Assault on Freedom of Speech and Thought by Sonia Congress

                                                                       (Seix Barral Biblioteca Breve)
                                                                       (Spanish Edition) (Paperback)
Sonia Congress party seems to be under the deluded notion that it can function as an international intellectual terrorist censorship organization. After objecting to certain parts of Prakash Jha’s movie Raajneeti, this disgraceful political party—in actual operation, SERVANTS OF SONIA SOCIETY—- is now up in arms against Madrid-based writer Javier Moro’s novel titled El sari rojo/ The red sari (Seix Barral Biblioteca Breve) (Spanish Edition) based on its president Sonia Gandhi’s life.

This Spanish book The Red Sari is subtitled When Life is the Price of Power. It is a reference to the red sari Sonia wore on her wedding day, “one that Nehru wove while he was in jail”. This was first published in October 2008, and it has already been translated into Italian, French and Dutch, and an English translation by Peter Hearn is ready for publication. It has been reported that already more than 2,30,000 copies have already been sold in Spain, Italy and Latin America.
In an email, freely available on the internet Javier Moro, the author of this book has said that Sonia’s lawyers, including Congress spokesperson Abhishek Singhvi, “have just written to my Italian and Spanish publishers to demand the withdrawal of the book from the stores. Nobody understands very well why, but that’s what they are up to”. Moro is of the view that the Congress leaders “did not like the recreation of her life in Italy as told in my book”.
Abhishek Singhvi, the Sonia Congress spokesman, who is handling the legal matter for Sonia has affirmed that Sonia is aware of the issue. He has said: “It is time Moro stopped distorting facts and misrepresenting details. He knows well that both he and his publishers have been sent legal notices informing them that the published work is completely unauthorised, defamatory and salacious.”
When it was pointed out to Abhishek Singhvi that the book is a novel, not a biography, Singhvi has stated, “There is no question of fictionalising a living person.”
This is how Moro dramatizes the final funeral rites that were performed in Delhi for Rajiv Gandhi in 1991:”Now it is time to say goodbye, Sonia places an offering on the body over the heart. It is made of camphor, cardamom, cloves and sugar and it’s supposed to help remove the imperfections of the soul…. Through the television cameras, the world discovers this stoic woman who reminds everyone of Jacqueline Kennedy twenty-eight years before in Arlington.”
It has been reported that Moro has said: “Sonia’s legal counsel even objected to a part in the book wherein I have said that Sonia wonders, after Rajiv’s assassination, as to whether she should return to Italy on her mother’s advice. I think they would like to believe that Sonia had been thoroughly Indianised by then and would not even consider going back to Italy.” Moro also seems to have added with sardonic humour: “THEY WOULD MUCH PREFER THAT SHE HAD BEEN BORN IN DELHI — AND FROM A BRAHMIN FAMILY, IF POSSIBLE.”
Moro has also claimed that before the publication of the novel, the manuscript had been sent to Sonia through her sister Nadia, who knows Spanish. “There was no response then,” he has said.
The novel mentions Christian von Stieglitz as “the friend who introduced her to Rajiv when they were students”, describes Congressmen persuading a reluctant Sonia to accept the presidency of the party in 1998, and then, in flashback, goes to the “village of Lusiana in the Asiago mountains in the foothills of the Alps”. There, “in accordance with tradition the neighbours tied pink ribbons to the bars on the windows and doors” when Sonia was born in December 1946, a post-war child. Writes Moro, “A few days later, she was christened by the Lusiana parish priest and given the name of EDVIGE ANTONIA ALBINA MAINO.” But her father Stefano called her Sonia. “In this way, he kept the promise he made to himself after getting away from the Russian front with his life.”
According to Moro’s book, Stefano was part of Mussolini’s army that was defeated by the Russians. “There were thousands of prisoners, among them Stefano, who managed to escape together with other survivors. They succeeded in taking shelter in a farmhouse on the Russian steppes, where they lived for weeks under the protection of a peasant family…. As a tribute to the family that had saved his life, he decided to given his daughters Russian names.”
Moro’s book describes Sonia as going to a convent school in Giaveno where “she only studied enough to keep out of trouble, but she was always smiling and helpful, played peacemaker between squabbling friends, learnt to ski and developed a love for reading. He says she was the only boarder who slept alone because of her asthma and coughing fits. Later, while studying in Turin, the idea of becoming an Alitalia stewardess, of earning a living while travelling round the world, began to seduce her”. But that dream “gradually changed into becoming a foreign language teacher or, even better, an interpreter in some international organisation such as the United Nations”.
Moro then has made a statement of timeless historic significance: “Her dog was called STALIN.â€
I fully endorse the view of the very eminent journalist M.J.AKBAR: “there are only three reasons by which you can prevent something from being published – if it’s libelous, injurious to India’s defence interests or is pornographic”. Moro’s Red Sari cannot be attacked on any one of these logical grounds!!
