Appeal for Regime Change in India

published on February 1, 2009

An Appeal to Hindu Voters, Leaders and


Subject: For
India ‘s Sake do not forget 26/11 and Holocaust of
Hindus – defeat forces Leading

India  toward Mughalistan;
defeat Sonia- Singh regime and elect a new nationalist and
dynamic Leadership.


Respected Hindu voters, Public and
Activists,Aadarniya Hindu Leaders;


The well planned and well executed Pak-commando attack on Mumbai’s land
marks on 26/11  by a dozen terrorists while keeping the city paralyzed
and holding it at ransom for three days, killing and injuring hundreds,
supported by hundreds of fanatic Trojan local Muslims, has exposed the
pathetic vulnerability and imminent threat to India’s security. For terror
masters it is a continuation of the thousand year old ongoing crusade
for holocaust and genocide against Hindus and campaign for converting
Hindustan into an Islamistan. The policies of
the Sonia- Singh regime turning India into a soft state and granting special
privileges to Muslims as a reward for their tacit loyalty to congress has made
them even more daring and aggressive. The lack of response for punishing the enemy involved in the
crimes of 26/11 is also a stark reminder of the regime’s ill conceived
and virtual pursuit of ” Hindi- Paki bhai bhai” policy, like Nehru-
Krishnan Menon facade of  “Hindi- Chini bhai bhai” culminating into
the  disastrous Chinese invasion of


    The Hindu
majority of
India  must realize that it is a civilizational war against their way
of life and liberty and they must assume charge and play a leadership role
by uniting and defeating this Islamists proxy regime in the upcoming

If the current regime continues to be in the saddle, the
probability of
India ’s weakening structure and
disintegration will enlarge.  


This dire situation must serve as a call to thousands of patriotic
Hindus for plunging into the political arena and stake their lives
and careers like ‘Unnikrishnan’ for ousting the ineffective, confused
and selfish politicians.
Such characters must be replaced by effective
leadership believing in “country before every thing” and state support for “need
not creed”. Such an initiative will eventually eliminate the vote bank politics and the reservation
and give rise to a truly democratic system. The armed forces by
themselves cannot effectively defend the nation when unscrupulous
politicians make illogical and anti national decisions of far reaching


    1) Pakistan’s diabolical plan against India goes well beyond the
26/11 terrorist strikes in Mumbai:

The most reliable reports from Pakistan reveal that
the ISI has circulated two secret maps in the army to boost their morale giving
them 2020 as the target year for achieving the destabilization of India. In one
map it indicates a drastic change of the topography of Mumbai, turning the
metropolis into ‘Muslimabad‘ by
2012. Another map of India
targets the entire North India, converting it into ‘Islamic Republic of
Pakistan’ by 2020, leaving South India as disputed territory and treating
Bangladesh ,
Sri Lanka and

Nepal as its neighboring countries
(attachment A). Such a glaring plan of subversion could not be ignored as
ideas of some fringe fanatics, after the 26/11 Mumbai


    2) Hindus must not
forget their Holocaust and be proactive to protect their turf:

jihad against Hindustan is a gory record
of millions killed, of burnt temples, libraries and entire cities.

In his
Growth of Muslim Population in India, Prof KS Lal estimates that the
Hindu population decreased by 80 million between 1000 AD and 1525 AD, an
extermination unparalleled in world history. This number is overwhelming but
then the Hindu genocide, unlike the Jewish Holocaust, happened in
painfully-regular installments.

’ is a good
example of one such installment. The conquest of
Afghanistan in
1000 AD saw the annihilation of its entire Hindu population. Even today, this
region is known as the ‘Hindu Kush’, which literally means ‘Hindu
slaughter’, proudly named by radical Islamists after that massacre.
In 1399, Taimur killed 1, 00,000 Hindus in a single
and the Bahamani Sultans made it a sacred
religious duty to kill 1, 00,000 Hindus every year


    “It is
tragic that thousands of educated and intelligent Indians seek to negate the
Hindu Holocaust —— mostly unwittingly. That is partly the result of reading
fabricated history right from childhood, and partly in an attempt to remaining
politically correct.
The unremitting flood of terror attacks against

India ever since the UPA took over is
thus a protraction of that centuries-old jihad. Only, in changed times,
the intent of cultural genocide is manufactured in the offices of the ISI and
Pakistani terror camps remain intact. Its perpetrators know how to express that
intent with alarming regularity (Sandeep , attachment


India ’s painful history and
experience with inhumanities inflicted by Islamists can not be dismissed

It is worth restating that the jihad
India is neither new  nor does
it show signs of stopping any time soon.

