Bhagat Singh – A tribute to the extra ordinary patriot

published on December 25, 2009

Revolution is an inalienable right of mankind.Freedom is an imperishable birh right of all-Bhagat Singh

On March 23 1931,three young patriots sacrificed their precious lives at the altar of the motherland.The rashtrasevaks-Baghat Singh, Shivram Rajguru and Sukhdev- had died with the mantra of vandemataram on their lips in their valiant struggle against British imperialism.It is easy to talk but very difficult to serve the country. Those who have ventured to serving the motherland have had to pass through bitter experiences.The painful lives of these patriots are very difficult to explain. Sometimes we may not find the stories of these dedicated rashtrasevaks in our history textbooks written by pseudohistorians.

Bhagat Singh gave a new dimension to the revolutionary movement in the independence struggle of Bharat.Some historians pointed out that his popularity was more than that of Gandhiji during the time of his execution.Bhagat Singh was born on September 27 1907,to Sardar Kishan Singh and Vidyavati, at the village of Khatkarkalan near Banga in Lyallpur,Punjab.He born into a family of freedom fighters. His grandfather Arjun was an activist of Arya Samaj and his father Kishan Singh and uncle Ajith Singh were members of Ghadar party, founded in US aimed to throw away British rule in Bharat. The execution of valiant freedom fighter and Ghadar party activist Kartar Singh Sarabha, at the age of 19, by the British made a deep inpression on youngh Bhagat’s mind.

Bhagat was brought up in a politically tensed state of Punjab which witnessed the brutal Jallian Walla Bagh massacre in April 13,1919. As a child of 19, Bhagat went to the Jallian Walla Park and collect the soil from the spot in his lunch box.Afer that he vowed a pledge to dedicate his life for Bharatmaa.

Bhagat was studied in Dayanand Anglo Vedic School and later in the National College of Lahore.National College had been established by Lala Lajpat Rai and Bhai Parmanand for those who had been left their institution to join the national movement.At the National College, Bhagat came into contact with highly commited teachers like Prof Jayachandra Vidyalankar, Prof P C Mehta, C R Gupta etc. The nationalist thoughts of the Professors in the National College especially Prof Jayachandra Vidyalankar had profound influence on Bhagat Singh.
Prof Vidyalankar had introduced Bhagat to Scheendranath Sanyal, a great revolutionary and founder of HRA(Hidustan Repubican Association).

 Bhagat had learned the primary lessons of politics from Sanyal and found his political role model in him.Bhagat became a member of HRA in 1924. The platform of HRA had given him the opportunity to associate with revolutionary patriots like Pandit Ramaprasad Bismil(An Arya samaj activist and a pracharak of Hindu Rashtra), Chandra Shekar Azad, Mohammed Ashfaqullah Khan and Rajendra Lahiri.The objective of HRA was to create a Federaive Republic of Indian States based on the ideolgy of Sanathan Dharma.Later the organisation was renamed as HSRA(Hindustan Socialist Republican Association)under the leadership of Bhagat Singh and Azad inorder to unify the revolutionary movements all over the country. In 1926 Bhagat formed another revolutionary organisation called Naujawan Bharat Sabha in Lahore.

The non-violent protest of national leaders against the Simon Commission on October30, 1928 were supressed by the British Police. This resulted in the death of Lala Lajpat Rai. On December 7, 1828, with the help of Azad and Jaigopal, Bhagat and Rajguru assasinated police official J P saunders to avenge the death of Lalaji.

The British Government suppressed the revolutionary movement with black laws and a policy of oppression. HSRA decided to throw bombs in the Central Assembly when the inhuman bills- the public safety bill and the trade dispute bill- were presented.0n April 8 1929, Bhagat and Batkeshwar Dutt threw a bomb on to the corridors of the assembly by raising the slogan Long live revolution;Down with imperialism. Bhagat and Dutt were sentenced to transportation for life. Subsequently The Brirish came to know about the role of Bhagat Singh in Saunders murder case(the case was known as Lahore conspiracy case). Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru were sentenced to Capital punishment for Lahore conspiracy case.

On March 23 1931, Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev were hanged in Lahore jail and their bodies were cremated at Hussainiwala on the banks of Sutlej river.

Bhagat Singh was a revolutionary ahead of his times. By revolution he means the present order of things which is based on manifest injustice must change. Bhagat’s cocept was firmly rooted in the ancient culture and tradition of Bharat.So his vision is parallel to that of the akhantBharat sankalp of RSS(Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh).

Moreover he had been a wellwisher of RSS and an admirer of Dr.Hedgewar. Bhagat came to know about the activities of Sangh through his friend Rajguru, an active swayamsevak and his comrade in HSRA.Bhagat Singh influenced generations in a short lifespan of 23 years. For him death for the country was bliss. The incredible story of this extraordinary patriot is a fillip to all people who are serving the Bharat Bhavani by upholding the mantra :

Janani janma bhumishcha swargatapi gareeyasi
(Mother and Motherland are sacred than heaven)

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