Are we 3rd class citizens in our own country?

published on April 8, 2012

Here it is yet another incident , HK would like to present before ‘Secular’ Hindus in the country.

Just two news links from two dailies and you decide and deduct and derive yourself

1) Kolkata airport: Map redrawn, land to be acquired, high-rises trimmed to save mosque – The New Indian Express

Development runs deep—but devotion runs deeper. So an ancient mosque on a tiny patch of 1,200 square feet of land right next to a runway has forced a redrawing of the entire Rs 2,000-crore map to upgrade Kolkata airport.

Full Report –

2)Road that may erase history – The Hindu

A 1,300-year old Siva temple, celebrated in the verses of Saivite saint Tirugnana Sambandar and boasting of inscriptions belonging to the Chola kings, is facing demolition by the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI).

Full Report –

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