Assam – The True Picture

published on October 10, 2008

Attacks on Hindus by Muslims in Assam

A brief Report



Guwahati   05-10-2008Time: 0800 hrs


Since 1979 people of Assam are fighting continuously against infiltration of Bangladeshi Muslims in to Assam. But, surprisingly infiltration is increasing day by day. For the last one year various student, political and social organizations through out North-east, organized severe campaigns to drive out Bangladeshi Muslims from their respective states.


Recently Student organizations in Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh and Nagaland gave ultimatums to Bangladeshis to leave Bharat. In Assam also so many organizations started driving out Bangladeshis. Slowly these campaigns are gaining momentum. In this situation Muslims under the name of All Assam Minority Students Union gave a Bandh call in Assam in the month of August 2008 opposing the driving out campaign of Bangladeshi infiltrators. Under the disguise of bandh Jihadi’s unleashed violence. Eight Hindus were killed, Eight Hindu villages were torched in Udalguri District of Assam and hundreds of vehicles destroyed. This violence continued for about 15 days.


Again now on the next day of Id festival, on 03-10-2008 with out any provocation Muslims started attacking Hindus in the Udalguri district of Assam. Attacks targeted the Hindu Villages (Bodo, Rabha, Garo, Khasia, Adivasi Santhal Tribes and Assames, Banglaa nd Hindi Bhashis) which are amidst Muslim Villages. On 04-10-08 started attacks on Hindus in Darrang District also. According to the available information causalities in Udalguri and Darrang Districts of Assam are given below.


  • Total Hindu Villages Under attack: 40


  • Villages torched

    : 12
       Ikrabari. Batabari. Fakidia. Nadika. Chakuapara. Punia. Jhargaon. Gerua. Borbagicha. Aithanbari. Routa Bagan. Sidakuan.


  • Bangladeshi flag hoisted

    At five villages:
    Aithanbari. Punia. Panbari. Mohanpur. Sonaipara.



   * Persons taking Shelter in relief camps: 8090.


1.Udalguri Degree      College–5690.

2. Udalguri Girls High School–1300.

3. Nalbari(Udalguri) L.P.School – 700.

4. Kalaibari – 400.


   * Report from Darrang district regarding relief camps awaited

  • The Gaon Budhaa(Village Head) of Jhakuapara along with his mother and
    sister were torched alive(Jinda Jalaaya)   



Persons dead – Hindus – 26.  Muslims – 6,

Injured above 200

Still attacks on Hindus are continuing.
More Number of people pouring in to
make shift relief camps


Massacre of Hindus in Assam by Muslims continues for the fourth day





Time: 10.00 hrs.


  • On 05-10-2008 two Hindu villages Jorabari and Chalnikuchi of Udalguri District were set on fire.


  • Till now more than 40 Hindus (Bodo, Rabha, Garo, Khasia, Adivasi Santhal tribes and Assamese, Bangla Bhashis, and Hindi Bhashis) were killed.



  • As the Darrang District is on the banks of river Brahmaputra, the other side of the river is Morigaon district having 40% Muslims and the islands in Brahmaputra are inhabited by the infiltrated Bangladeshi Muslims.


  • It has been reported that Muslims from Morigaon and Brahmaputra islands crossing the river in boats and attacked Mainapara, Modhuiguri and Borkula villages.



  • These Muslims across the river wearing army uniforms attacking Hindu Villages. The same strategy was adopted by Muslims in 1983 riots in Assam.


  • According to the govt. reports: In 32 relief camps of Udalguri district 50,000 and 26,000 people in 26 relief camps of Darrang district are taking shelter.



  • In Udalguri district majority people in relief camps are Hindus.


  • It has been noticed that the party in power in Assam that is Congress, in Darrang district to keep the people out side, particularly Assam in dark about the actual happenings, to show that Muslims are the victims, and to appease Muslims and to protect Muslims, starting relief camps for Muslims. Majority of the relief camps in Darrang are this type.



  • The Muslim fundamentalist and terrorist organizations in Assam mainly 1. All Assam Minority Students Union (AMSU), 2. SIMI, 3. All Assam Muslim Chatra Parishad and Muslim Students Association (MUSA) leaders are actively touring between Muslim villages in these Districts and they are instigating attacks on Hindus.


  • Another thing that is happening is Muslims are occupying the villages vacated by Hindus due to attacks and set on fire. Mostly these Muslims are from Morigaon district came crossing Brahmaputra. This shows meticulous planning by Muslims.

    Still the attacks are continuing unabated.



  • Jehadi elements and some political parties who claim to be working for the interests of the minorities of the state are inciting the communal violence in the trouble-torn areas. The Assam arm of the Indian Mujahideen and MUSA has helped in sneaking in 200 HUJI members in to Assam. And these members under the pretext of stealing of chickens started violence.


  • To forment communal clashes. In the end of Ramzan, there were several secret meetings in the Muslim dominated areas of the three districts. This proves that the violence was pre-planned and it was meant to coincide with the Durga Puja festivities. Leaders like Assam United Democratic Front (AUDF – Seth Badruddin Ajmal’s Muslim Political Party) MLA Rasul Haq Bahadur and AAMSU president Abdul Aziz demanded separatate autonomous areas for the Muslims in lower Assam and threatened to chase away all Assomia people from lower Assam. The recent violence is the fall-out of these threats. If the government arrested these two leaders under NSA earlier, then the present situation could have been averted. Huji members were involved in the Pakistan flag being hoisted here in the state. The soft peddling by the Government on the issue of Jehadi threat will further encourage activities such as communal violence, anti national activities, anti social activities, militancy and insurgency.


  • Vishva Hindu Parishad and Bajrangdal karyakartas are serving the 4,000 victims by supplying food, Tea, Biscuits and Bread in Udalguri, Mainapara, Madhuiguri, and  Borkola relief camps.


  • As more than 20,000 Hindus are in relief camps. Though feeding in relief camps is only a few days work, running relief camps are very difficult. It involves huge financial involvement.



  • After few days all these people return their villages. They have nothing in their village except land. Every thing was either burnt or looted by Muslims.


Kotishwar sharma

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