Betrayal of the Congress Party

via Dr. Babu Suseelan published on February 6, 2008

The general crisis that has overtaken India everywhere and in almost every sphere of life manifests itself differently involving different states on different forms. One of the most serious dangers is the recurring growth of Jihadi terrorist groups in different areas. To be sure, no great talent is required to detect the dangers of Pakistan inspired Islamic terrorism, coercive religious conversion, subversive activities of Maoist groups, Naxalite criminal gang, people War group, Christian Naga Rebels, and Muslim NDF and PDP terror groups.

The seriousness of the trouble has been intensified by the indifference, denial, apathy and neglect of the Congress government directed by the Italian Catholic Sonia. The Sonia government failed miserably to consider and tackle these dangerous crises as seriously as it deserves. The proliferation of Jihadi terrorist groups, subversive organizations, disruptive foreign funded nongovernmental organizations in India pose serious threats to our safety, security and freedom of every citizen. The Congress government’s refusal to acknowledge and failure to prevent such operations could affect national security, safety and freedom of every citizen.

The apathy, denial and indifference are connected with the larger issue of Congress Party’s betrayal of India’s safety, security and integrity. One can imagine the danger presented by the unstable social-political-economic-psychological state of India. We have no guarantee today that some Jihadi terrorist or Evangelical Missionary representative knocks at our door.

The Indian Congress Party is guilty of willful failure to defend the country from Jihadi terrorists, Evangelical Missionary agents, and subversive activities of foreign inspired, funded, and directed criminal organizations. The Congress Party’s wrongheaded policies are affecting India’s national security, social cohesion and progress. The misguided Congress leaders have squandered our wealth, destroyed our culture, promoted subversion, encouraged social crisis and division, promoted religious conversion, and destroyed spiritual bonds that connects our social fabric. The Congress government’s policies and domestic programs are designed to promoting Islamic subversive groups and anti national elements.

Congress Party President Sonia, her son Rahul Gandhi, AICC General Secretary and her coterie are unable to grasp the socio-political-economic-security, reality of the world or have any interest in learning. The recent detection of Pakistan directed Jihadi terrorism training camps in Karnataka and continuing turmoil in Kashmir, Assam, Nagaland and Meghalaya and alarming increase in attacks against civilian targets by Maoist groups have raised serious concerns about the prospects of national security.

The Congress Party has tried to paint a brighter picture of India by trumpeting the number of Indians in the Forbes list. The Forbes list does nothing to affect living conditions of millions of Indians. Worse, the rearming of Pakistan and China, broader incursion of Chinese army, Kargill invasion and continuing subversive activities by foreign funded subversive groups in different states are not subject of policy priority for the ruling Congress Party. While Pakistan and China are embarked on a major strategic nuclear modernization program, India is spending more money for Muslims and Christians and for globe totting Congress Party legislative leaders.

Congress government’s communal budgeting to divert cores of tax payer money on programs that rewards Muslims and Christians is not to advance any strategic national interest or goals. Instead of financing social, educational and social services for its citizens, the Congress government has no problem in increasing Hajj subsidy and special funds for madrasa education for Muslims. The Congress government also has deliberately cut down national budget for security and intelligence operations as well as from infrastructure development to save cores of rupees for special programs for Muslims and Christians. They deliberately ignore, playing down, or cover up dangerous Islamic terrorist groups and psychological warfare operations being waged against Hindus by Evangelical Christian Missionaries. Congress Party’s engagement policies with Muslims and Christians are based on the notion that the Government will turn a blind eye to Islamic terrorists, conversion gangs, if Muslims and Christians vote for the Congress Party. The more the Congress government looks the other way on dangerous activities by the Jihadis, subversive groups, missionary gangs, the more brazen the anti-national groups have become in their efforts to destabilize our nation.

Muslims and anti-national subversive groups are banking on the fact that the Congress party with a dwindling ability to national security as the best friend. By any measure, the appeasement policy, and cooperation with Jihadis for political reason has been a huge failure with potentially disastrous results for Indian national security. Nationalist leaders and efficient security experts were pushed aside by the corrupt Congress leaders. The Congress Party even appointed an antinational Muslim League leader as State Minister for Foreign affairs to deal sensitive foreign affairs with hostile Pakistan and various Islamic states. The State Minister Ahmed had taken steps to place Muslim League leaders and their cronies in top sensitive posts. By coddling Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, he was successful in collecting millions of dollar for Jihadi groups operating in India.

Because of the intelligence agencies failure to assess both the scope and pace of terrorist groups from without and internal subversive groups such as Naxalites, Maoists, People war group, Christian Naga rebels, Tamil Christian Tigers, PDF, NDF and thousands of non-governmental organizations funded and directed by foreign intelligence agencies, Indian government failed to identify or destroy these terrorist organizations. The Congress government is unwilling to evaluate the funding source, capability, and magnitude of this national threat with sufficient clarity or take appropriate action.

Foreign intelligence agencies are busy waging a psychological warfare against the majority Hindus and Hindu organizations. Foreign intelligence agents specialized in psychological operations in collaboration with anti-national elements, secularist intellectuals and the media have a grand scheme to create instability, fear, confusion, disunity and social crisis throughout India. Foreign funding for subversive groups, for the media and Evangelical Missionaries pose a strategic threat to India. Foreign funding for non-governmental organizations is pervasive, creating even a dangerous threat to national security. Congress government’s refusal to acknowledge or tackle psychological war operations against Hindus is more worrisome.
Indian citizens are undefended against terrorists and subversive criminal groups because of the betrayal of the Congress government. It is a betrayal that could affect safety, security and freedom of every citizen. This betrayal amounts to treason. Several years of Congress misrule and appeasement policies of Muslims have left India weakened and vulnerable in a dangerous situation.

It is time for nationalist leaders to analyze practices and policies of the Congress Party and review and revise it to reflect the reality of the present dangerous situation. In this context of growing strife, the majority Hindus must abandon the self-deluding policy of denial, apathy, indifference, and tolerance. And develop effective strategies to target adversaries that threaten our survival.

Realizing that Hindus in India today, being subjected to many injustices, Hindus should join together, reject and denounce the policies which make Hindu subjugation possible. Hindus are legally entitled to use force in self-defense, to liberate our own country from the Congress Party. A resistance movement is fully justified as a struggle for self-prese

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