‘Ban for RSS, Balm for SIMI’- A Pseudosecular Dream!

via HK published on August 6, 2008

New Delhi

: Congress joined the bandwagon of Lalu and Amar Singh in their demand to ban RSS as a balancing act on Supreme court decision to revoke the ban on SIMI!


The justification of Jihadi Spokesmen of congress Shakeel Ahmad to ban RSS goes like this  “The RSS has been banned three times in the past and I do not think the demand to ban it again is unjustified,”


Hindus across the Nation is well aware on the reasons why RSS was banned and why it’s ban were revoked within short time. The Ban against RSS was not on grounds of Terrorism against Nation or for involving in anti National activities like SIMI or any other anti national organisations.


First time ban on RSS in 1948 was imposed following the murder of Mohandas Karamchand Ghandhi. Later Honourable court itself intervened and suggested to lift the ban which was caused by misunderstandings. Before spewing venom against one of the most respected organizations in India, these secular leaders should have a deeper perspective of our history.


On January 22, 1949, The Tribune from Ambala remarked:


“The RSS leader (Guruji) has paved the way for eventual settlement by calling off the Sathyagraha without any conditions. It is now for the Government of India to honourably withdraw the ban. Let the Government of India remember that a policy of suppression will never succeed in killing an organisation.”


On July 12, 1949, the ban on the RSS was removed unilaterally by the Government of India. Shri Guruji was released from Betul Jail on July 13, 1949. The Government of India covered itself with deathless shame and Shri Guruji with immortal glory in the pages of history.


The Second Ban imposed on RSS by Smt. Indira Gandhi the dictator when emergency was imposed on the country. Does Shakeel Ahamad justify forceful sterilization of Muslims by Sanjay Gandhi under the garb of emergency? As it was done then should we resume those sterilization measures again along with the ban of RSS this time?  


The third time ban was for supporting and participating in ‘karseva’ in Ayodhya in which the ban was lifted the same year by tribunal.


Each and every time after a ban the Sangh came out ever more sparkling and popular as gold put into the fire.


Former Chief Justice of Bharat at the Gurudakshina function held on 25.08.1968 at Bangalore, former Chief Justice of Bharat Shri Koka Subbarao said,


 “Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh is creating national consciousness and cohesion-through self-reformation and mental and physical discipline. It has now become a household name throughout the country and everybody recognises the selfless service it is rendering to the people. The Sangh has also been striving to rejuvenate the Hindu tradition-which has always allowed all faiths to be practised without any discrimination. This is in fact the essence of secularism. Therefore accusing the Sangh as anti-secular is meaningless”.


Field Marshal K.M.Carriappa at the RSS function, at Mangalore, in 1959, declared



 “RSS work is my heart’s work…. My dear youngmen, don’t be disturbed by the uncharitable comments of interested persons. Dr. Hedgewar, the revered founder of this great organisation, has set before you a bright example of selfless devotion to the service of our motherland.”


Swayamsevaks are only too well aware of what Swami Vivekananda had said in this connection:


“Every great work has to pass through three stages. They are neglect and ridicule, opposition and finally victory”.


The Swayamsevaks, on their part, are involved in their work with invincible faith in the ultimate victory of Sangh, not in the least bothered about any such motivated oppositition or mal-propaganda.

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