Bail for Cunny & Co

via K Vijayan published on November 29, 2011

After stalling for six months a Dilli HC has finally yielded to Political Pressure from the Trade Union of Politicians to grant bail to Cunny & G-Criminals. In doing so they had no choice one supposes but to accept dodgy arguments which will not stand the light of logic.

The first of them was of course “I am a woman, a mother of a school-going child, the wife of a . . . .” – and I eat only idli-sambar. Her male accomplices also put up similar Home Body arguments.

Expert Advocates had put up Rights and Equity arguments saying that Jail was a Punishment already and no one should be jailed unless (Un) Due Process is fully gone through and Jail Sentences delivered by Anointed Judges, and confirmed by the next half a dozen Higher Courts.

Since even Life Sentences so awarded are “bailable” and what is more important, “rewardable” with plum posts and perks in the Government of India we might as well abolish Jail for all felons FIR-ed, Charged, under-trial, convicted etc, for all time to come.

Innocent even if proven other wise is the Judicial Paradigm for the Sonia Era.

And since Death Sentences even when awarded after ten years of Due Process and confirmed by the SC are not enforceable and qualify for Amnestifying, Mercy-fying, and Hostage Exchange we might as well abolish all Punishment by Law, and shut down all Courts. Alternative employment for the Technologically & Internally Displaced can always be found in the to-be-established MNC Retail Outlets, which as per Sonia-G’s Mouthpieces, will pump in milk and honey and Manna from Paradise into this Promised Land.

With singular Application of Mind the Judge, Hon’ble V.K.Shali (sounds suspiciously like a Cow Belt Cuss Word) has apparently swallowed the arguments put up by an Ulta Ahmed that –

* The case against Cunny is “documentary”, hence “not Prima Facie of likelihood”.

* Arising out of the above the Court is not convinced about the “proclivities” of the accused (can we call them that?) to create a situation which will spoil a “fair trial”.

We agree with the Second Rated argument – the Cunnys and their Appahs and Ammas need not go around pulling triggers, throwing bombs or even chucking shoes. They have plenty of paid cadres to do that sort of thing. They do not have to immolate themselves either – they have cadres for that also.

And the fact that even a Servant Maid of the Cunny household can assault a Lady Sub Inspector on public roads in the Capital of Tamil Nod does not mean the Mistress of the household has such “proclivities” – not even the fact that it was the Lady SI who was victimised, chastised, insulted by her Departmental Superiors and transferred to the boondocks, and the assaulting servant maid perhaps promoted to a Party Post reveals any “proclivity”. In the British Era the Judge would have been made an MBE come the (Christian) New Year Eve.

MBE according to our Dickipaedia stands for “Muzzled Both Ends”.

And as for the CBI, truly has it been Revealed Unto Us that it is the Congress Bureau of Investigation – they gave up the fight, and gave the Hon’bles a chance to do some grandstanding with the chest-thumping “we cannot accept their stance blindly”.

Suchh moochh mere Bharat Mahaan!

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