“Assam Burns – Nero Fiddles”!!!

via H. Balakrishnan published on October 5, 2008

“Communal violence in Assam “


News Report



There is nothing surprising in the report. Assam was waiting to happen. There is a hoary history of inaction on the part of the Congress Governments in Assam aided and abetted by the ‘secular’ Congress Government’s at the Centre, in the treasonable action of allowing illegal Bangladeshi Muslims to settle in Assam, for the despicable reason of a captive vote bank. A Nation can be sold for votes!! That’s the secularism of the Congress!!



Consider the following historical proofs. An internal note of the Union Home Ministry in March 1992 read as follows:


” The illegal immigration from Bangladesh into the Eastern and North-EasternStates and several other states in the country has become a serious problem. Immigration into the border states such as Assam and West Bengal was taking place prior to the formation of Bangladesh but the magnitude of the problem has assumed serious dimensions as large-scale infiltration has changed the demographic landscape of the borders and affected Delhi, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra etc. The simmering communal tension in some of the border areas is one of the manifestations of the effects of large scale illegal immigration of Bangladeshi nationals who have slowly displaced or dispossessed the local population, particularly those belonging to the Hindu community, in these areas. – – -. Combined with other census statistics one can safely conclude that no less than 7 to 12 million people have infiltrated into India between 1981 and 1991.”



A report prepared by the General Secretaries of the Congress (I) to the Seventh General Conference of the North-Eastern co-ordination Committee,and presented to the then Prime Minister,dated 03 July 1992 stated:


” The infiltrations are not only by minorities of Bangladesh but also from the majority community Muslims. In absolute terms, the number of Muslims crossing into India is likely to be much larger than that of the non-Muslims. An ideological support is given to this phenomenon by the Islamic Fundamentalists creating the vision of a larger Islamic country comprising Bangladesh and the entire North-East where its economic problems will be solved and security ensured. There is a direct co-relation between the rise of fundamentalism and increase in influx.  – We beg the Prime Minister to give his personal attention to this affair that calls for answers to India’s Eastern questions”.


The signatories to this report were: Mr. R.C. Chiten Jamir (Nagaland); Mr. B.B. Dutta (Tripura); Mr. D.D. Pugh
(Meghalaya); Mr. H.K. Bora (Assam); Mr.Liansuama (Mizoram). –


( REF:  The foregoing 2 paras: ” A SECULAR AGENDA” –
Arun Shourie, Harper Collins – pp -231 – 304)



In early 1996, Mr. T.V. Rajeshwar (now the Governor of U.P.) wrote a series of Articles in the English media. Some excerpts.


“  – – Figures have been given showing the concentration of
Muslim population in the districts of West Bengal bordering Bangladesh starting from the 24 Parganas and going up to Islampur of West Dinajpur district and their population being well
over 50% of the population. The Kishanganj district which was part of Purnea district earlier, which is continguous to the West Bengal area,also has a majority of Muslim population. The total population of the districts of North and South 24 Parganas, Murshidabad, Nadia, Malda and West Dinajpur adds up to 27,337,362. If we add the the population of Kishanganj district of Bihar of 886,672, the total comes to 28,324,034. (All figures are based on the 1991 census). This mass of land with a population of nearly 2.8 crores has a Muslim majority. The total population of West Bengal in 1991 was 67.9 million and of these 28.32 million are concentrated in the border districts,with about 16-17 population of the minority community being concentrated in this area. This crucial tract of land in West Bengal and Bihar,lying along the Ganges/Hooghly and West Bangladesh with a population of over 28 million,with Muslims constituting a majority,should give cause for anxiety for any thinking Indian.”




In a report submitted to the President of India on 08 Nov 1998, Lt. Gen.(retd) S.K. Sinha, the then Governor of Assam reported:


 Large scale illegal migration from Bangladesh over several decades has been altering the demographic complexion of this state. It poses a grave threat both to the identity of the Assamese people and to our National Security. Successive Governments at the Centre and in the State have not adequately met this challenge – -. I feel it is my bounden duty to the Nation and the State I have sworn to serve, to place before you this report on the dangers arising from the continuing silent demographic invasion “


 Gen Sinha went on to write:


” This silent and invidious demographic invasion of Assam may
result in the loss of geo-strategically vital districts of Lower Assam. The influx of these illegal migrants is turning these districts into a Muslim majority region. It will be only a matter of time when the demand for their merger with Bangladesh will be made. The rapid growth of Islamic Fundamentalism may provide the driving force for this demand. In this context it is pertinent that Bangladesh has long discarded secularism and has chosen to become an Islamic State. Loss of Lower Assam will severe the entire land mass of the North-East from the rest of India – - ”