Meanwhile, it is also in the news that Roli Books in New Delhi, is holding talks with Moro and his Barcelona-based publishers Seix Barral for bringing out the English translation of El Sari Rojo in India. It is heartening to see that Pramod Kapoor of Roli Books has boldly declared: “We will be publishing the book but it is too early to say when.”
I can clearly see that Pramod Kapoor of Roli Books cannot be bullied into meek submission by the legal cell of the Sonia Congress Party headed by Abhishek Singhvi. Asked if he would be inviting a legal notice for defamation, Pramod Kapoor has said, “It is something Mr Singhvi the lawyer can comment on.” Javier Moro, the author of ‘Red Sari’ has however said that he is absolutely sure “that an Indian publisher would be served a legal notice. And when that happens we would know the strength of Indian democracy.”
It ought to be a matter of shame for all self respecting Indians with a backbone (Unlike Sonia Congress invertebrates!) that we have to have a journalist from Spain to comment on the non-existent fictitious strength of our soul-less sham democracy.
The Indian National Congress today has degenerated into what I call the SOSS, the Servants of Sonia Society. No one should mistake this for the Servants of India Society (SOIS) established in 1905 by Gopala Krishna Gokhale (1866-1915), the political guru of Mahatma Gandhi, who said: “My aim in establishing the Servants of India Society is to spiritualize India’s public lifeâ€. All of us know from our daily newspapers and TV channels (all of which are in the bonded labour of SOSS) how the Sonia Congress under the exalted and elevating leadership of Sonia Gandhi has inaugurated a new era of radiant political culture with the sole aim of spiritualizing India’s public life!!
How Sonia Gandhi and her political tenents-at-will like Abhishek Singhvi have elevated, ennobled and spiritualized India’s public life in the capital city of New Delhi can be seen from the following picture showing the face of Javier Moro blacked out by the goons of the Sonia Congress Party. The Sonia Congressmen are behaving like the Taliban terrorists in Afghanistan who demolished the Buddha Statues at Bamian.

When I see the so-called senior leaders of the Sonia Congress party today CREEPING and CRAWLING before Sonia Gandhi just to invite her casual eye-line attention, my mind goes back to the Poorna Swaraj Session of the Indian National Congress at Lahore in December 1929. In that Session Jawaharlal Nehru became the youngest Congress president in it’s history. Jawaharlal Nehru declared at that Session: “Success often comes to those who dare and act regardless of the consequences. It seldom goes to the timidâ€. In the Sonia Congress party today, the daily message of the firangi Memsahib to all her minions including her Prime Minion is this: ‘Success often comes to those who creep and crawl regardless of the consequences. It seldom goes to the brave and spirited’. In the glorious days of the Indian National Congress, Mahatma Gandhi was the supreme leader. Mahatma Gandhi, fully backed by his Congress party, was endeavoring to throw out the FOREIGNERS. Today we have an IMFL (Indian Made Foreign Leader) who is fully supported by the ever-servile Sonia Congress party, and Abhishek Singhvi is the authorized bugle-boy of that slavish outfit..
Even before the English version of Javier Moro’s biography of Sonia Gandhi, Red Saree, has been released in India, the Sonia Congress is demanding that it be banned. As I have already observed, Javier Moro’s book is already a best-seller in Spanish and Italian.
In an email interview with Mint, Moro has spoken about how he researched the book, traced Gandhi’s friends and relatives, and what he left out from it and why. He has stated: “Many things. I did not want to include any hard criticism against Rajiv Gandhi or Indira Gandhi, because I wanted the story to be told through the point of view of Sonia Gandhi, and she viewed them as family. I did not include a violent post-war episode involving her father, as I did not fully trust the sources. I barely mentioned Bofors and Quattrochi because I am totally convinced the Gandhi’s are honest.†From this answer we can get to know the standards of his decency and integrity!!!
When Moro was recently asked as to when his book going to be released in India, he replied without any hesitation: “WHEN SONIA GANDHI’S LAWYERS STOP TERRORIZING INDIAN PUBLISHERS NOT TO PUBLISH IT.â€
I can very well remember how Abhishek Singhvi, Jayanthi Natarajan and many Congress supporters spoke volumes about freedom of expression in encouraging and defending Mohammad Hussein’s vulgar pornographic nude paintings of Hindu Gods and Goddesses. These great worthies considered M.F.Hussain’s Paintings of Naked Mother India, Naked Lakshmi and Spread-Eagled Durga With Someone Emerging From Her Vagina as great examples of his artistic freedom. Now one of these sycophantic minions (though not as important as our PRIME MINION!) has issued a legal notice to Javier Moron who has only attempted to bring out the truth of Sonia’s early escort-girl days! We can see their hypocritical double standards! One liberal standard for that Muslim anti-Hindu painter (in fact Marauder!) called M.F.Hussain! Another standard for Javier Moron!! For the mean and vicious men and women in the Sonia Congress Party, Hindu Gods and Goddesses are nothing as compared with their super Goddess Sonia Gandhi!!!
