Atharvaveda Sankracharya of Sri Vidhyapeetham (Rishikesh) takes Samadhi

published on November 7, 2009

His Holiness Swamiji -Sri.Sri.Sri. Ramakrishnananda Saraswathy Swamigal -Atharva Veda Sankaracharya of SriVidyaPeetam (Rishikesh) took Samadhi after puja at early morning 5.30 a.m. on 29-10-2009 -Karthika Sarva Ekadasi , Sukla Paksha-Thursday

His Holiness was Founder of Vedic Scientific & Research Foundation, Bangalore, KARNATAKA (,


My Respected Devotees of His Holiness Swamiji

Our beloved and respected His Holiness Swamiji Sri.Sri.Sri. Ramakrishnananda Saraswathy Swamigal -Atharva Veda Sankaracharya of SriVidyaPeetam (Rishikesh) has taken Samadhi after puja at early morning 5.30 a.m. on 29-10-2009 – Karthika Sarva Ekadasi , Sukla Paksha- Thursday.

As all of us aware that His Holiness has given all his life and energy for the spreading of Vedic knowledge to the nook and corner of the world and he has serviced to our beloved Army Jawans and also our Research Scientists DRDO, ISRO and CSIR by motivating them. He is having keen interest in motivating Younger Generation towards our Indian ancient Vedic Tradition and hence he visited many Education Institutions and interacted with them and guided them. He is having great passion and affection for the villagers, farmers.

I wish to share some of the last moments of His Holiness Swamiji to all of You.

His Holiness came to Trivandrum on 22 -10-2009 and he stayed in a devotee house . ISRO New Chairman Dr.Radhakrishnan received perpetual blessings of Swamiji. Dr.Gopakumar -Director incharge AYUSH has met Swamiji and requested for the methodology to cure diseases with mantras.Dr. Gopalakrishnan -Director Indian Institute of Scientific Heritage-Trivandrum has discussed various measures in promoting our Vedic traditions .

Dr.Parameswaran-President of Vivekananda Kendra has also availed blessings of His Holiness Swamiji at Trivandrum and discussed the measures for the uplift of common man with Vedic knowledge .

On 27-10-2009, His Holiness visited ISRO Museum at Trivandrum . New Chairman of ISRO Dr.Radhakrishnan and the eminent and Distinguished scientists of ISRO received His Holiness Swamiji with all honour and explained the achievements of ISRO. Swamiji felt delighted after seeing the unity and achievements of ISRO Scientists and Swamiji felt that it was his wonderful moment.His Holiness has expressed his willingness to visit KANYAKUMARI , hence we arrived at KANYAKUMARI -VIVEKANANDA KENDRA on 28-10-2009.

Afternoon 2.30 a.m, we all went to Kanyakumari Seashore and took some snaps and He asked us to park the vehicle infront of the Bhavagathi Temple and asked all of us to leave. We all came back to Kendra by 5.30 p.m and by 6.30 p.m, Swamiji was doing interaction with Kendra members .

During this session, Swamiji was talking so freely with lof of fun. We enjoyed his lecture with loud laugh and applause. His Holiness made all of us so happy and I told Swamiji after long long years , you have talked like this. Swamiji smiled and went for sleep. Next day morning after performing  “ATHMA PUJA ” by 5.30 a.m., Swamiji attained Jeeva Samadhi.

Vivekananda Kendra has offered their valuable and dedicated services during this period. WE performed all the rites with the guidance of all God and Acharyas and made Samathi at Vivekananda kendra facing sea. His Holiness Swamiji remebers often all of your valuable services.

I request all the devotees to have darshan of His Holiness Swamiji Jeeva Samadhi whenever you are
arriving at Kanyakumari and avail the blessings of hIs Holiness Swamiji.

Let we all follow the preachings of His Holiness Swamiji and do our valuable contribution for the protection, peace and prosperity of our Country.

Praying for all of your peace and prosperity

R.Karthikeyan, R.Ravishangar
Vedic Scientific & Research Foundation

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