(REF:”GOVERNANCE AND THE SCLEROSIS THAT HAS SET IN” – Arun Shourie – Rupa&Co – pp- 207-208)



In 2003/04, a governmental note prepared for a conference of All India Directors General of Police stated:


 ” The problem of continued unabated influx of large scale (over 15 million) illegal Bangladesh migrants into India has assumed serious security implications. Illegal BD migrants have settled in various states including West Bengal (79 lakhs), Assam (50 lakhs),Bihar (4.75 lakhs in the north-eastern districts including Katihar, Sahebganj,Kishanganj & Purnia), Tripura (3.75 lakhs) and Delhi (3.7 lakhs). In Nagaland, the population of Muslims,mostly illegal migrants from Bangladesh, has more than trebled in the last decade – the figures rising from 20,000 in 1991 to over 75,000. Similarly, in Mizoram also, there has been a growth in the numbers of illegal Bangladeshi migrants though firm estimates are not yet available. The illegal BD migrants have significantly altered the demographic complexion, particularly of the border districts of West Bengal and Assam. Their ability to obtain ration cards as also enroll themselves as voters not only gives them back door entry to Indian citizenship but also political clout that facilititates the settlement of more illegal migrants. In Assam, the illegal migrants are able to affect State politics in a major way with their having acquired a critical say in around 50 of the 126 Assembly constituencies in the State. ”


(REF: “GOVERNANCE AND THE SCLEROSIS THAT HAS SET IN” – Arun Shourie – Rupa& Co – pp-223-224).



Just about three months ago, a Judge of the Guwahati High Court, while severely castigating the present Congress govt. on its lack of action in detecting and deporting the illegal BD migrants, had stated that if the present inertia continued, aliens will become kingmakers in Assam!! In end 2004 at a seminar in Chennai, the Editor of the Assam English daily – Assam Sentinel – Mr.Baruah, told us that the next time he travels to Chennai, he might require a visa!!



Thats not all. Mark the prophetic words of Henry Kissinger, just after Bangladesh was formed:


“The inevitable emergence of Bangladesh-which we postulated-presented India with fierce long term problems. For Bangladesh was in effect East Bengal, seperated only by religion from India’s most fractious and most separatist State, West Bengal. They share language, tradition, culture, and above all, a volatile national character. Whether it turned nationalist or radical, Bangladesh would over time accentuate India’s centrifugal tendencies. It might set a precedent for the creation of other Moslem states, carved this time out of India. Once it was independent, its Moslem heritage might eventually lead to a rapprochement with Pakistan”.

(REF: ibid – pp-208)



The Task Forces on Internal Security (N.N. Vohra) and Border Management (Mr. M.Godbole), set up by the previous NDA government in 2000, had stated in their report:


” On the Indo-Bangladesh border, growth of madrassas and mosques is taking place alongwith a shift in demographic composition due to illegal immigration of large number of people from Bangladesh into the border districts in India. Increasing crowding out of economic opportunities for the local population and the shift towards Islamization create potential for future strife.This is likely to put pressure on the strategic Siliguri corridor.”


Continuing on the Indo-Bangladesh border, the Report warned that right across the region


“demographic invasion is taking place from across the border”. Observing that in the border districts the magnitude of this invasion is “much more startling”, that it is even “more menacing” than elsewhere the Task Force noted that the “Indo-Bangladesh border has seen the most rapid growth of madrassas and mosques”.


The Task Force had recorded that on the Indian side, in close proximity to the border, there were 905 mosques and 439 madrassas, and, on the Bangladesh side there were 960 mosques and 469 adrassas.The Report then went on to state about how these mosques and madrassas were fuelling radicalisation of Muslim youth.





Thus from 1992 onwards todate, the Central government has been getting a steady flood of Reports, warning about the grave situation in the North-East brought about by illegal migration of Bangladeshi Mulsims into the ‘Seven Sisters’ and West Bengal. And the Congress, enacts the IMDT, applicable only for Assam!! Recently when the Supreme Court struck down the Act as illegal, the Congress tried to bring the Foreigners Act 1946 in line with the IMDT!! This was struck down once again. But the reports of Asamese dailies indicate that the present Congress govt. in Assam is lax in the detection and deeportation of the illegal Muslim migrants. Vote bank politics. No more. No less. If these acts of the Congress do not constitute ‘ high treason’ against the Nation, pray tell me what else it is? Any wonder then – Assam burns?


I await with bated breath for the ‘secular media’ to point the needle of suspicion at the despicable ‘ saffron hand ‘ in the current Assam turmoil!! Talk of Nero fiddling!! There is no dearth of that tribe in India !!


After all , ‘ WE ARE SECULAR, SILLY ‘ !!





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