Some of the treacherous examples of this
genocidal history that should be pointed out to Islamists, media
and the so called secularists who incessantly harp about Hindu
fundamentalism – of Babri demolition and
Gujarat riots
- include


) killing of 50-100 million Hindus during the 700
years of Islamists rule by terror, plunder, arson and building 98% of the
Islamic population by committing criminal acts towards promoting forcible

) Wiping out more than 20,000 people in
Calcutta by Islamists in
1946 to force partition on Congress;

) Elimination of millions of Sikhs & Hindus
during the partition in 1947;

) Putting to death over three million Hindus in East
Pakistan; driving out some 9 million Bangladeshi Hindus into India; and the
illegal infiltration by an additional 30 million Bangladeshi Muslims;

) Expulsion of the entire Hindu-Sikh population from
Kashmir and PoK;

) Ethnic cleansing of Hindus and Sikhs in

Pakistan where they are now less than
1% reduced from over 25% in 1947. In
Bangladesh where the non-Muslims were
more than 30% in 1947 they have been reduced to less than 8%.

These one sided anti-Hindu crimes committed by
Islamists do not justify
India ’s unconditional change of policy towards
the Islamic state of Pakistan
– the epicenter of Islamic terrorism, unless
India too has a
contempt for its population of which 85% is Hindu.


    4) The Leaders and the public must beware of the Islamists
subtle moves through the Sonia- Singh regime

to have Aurangzeb
like largesse


a) That Muslims have the first
claim on national resources;

b) Appointment of Sachar
Commission for legitimizing the inadmissible treatment for

c) Giving away Rupees 400 crores of
mostly Hindu tax payers money for Hajj pilgrimage every year;

d) Making unjustifiable
reservations in jobs, education and even in higher institutions of learning like
IITs and IIMs;

e) Award for Muslim and
Christian minority students of much higher rate of scholarships as compared with
the SC and ST students (attachment
C); and 

f) According to news reports, the
Union Human Resources Ministry is all set to grant madrassa certificates equal
status with the CBSE – Central Board of Secondary Education (attachment C),




 Yes, Sonia-Singh regime is the same
anti- Hindu regime which is


a)  violating the faith of 100 crores Hindus by questioning the
existence of Lord Ram and calling him a mythical being and by demolishing
Ram Sethu to further inflict injury upon the majority community’s faith and
religious practices;

b)  Letting states usurp temples and Hindu religious properties in
an attempt to demolish the Hindu religious infrastructure;

c) remaining indifferent on the arrest of the most revered  H.H.
Kanchi Shankaracharya in Tamil Nadu;

d)  Appeasing terrorists rather than dealing firmly with them. Such
deliberate and lenient policy encouraged commando raid on Mumbai;

e)  Concocting the phony idea
of Hindu terrorism and arresting Sadhvi Pragya;


 f) Enforcing religion
based reservations and Hajj subsidies for Muslims in violation of secular
constitution thus re-imposing Jazia tax on Hindus;

g) uncaring for masses as seen by large scale farmers suicides;

H) Unable to deal with
China ‘s nibbling on Arunachal

I) remaining indifferent, inactive and silent on cleansing of Hindus from
Kashmir ;


 j) Entering far- reaching
international treaties without Parliamentary and public consensus; and  so


    For the good of India, her
civilization, her immense spirituality and culture, Sonia- Singh regime has
to go and a government that thinks Indian, breathes nationalism and will protect
its citizens must be voted to power.

If we want to avoid another partition or Kurukshetra, we must recognize
the dangers that engulf us and take proactive measures to avert them. If
the current regime continues to be in power the probability of the collapse of
the Indian state would greatly enhance.


    6) Hindus must realize that it is a “civilizational war” against
their way of life and their liberty by Islamists and therefore, they
must assume charge, unite and defeat the Islamist’s proxy regime in the upcoming

 In view of what is
going on, one fears if history is going to be repeated and if

India  may once again slip into
the hands of forces inimical to democracy and secularism, who may rule as
dictators enforcing their religious dogmas on Hindus. Failure to achieve
a regime change could lead to dismemberment of the state and the
repetition of the story of genocide
, cleansing as in Kashmir and

Pakistan . As always the Hindu women
could become a target for Muslim lust and harems. For SCs, STs and OBC’s
and for non- Muslim minorities, their special protection and aid might end and
they may face annihilation as in
Pakistan ,
Bangladesh and
other Islamic states.


