Be part of this endeavor on this years Swami Vivekananda jayanthi

published on January 11, 2012

Dr. Narayanan and his team at Wayanad is running a tribal hospital.named Swami Vivekananda Medical Mission. SVMM has been there for quite sometime and this became the connecting link between the tribes and the HinduDharma. Most of the tribes were otherwise getting converted, as they were offered money and other benefits by others.

Dr. Narayanan and his wife got their MD from Medical College, Trivandrum and worked as full timers for the Attappadi Hospital. At present Dr. Narayanan is still continuing his work at Attappadi while his wife is practicing as a doctor.

At present they have an expansion plan. Details are provided in the following documents. Please go through them.

HK would like to request all our readers to do two things when nation will observe Vivekananda Jayanthi as National Youth Day tommorow, the first one being
primary and important.

1. Please spread the work of the Vivekananda Medical Mission hospital at Wayanad
and bring contributions from as much people as possible.

2. Provide whatever support that we can give to the expansion plan.

SVMM Hospital Project

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