Another Anti Hindu from Andhra – An Open Letter to Chandrababu Naidu

published on February 3, 2009

Letter addressed to Mr. Naidu by Dr. T. Hanuman Chowdary


Sri. N. Chandrababu Naidu, Leader of the Opposition
Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly, Hyderabad and
President, TDP

Dear Sri Chandra Babuji,

I am sure you are aware of the poem by Bhartruhari translated into Telugu by Enugu Lakshmana Kavi

Aakasambu nundi sambhuni sirambandundi seethadri

suslokambaina himadrinundi bhuvi, bhoolokambunandundi

yasthokambhodi bayodhinundi pavanandholokamunjere

ganga koolankasha pekku bhangulu vivekabrasta sampathamul

2. Loss of power is making you desperate, leading you to make all sorts of populist promises, the consequences of which will
(a) bankrupt the State
(b) undermine and subvert secularism
(c)encourage conversions of Hindus to Christianity and (d) generate communal strife between Hindus and Christians; Hindus and Muslims.

3. The latest is while addressing the 71st State Level Conference of the (converting enterprise) Bible Mission near Guntur on 27 Jan 2009 you promised to repeal GO:746 which proclaims Tirumala and Tirupati as Hindus’ Punyakshetras and GO:747 which prohibits converting Missionaries’ preaching and related activities in the vicinity of Hindus’ temples. What even a Christian Chief Minister conceded to Hindus, is promised by you to Christians to please them!

4. Former admirers and well wishers like me are perplexed at what is driving you to make many reckless promises, some of them as mentioned in para (3) are patently appeasing minorities and humiliating to an enraging Hindus. You are also promising them a separate financial corporation for their development. With whose money are you going to do this?

 Are you really believing that Christians are going to vote for you and not for the Congress of the Christian Chief Minister Dr Y. S. Rajasekhara Reddy and the Christian supremo of this country, Sonia Gandhi of Italian birth. Just as Muslims repudiated secular Mahatma, socialist Nehru and nationalist Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and their Congress when 98.6% of them voted for the Muslim League and not for the Congress, in the elections to the Central Legislative Council, Delhi in 1945-46 Christians declaring them as Christians as well as those converts who fraudulently record themselves SCs are not going to vote for you when yours is only a promise whereas Dr Y. S. Rajasekhara Reddy is fulfilling his promises – he is sending Christians to Jerusalem with a subsidy of Rs. 15,000; he is performing the marriage of Christians by giving them Rs. 15,000 ; he has created a separate state -owned Financial Corporation for Christians and a separate department for their welfare. It is indeed astonishing that you believe that forsaking the man who is fulfilling his promises and making of them,would vote for you .

5. You promise to extend reservations meant for S.C Hindus to S.C converts to Christianity. You would then be party to Christian Missionaries fraud of telling that Christianity has no castes and so SC Hindus will be better off where as the fact is there are Kamma,Brahmin, Reddy, Dalit, caste Christians.

6. I am afraid that by promising many things to Muslims and Christians in the forlorn hope of getting their votes, you are antagonising 85% of the population of this state. Hindus are to pay taxes and you are saying that you use that tax money for the benefit of the conversion and converted gangs. To the destroyers of this country’s peace and integrity, the Islamists you are promising 12% reservation.

7. Thousands of us who sang paens to your statesmanship are now pained that you have descended to such despicable depths to recklessly making promises which harm the interests of this state, of this country and Hindus. History and people of Andhra Pradesh will not forgive renegades, renegades from what they preached and practised in the past and now stoop to the meanest depths making numerous, fantabulous promises in the forlorn hope of getting votes and seizing power. Can’t you please see that you are subverting and scandalizing secularism by resorting to appeasement of Christians and Muslims and that by repeal of GOs 746 and 747 you are encouraging conversions and antagonizing Hindus?

8. May god yet give you wisdom! May you kindly indulge in honest introspection whether the populist promises that you are making, to which ever gathering you are going, would be in the interest of our people, our state and country.

With Regards in pain

Yours truly,
Dr T.H.Chowdary
Director : Center for Telecom Management & Studies
Chairman : Pragna Bharati, Andhra Pradesh

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