    Given the fact that Islamists in
India have set up more than 800 active cells (4,000 by some estimates), as
admitted by the former Home Minister, the Jihadists have capacity to strike at
India at will and with ever ready collaboration of Pakistan the Jihadist can
fragmentize and dismember India with a relative ease.  Under this scenario the Islamists and
Pakistan jointly could choke

India forcing her in agreeing to
additional partitions.


could disintegrate if Sonia-Singh regime is re-elected; the need of the
hour is “regime change” and new Leadership:

  From this briefing it is evident that
the Sonia- Singh regime cannot lead the country in the current challenging
environment. The lack of understanding, lack of a national vision, lack of guts
and use of the “divide and rule” policy for staying in power may be some of the
grounds for entertaining this conclusion. The principal actors in this regime
indulge in frequent violation of constitution and political bribery as seen
by:  a) special, unconstitutional privileges to Muslims and Christian
for their votes; and b) the despicable spectacle of Sonia-
Singh resorting to bribing some MPs with crores of Rupees or promise of
giving them important positions on July 22, 2008 to win the confidence vote in
Parliament. Such acts only encourage all round corruption and unethical conduct.
The increasing demands and riots by Muslims and government readily
acceding to the grant of uncalled for special privileges to them reminds of the
pre 1947 situation that led to partition.


    For survival and country’s political integrity,
Hindus as the majority community have a sacred duty and “dharma” to elect
bold and visionary leaders in the forthcoming Parliamentary elections, who
posses strength and determination to face the challenge and implement the
fundamental secularist principles including  of “one Law one Nation” and “Need not
Creed” based state support.


 8) The
struggle for a change could be formidable and hard
 One of the reasons for that being the politically
corrupt alliance between the current administration and the vested interests of
Muslims, Christians and Communists, who at this point in time enjoy a
bumper harvest at the cost of the majority community. If Congress/UPA is
allowed to remain in power for another five years,
could be weakened and could become a loosely interlinked group of independent
states ruled by Muslims, Christians, Communists and their regional lords. The
Indian media owned by foreigners will be too pleased to extend a helping hand in
this process – tacit but undeclared dismemberment of
India .


    Under these
circumstances, the transformed BJP/NDA could be a pragmatic and alternative
governing force.
This could be the last chance for the BJP and allies
to assume the responsibility of national governance but before so doing it must
commit itself seriously for among other things serving the interest of the
majority. In view of its unfulfilled hopes and expectations during the past round of BJP led administration, there may be some
reservations lingering on for its return but let us hope the party and its
partners have learnt their lesson. If the Congress was afforded by the
electorate so many chances despite its oft repeated failures to deliver the
promises made to the general public, including the miserable performance by the
current UPA administration led by it, endangering the very security and welfare
of the Indian people, the BJP and its partners certainly deserve yet another


    9) This formidable
challenge can and must be met:

  When tens of thousands of concerned citizens
engage and take up active roles, for electing a new Parliament
and dynamic leaders for the country, this challenge can be met
successfully. It may be necessary to leave everything aside for the next
few months and invest time in this Electoral “Yajna”, and find the
suitable leaders to replace a failed government. They should select and
elect leaders who could also be supported by the global Hindu community. If a
black American could be elected the
US President, there is no reason why a responsive
and accountable Govt. representing the Hindu majority could not be elected
India . That would be best way of
fulfilling the promise of the partition and establish the real “majority rule”
India .


The volunteers and their organizations who
engage in
the change process must be in it to win. Since Hindu votes are sacred and cannot
be wasted therefore, the Hindu leaders particularly the Hindu religious leaders
must not remain neutral or indifferent towards this process. They must
understand that their silence and isolation helps only those who are engaged in
depriving and denying Hindus their rightful role in governing India
democratically, and who find their strength in keeping Hindus divided and
disloyal minorities unjustifiably patronized. 


    In view of the new leadership of
America and the continued
belligerence of Pakistan ,
victory of nationalists at this critical juncture could be extremely
constructive in reshaping the national and international policies of

India . The unity exhibited by the
citizens of
India in the wake of the Amarnath
Yatra agitation could be a guiding force for a massive movement involving men
and women, young and old – all driven by a passion, dedication and vision of a
new and United India with a powerful, effective and accountable
government. Let the people unify for the
rebirth of democratic
India and thereby reject the
counterfeit “Desh Netas”.


    Thanks for your time
and appealing for your participation in this “Dharma Yudh” for achieving a
regime change in
India .



Dr. Jagan Kaul

Krishan Bhatnagar

Hindu Jagran Forum (

January 31 , 2009

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