Are Hindus safe in this country?

via Om Parkash Trehan published on February 23, 2010

 In Tripura, Naga land, Mizoram Hindu’s institutions are under attack. Christians under the guise of Maoists are attacking Sanskrit schools. Open religious functions are not allowed. Media that always remain on focus in Gujarat, never goes there. Parallel Government
by Anti National groups run there. They collect even tax openly and no body dare to defy them. From Pusupati to Tirupati, Naxilites attack on Hindus increasing day by day. In Kashmir Hindus are displaced in their home.

Govt. funds Jamia, Aligarh Muslim University which bears Muslim character but Banaras
Hindu University has been made totally secular. In education, anti-hindu lessons are being
taught to the students. In films, scenes portraying fun of Hindu are made. A famous Muslim Hero can proclaim that “My name is Khan and I not terrorist.

But no body makes ” My name is Kaul and  I am a displaced person in my country”.

A painter declares, “My name is M.F.Hussain and I paint nude pictures of Hindu Devi-davta.”

Star T.V., N.D.T.V., and cnnIBN7 strike on all news items which hit Hindus. No political party dare to protect Hindus as they are afraid of loosing the votes of Muslim community. Hindus are in wonderland to vote always for the party which has left its Agenda and Jhanda in Hind Mahasagar( Indian ocean ) just for its lust for power to get the votes of Muslims.
Today, you will find mushroom of Convent Schools, Madrasses on all corner of the city. But through the width and length of this country you will not find even one Hindu School where Hindus could send their wards to learn Hindu way of life.  (Article 30 of the constitution forbids this) Although, this is a secular country but it runs on the whims and fancy of Minority i.e. Muslims. Maoists are in one side, Jehadies are on other side with arms in their hands and in between media is there to defame Hindus. Hindus are not allowed to cry.  Every day, the security perception is becoming weaker day by day.

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