Awake Hindus, Protest To Protect Ram Sethu

published on March 3, 2008

Media statement of
General Secretary of Sri Rameswaram Ramsetu Raksha Manch, Shri S.
Vedantam and President of Vishva Hindu Parishad, Shri Ashok Singhal

UPA government at the centre has decided to file an over smart and
scheming affidavit with the Supreme Court of India that downright
preempts the historicity of Ram. This insensitive and defeatist
government stance is now all over the media. By this offensive and
monstrous stand, the government has hurt the cultural sensibilities of
crores of people of the country.


government would remember, and it must not forget it, that a historic
grand conference of 10 lakh people was held in Delhi on December 30,
2007 to register the demands for protection of Ram Setu and its
declaration as a historic national heritage. Before that on September
10, 2007 when the Central Government in an affidavitto the Supreme
Court had denied the existence of Ram and the Ramayana, the whole
country responded with widespread and successful ‘Chakka Jam’ protests
on September 12, 2007.


Ram Setu Raksha Manch urges the entire Hindu society to take out
motor-cycle and scooter rallies all over the country on March 04-05
(Tuesday and Wednesday), 2008 to express their opposition to the
government decision to file affidavit in the Supreme Court on March 05,
2008 whereby it wants to get the stay order regarding Ram Setu vacated.
The rallies should culminate in meetings to address the nationalist


averring these in an affidavit that there is no scientific proof of the
existence of Ram Setu and that it is not man-made but a natural
formation, the Government of India has again tried to reject the
existence of Sri Ram. It has also conspired to trash various other
historical evidences of lakhs of years that corroborate the truth of
Ram Setu. Therefore, it is about time the people of the country put
themselves on high gear to assert the historicity of Ram-Krishna and
save their hoary and holistic beliefs, ethos and moorings.


affidavit maintains a hush on the questions that the Hon’ble High Court
and the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India had asked of the Government of
India to expressly address in the affidavit pertaining to the
Sethusamudram Shipping Channel Project (SSCP) and the Rama Setu.


The Hon’ble Courts had asked –


  • Why
    was the Ramsetu-breaking alignment picked out when the Government had 6
    suggested alignments to consider? Why were not the other alternative
    routes taken into account?

  • The
    Government had been asked and its attention drawn to show cause as to
    why not the Ramsetu be declared a National Heritage? Has the Government
    got the matter examined to declare it a National Heritage site?


The Central Government has not at all addressed these questions in the affidavit.


Central Government had already given a show of its infected mindset and
vested interests by forming an Eminent Persons Committee that included
only its handpicked ‘Yes Persons’. Their anti-Ram and anti-Ramayan
stance is now more pronounced by the report of the so-called Committee.
There has been acute humiliation of the country and its scientists of
standing by this line up of lies, as there are many so-called
scientists/experts on this Committee who are pronouncedly anti-Ram and
anti-Bharatiya culture.


recently the Government of India recommended many ‘Namghars’ (Places of
Worship) situated on the ‘Majuli Island’ of River Brahmaputra to be
declared as National Heritage centres. These institutions are about 350
years old. Also, when recently some people opposed and initiated a
litigation to stop the ancient ‘Jalli-Kattu’ festival of Madurai region
of Tamil Nadu (‘Jalli’ is ‘Bull’ and ‘kattu’ is ‘Catch/contain’ in
Tamil. It is, therefore, the ‘Bull Overpowering’ festival by the
agrarian society that depends upon ‘Bull Power’ for prosperity), in
that matter the Government of Tamil Nadu approached the Supreme Court
to save the celebrations from being stopped terming it as a subject of
‘faith’ (aasthaa) and tradition. The Supreme Court gave an order to the
effect that aasthaa should be protected. But, in the case of Ram Setu,
both these governments, under cover of so-called secularism, are
opposed to recognizing it as a matter of ‘faith’ and, thus, being
dishonest and playing with the cultural and civilizational
sensibilities of the people of the country. Development can always be
reconciled with such vital national sensibilities.


why is not the Ram Temple being constructed at Sri Ram Janma Bhumi and
why is not the Ram Setu being recognized? The main reason is that the
Government of India has a dirty mindset not to accept the historicity
of Ram. In this way, by denying the existence of Ram, this secular gang
is making efforts to diffuse the movement for construction of the
Janmabhumi Temple. Its line is that there was no Ram, therefore, where
is the question of Sriram Janma Bhumi, Ram Setu and the Ramayana?


denied our Ram-Krishna, Vedas-Puranas and Sarasvati River and are now
denying the Ram Setu – the empirical evidence of the times and exploits
of Sri Ram – whereas Sri Ram is in fact a historical personage. After
independence, the Government of India should have justifiably glorified
the places that Sri Ram sojourned through during His exile days, and

even today people celebrate hundreds of these places, but this
government by denying the existence of Ram is bent upon destroying the
existence of all these historic landmarks bearing the footprints of Ram
that dot the North-South corridor. Now the Hindu society must be
extremely vigilant.


fact it would have been proper on the part of the Central Government
that in line with the belief of Bharatiya culture it should have
accepted the historicity of Ram and declared the Ram Setu as historic
national heritage in the affidavit to the Supreme Court. Instead, it
has committed a grave crime by doing gymnastics to re-assert its old
stand of non-existence of Sri Ram with new jugglery of words.


Government of India must refrain from getting the stay order vacated so
long as the protection of Ram Setu is not ensured, as the impartiality
of the Government is now under question in view of its behaviour with
Hindus marked by crookedness and polluted mindset.


long as the Ram Setu is not declared a historic national heritage, the
strong movement for protection of Ram Setu would continue unabated. By
utilizing their constitutional rights, the people of the country, would
continue the movement for protection of Ram Setu and stop not till the
goal is reached.


Released by Sri Rameswaram Ramsetu Raksha Manch


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