s ideals.

The communists’ ideologues conveniently ignoring the truth that the roots of Bhagat Singh’s ideology lie in the very concept of Hindu Rashtra. To figure out the ideology of this extraordinary patriot we have to go through some crucial stages of the 23 year long Bhagat’s life.

Bhagat was born into a family of patriots, who were the staunch followers of Arya Samaj. His grandfather Arjun was an activist of Arya Samaj, father Kishan Singh and Uncle Ajith Singh were members of Ghadar party, founded in US intended to hurl out the British rule in Bharat.

The habitual argument of Marxists is that Bhagat was an atheist; he was not a believer of idol worship, so he has nothing to do with Hindutva.

I remind the pseudo historians that during the younger days Bhagat was guided by the philosophy of Arya Samaj founded by Swami Dayanand Sarawati. Arya Samaj is a patriotic organization formed to fight against social inequality and to inculcate patriotism in youth. The Samaj are against idol worship, they believe only in the supremacy of Vedas.

Obviously Bhagat happened to be a follower of this view and turned out to be a fierce nationalist.

Also, Bhagat studied in Dayanand Anglo Vedic School and later in the National College of Lahore (founded by hard nationalists Lala Lajpat Rai and Bhai Parmanand).

The second stage was Bhagat’s association with revolutionary patriots and nationalist organizations. In many instances Bhagat openly expressed that he was inspired by the sagas of two great patriots Chatrapati Shivaji and Maharana Pratap.

In Bharat, the Communist Party was officially formed in 1925 but till his death Bhagat was never a member of this party. Bhagat encultured the primary lessons of politics from Scheendranath Sanyal, the founder of HRA (Hindustan Republican Association) and not from any communist.

The purpose of HRA was to create a Federative Republic of Indian States rooted in the ideology of Sanathan Dharma.

Later the organization was renamed as HSRA (Hindustan Socialist Republican Association) under the leadership of Bhagat Singh and Azad to unify the revolutionary movements all over the country.

Bhagat’s close associates, Rama Prasad Bismil (an Arya Samajist and pracharak of Hindu Rashtra), Chandra Shekar Azad, Mohammed Ashfaqullah Khan were all followers of Sanathan dharma.

The third stage was his association with Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh. Bhagat’s concept was firmly rooted in the ancient culture and tradition of Bharat. Bhagat came to know about the activities of Sangh through Shivram Rajguru, an active Swayamsevak (Maharashtra) and his comrade in HSRA.

He is very anxious to know about Dr Hedgewar (Doctorji) and the functioning of Sangh. Once, he shared his great respect towards Doctorji with Rajguru.

After the assassination of Saunders in 1928 (by Bhagat and Rajguru), Bhagat advised Rajguru to seek help from Doctorji for a shelter and he sent Raj to Nagpur, where the RSS head office located.

Thus his vision is parallel to that of the Akhant Bharat Sankalp of RSS. But unfortunately Bhagat’s ideals are misinterpreted by the Communists to achieve their vested interests.

So my dear young comrades, that sacrifice is for nationalism; not for the alien ideology of communism. Let us pay our tribute to the great son of Bharatmaa.

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