Arya Sandesam May 2013 – A Malayalam monthly Vedic Journal

published on May 14, 2013

The soft copy of Arya Sandesam, a Vedic monthly journal being published by Arya Samajam, Vellinezhi (Kerala). This month’s (May 2013) highlights includes :-

– Editorial on Vedic view of Festivals/Celebrations.

– Rigvedam (Dayananda Bhashyam) Malayalam translation (continued article).

– An article (malayalam version) on Yagya by Yudhishtir ji Meemamsak.

– Malayalam translation of Vaidik Dharm – Arya Samaj Prasnothari of Pt. Dharmadev Vidyavachaspathi (continued article).

– Rigveda Parchay by veteran Arya Missionary Sri. K Velayudha Arya (continued article).

– Malayalam version of ‘Sanka – Samadhan’ by Sri. Madan Raheja

– Daliit upliftment works of Arya Samaj by Dr. Vivek Arya.

– Malayalam translation of Maharshi Dayanand’s Poona Pravachan or Upadesha manjari by Sri. KM Rajan (Continued article).

– Reports regarding recently held Veda prachar activities.

– And many more information on Veda Prachar in Kerala.

This Vedic Magazine is circulated all over Kerala and other malayali settlement areas elsewhere with the sole intention of propagation of Maharshi Dayanand’s ideals and Veda Prachar. Those who are interested to receive the hard copies may email their full postal address with PIN CODE. 

   ‘Om Krinvantho vishvamaryam! ‘

Arya Sandesam May 2013 by Haindava Keralam

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