The legal cell of Sonia Congress Party has told Javier Moro that he is indulging in “gross prevarication and distortion”. The legal cell has also written to him in no uncertain terms that “his book is full of untruths, half truths, falsehoods, defamatory statements, completely imaginary and invented conversations within quotation marks and narration of non-existent situations.” For instance, it has been pointed out that Moro’s claim that Hindu priests “refused to allow Sonia Gandhi to be present at (Rajiv Gandhi’s) cremation was entirely erroneous”.
Justice Brandeis (1856-1941), one of the greatest of American Judges and Makers of American Law, declared in one of his famous judgments: “The real test of freedom of speech is readiness to allow it to men whose opinions seem to you wrong and even dangerousâ€.
I am supremely aware of the fact that addressing this message to great jurists of global fame like Abhishek Singhvi in the Sonia Congress Party is a hopeless task—it is like throwing rose-flower petals into the Grand Canyon and waiting for the echo!
It is understood that Abhishek Singhvi has given a rejoinder to Javier Moro to the effect that: “without any proof, knowledge and data, you have decided to take refuge in the idea of a so-called `fictionalised’ biography. A `fictionalised biography’ about a living person is an oxymoron.â€
The public joke that is most popular in the social circles of all major cities of India today is that perhaps the legal bugle-boy luminary Abhishek Singhvi, when he referred to an oxymoron in his communication to author Moro, seems to have lost sight of the most important oxymorons at home like,
Patriotic Sonia,
Honest Manmohan and
Courageous Congressmen.
If as an unsurpassed and unmatched legal luminary, he would only gracefully condescend to give me a hearing, I would like to invite his kind attention to the following Table of some Formidable Oxymorons to enable him to suitably guide me (against the background of Sonia Congress Culture to boot!) as to how I can improve upon the description of the categories of VIP oxymorons which I have listed above. I have given only six solid examples below
Table of some Formidable Oxymorons (in a loose sense of the word)
deafening silence (Dr ManMohan Singh!)
open secret (Spectrum Raja!)
clearly confused (Chidambaram!)
found missing (Azhagiri!)
liquid gas (Jayaram Ramesh!)
unbiased opinion (Jayanthi Natarajan!)
The following oxymorons can be used as free size socks for the other Sonia Congress Union Ministers, Sonia Congress Members of Parliament and Sonia Congressmen in general!!
living dead
exact estimate
constant variable
Hell’s Angels
Advanced BASIC
alone together
almost exactly
tragic comedy
freezer burn
pretty ugly
May the vibrant tribe of Javier Moro’s Oxymorons increase and grow from more to more!!
Talking to a news agency at Madrid in Spain yesterday (6-6-2010), Moro has affirmed that Abhishek Manu Singhvi is terrorising the publishers. He has said that he does not know as to how Singhvi or others have got their hands on the English manuscript version when the book has not yet made its appearance in the market in India. Moro has alleged that Abhishek Singhvi has got hold of the English version (of the book) in an illicit manner, and that he is planning to sue Abhishek Singhvi. Moro has also said: “Though I have said that the lawyer Abhishek Singhvi is terrorising the publishers yet that does not mean that the Congress Party is censoring me. It has nothing to do with the Congress Party itself”.
In the light of what Moro has stated above, the following questions have to be answered in the larger public interest. Does Abhishek Singhvi represent the Sonia Congress Party or Sonia Gandhi at all? Does he repr
sent only Sonia Gandhi minus Her Congress Party? Whose spokesperson is Abhishek Singhvi?
Though I do not know Spanish, I had requested one of my friends who has taken a post graduate degree in Spanish from one of the Indian Universities, to read out to me the important operative portions of Javier Moro’s book on Sonia Gandhi. From what I can see and understand, the author has written a very tepid and lame story. I am unable to understand what provoked the legal cell of Sonia Congress Party to issue a legal notice to the author of this book.

Unflinching, Unswerving, Indomitable, Inflexible and Irrepressible
In His Hot Pursuit of Stern, Grim and Scorching Truth about Firangi Memsahib
I would like to invite the kind attention of the ever-alert and ever-vigilant legal cell of Sonia Congress Party to the exciting story titled ‘Do You Know Your Sonia?’ published in the following website of Dr Subramanian Swamy.
This story has gone around the world. It has been seen with interest by most of the NRI’s and their children in all parts of the world
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