…And there was more to know about Gandhi

published on June 23, 2009

New Age Publishers proudly announce the launch of visionary author Radha Rajan’s book Eclipse of the Hindu Nation: Gandhi and HIS Freedom Struggle at India International Centre, New Delhi on Friday June 26, 2009 at 6.00 pm

This is a book that seeks to demonstrate how the Gandhi-led freedom movement had no well-defined political goal which should have been determined by a sound understanding of the inherent evil of alien rule. Painstakingly researched from Gandhi’s original writings, it shows how, in the absence of such a defined political objective, the freedom movement drifted confusedly between Gandhi’s social agenda and his political ambitions, leaving the field clear to anti-national interests to divide and rule us and to dismember our land to serve alien politico-religious objectives.
The book argues that it was Gandhi’s refusal to acknowledge the right of the majority of the population to its land that was the root cause for his failure to organize all sections of the majority society to combat the twin threats of an obdurate and avaricious colonial power and an ascendant anti-Hindu monotheism.
Exposed as unrealistic and resting on non-truth is Gandhi’s description of our nation. By making the Indian National Congress his personal vehicle, he twisted the freedom movement in a manner deliberately calculated to cast into the shadows the nationalism of Tilak, Aurobindo, Savarkar, Bhagat Singh and Subhash Chandra Bose.
Gandhi and the Gandhi-led freedom movement eclipsed the Hindu Nation. This book takes a decisive step towards correcting the political discourse in our country and makes a case for self-conscious Hindu state power to pull us back from the brink of our self-destructive politics of minorityism.
No matter how much the secularists protest that Hindu assertion is undermining the idea of India that is a figment of their imagination, this nation is not an idea, it is real. The truth of the nation rests on its majority populace for whom this nation is their janmabhumi, a concept unique to Hindu religion.
About the Author


Radha Rajan is a Chennai-based political commentator and Editor, www.vigilonline.com. She is also one of the authors of the book NGOs, Activists and Foreign Funds: Anti-Nation Industry, Edited by Radha Rajan and Krishen Kak, published by Vigil Public Opinion Forum, 2006. The author is passionately committed to the welfare of homeless and street animals in Chennai for over 12 years. Gandhi’s view on ahimsa towards animals while it had little bearing on the subject of the book was nevertheless an eye-opener and lent an edge to the author’s critique of Gandhian ahimsa.

Books will be available at the door for purchase at Rs.495.00

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