Baba comes out of fast and Congress launches campaign to promote corruption

via K Vijayan published on June 12, 2011

So after nine days of Genuine (as opposed to Congnetha) Fasting Ramdev Baba has broken his fast at the insistence of several Hindu Gurus. We do believe that a Baba alive can accomplish more than a Baba dead. Sonia will now have to hire some American or Arab Contractors, and may be that is why she has gone on a “Summer Vacation” with her Imbecile Son to Europe, home of the Best Assassins in the world, and where most of the Dirty Money looted from the poor of the world is housed.

It is also significant that none of the Nuncios, Arch or others from the Church, Muslimas, and publicity-seeking aged nautch girls on the Civil activists’ Stage has called upon Baba to support him or pursuade him to break his fast, or congratulate him for doing so. No Midnight Masses, Candle-light Vigils or School-girls dragged out of their schools to form human chains as they do for AIDS, condoms, and nun-rapes.

The Church continues its international role as the Lead MNC in looting and breaking India okay.

Sonia Maino-G has authorised the Congers’ eternal number two, Proknob, to launch a Campaign and lie his way through the Market Forces of anti-corruption, now jointly clubbed under Hinduthva/Saffron/RSS/VHP forces by Good Christian Digvijay and sundry Dawood-fed Khanstars of Bollywood.

Sadly, even the hand-picked Civil Society Gandhicaps also appear to have sold out to the Saffron Forces.

It seems the much-touted Manmohanimic Transparency does not extend to video-shoots of Civil Society Members picking on the First Fakers’ Families in acrimonious Committee Meetings. We do not want any whisper of The Name, its nationality, sex, or its religious and economical status, and the Percentages involved to hit the you-tubes and news-stands.
More to the point, pimping members trying to keep Manmohan and Judges out of the Lok Pally ambit did not mention keeping St.Sonia & her extended Italian and half-Italian family as being far and above the Lok Pal, Constitution etc. The Current Unwritten Law should have been legitimised.

The burden of the Congress swan-song is “As per the Constitution of India only we, the Italians, MPees, Crusaders, Jihadis are empowered to Loot, Rape, kill Hindus and break India. Civil Society being 85% Hindus, are slaves, have no locus standi to question us, protest, undertake fasts, or stage dharnas, against any of our openly criminal activities.”

The second line of defence is –

Hindu Gurus are not to run ashrams, seva centers, yoga schools, ayurvedic centers etc, since Baptists have Patented these items in America as Global Christian Products, and any infringement will be proceeded against under TRIPS, RIPs and Christian Personal Laws. Unlike Spectrum and Gamy Loots, the money collected by Hindu Gurus by Donation or by selling things like Yoga, Herbs or Religious Discourses on Hindu Scriptures and Hindu History is black money of the worst, terrorist-funding kind and should be forfeited to the State with 60% to Sonia, Sisters and Cousins.

The third-rate line of defence is –

Only the Parlaiment is entitled to LEGISLATE. We did not know that, and must express our heart-felt thanks to Proknob, Poll Cheat and Sibal. Of course the whole of the Middle Classes and Hazars of Civil Society Members thought that Anna would compose a Law, set it to a Hindusthani Raga with Rahaman help, Sha Rukh Khan would sing it, and it would automatically become The Law with Rules, Regulations, Bylaws and Gazette Notifications born-attached, without the surgeons, midwives, gay-nics, nurses, ward-boys, birth pains, forceps, dilation, pethidine, and antiseptics of the Parliament and Ministries. Civil Society Sir, is an ass, and the Middle Classes are a…….s. Thus Spake Proknob.

Corruption, Treason and Terror unleashed by the Parliament will not weaken Democracy. Civil Activism will.

As the Guid Booke sayeth, “Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt hath lost its savour, wherewith shall it be salted?”

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