An Open Letter to the Prime Minister from Dr Pravin Togadia

published on March 15, 2011

An Open Letter to the Prime Minister of Bharat By Dr Pravin Togadia, International Secretary General, VHP


Shri Manmohan Singh ji                                                                            March 14, 2011      

Honourable Prime Minister,
Union Government of India
New Delhi, Bharat

Hon. Shri Prime Minister ji,

            Namaskaar. Sat Shri Akaal.

Generally, just like millions of people in Bharat, I nurtured a lot of hope that after 63 years from the freedom from the British Rule, Bharat & people of Bharat would be safe – both in Bharat & abroad. But to the utter dismay & shock to all of us, majority in Bharat & Bharatiyas abroad are victimized in many ways:

   1. A 24 yr Gujarati young & bright girl student of Accounting in an IT college in Australia was raped & brutally killed in Australia whose body has been found in a suitcase! Although Australian government always assured Bharat to ensure safety of Bharatiyas in Australia, the hate crimes have not yet stopped. Even in this case, they claim that they have arrested one Daniel & the court there has rejected his bail. This is not a mere case; it is a matter of an honor of a Bharatiya young lady student & therefore, it needs your immediate attention. We in Bharat have seen special fast track courts being set up to decide such cases against foreigners & minorities; but when it comes to majority & Bharatiyas abroad, there is no justice.

   2. Recently Bharatiya students in an American University were tagged with radio anklets as if they were terrorists on the run. If not for the noise in Bharat on this issue, even this matter would have been treated by the Govt of India as a routine visa & admission problems case.

   3. Many young sailors are in captivity of the Somalian pirates for over a long time now. Although their families have been suffering a lot back home in Bharat, until some noise has been made, no movement was seen from your side in this issue, knowing fully well that these are the Jehadi elements from the same Somalia where Al Qaeda was started by Osama Bin Laden & knowing fully well that Indian Coast Guards have captured many Somalian pirates with deadly modern weapons.

   4. Recently 2 elderly Sikhs were brutally killed in America. This is not the first time such a gruesome incident has happened about Sikhs in America.

   5. There also has been a spate of murders of Bharatiya Students in America especially from South India. Such crimes have gone up since the President of America Mr. Barack Hussein Obama has termed Bharat as ‘Job Snatcher’ & ‘Tax evader’. But Bharat has not seen you taking serious note of this degradation of Bharat & of crimes against Bharatiyas in America.

   6. Even in case of Sri Lanka, the total response from the Government of India re saving the lakhs of Tamil was extremely lukewarm. Had Govt of India taken a tough stand about Sri Lanka brutally killing Tamils en mass, such a gruesome genocide of Tamil Bharatiyas would not have taken place in Sri Lanka.
  7. Past few years we all have been noticing in shock the way Malaysian Govt has been jailing & beating up Tamil & other Hindus in Malaysia. Many ancient Hindu temples there have been razed completely by the govt. But rather that being tough on such dishonour to the Bharatiyas in Malaysia & also dishonour to Bharatiya cultural heritage, Bharat has seen you getting irritated with any questions related to this issue.

   8. For the past many years Bharat has been facing many Jehadi terror attacks. But rather than acknowledging it, like many other nations have already done & acted upon – you seem to be in denial for obvious reasons to appease minorities at the cost of the lives of majority. Bharat has seen it well clearly even in your predecessor’s time in 1990 when Kashmiri Pundits, Hindus & Sikhs were herded out of Kashmir – many losing lives & all losing all their earnings, lands, homes & businesses. But instead of restoring them where they belong, they are being treated as outsiders without even voting rights whereas the Jehadi elements from Kashmir & POK are being wooed by the state & Union governments. But even in the recent case of Jehadi attack on Mumbai’s prestigious places, a Pakistani Kasab has been convicted & yet the Union Govt under your esteemed leadership allows Pakistani authorities to interrogate Jehadi Kasab whereas the same Pakistan shuns Bharat’s request to interrogate the mastermind behind the attack Lakhvi & Hafiz Saeed. Hon. Mr. Prime Minister, Bharat still remembers how Sarabjeet’s family & the Union Govt were ill treated by Pakistan & here, the Union Govt has been bending before Pakistan as if there is some strange & strong compulsion which only a few in your govt know of & are hiding from Bharat because it obviously can only be political!  

There are umpteen such incidents & happenings from Assam to Keral & from Maharashtra & Bengal spanning all Bharat & abroad, Mr. Hon. Prime Minister, and if one goes to list them, this document will be perhaps much bigger than what could be called a letter. Therefore, I restrain myself to a few of them. But the crux of the matter is that in Bharat, under your esteemed leadership, past almost a decade, majority is unsafe, victimized & has no basic protection given in the constitution! There seem to be no Human Rights left for Majority – Hindus – Jains, Buddhists, Sikhs, Tribals & so on – in Bharat. At the same time the Union Govt under your leadership does not care for the well-being & Human Rights of Bharatiyas abroad. Sometimes some Union External Affairs Minister or Hon Secretary are seen speaking sense, but at the same time it does not seem to reflect in actual action other than some highly charged flights for evacuation in ultimate disasters & obviously, it is your accountability, Hon. Shri. Prime Minister.

If our brothers & sisters are not safe in Bharat & abroad, we look forward to you to re-look at the policies – internal & external – rather than aiming at victimizing majority as has been going on in Bharat for almost a decade now. No nation would dare to touch any Bharatiya in such a demeaning way provided Bharat’s own Prime Minister treats majority in a dignified way.    

Many people like me travel all over Bharat including the smallest villages, towns & cities where we come to know many such heart-breaking cases. This is my sincere attempt as a Bharatiya – a common citizen – to bring the nation’s broken heart to you, Hon. Shri. Prime Minister. The sea-change in internal & external policies is the need of the hour & there can not be any error of judgment in such policies as any such error can compromise nation’s honour & safety; so also the public judgment to such irreparable errors is always very bitter democratically. Therefore, this is my sincere plea to you not to take majority’s Human Rights in Bharat & Bharatiyas’ Human Rights abroad so lightly. The promptness that you showed in helping Dr Haneef when he was caught in Australia, the willingness you showed in saving a minority man’s eyes in Middle East when he was convicted & many such incidents are known to Bharat. Similar kind-hearted promptness from you, Hon. Shri. Prime Minister, in relations with the majority in Bharat & Bharatiyas abroad is what Bharat is looking forward to so that you do not at least look obviously discriminating between majority & minority in Bharat & abroad.

It is time that all well-meaning people who have been doing social service, social thinkers, finance experts, agriculturists, various professional & so on irrespective of their political lineage sit together & draw up fresh as well as proactive internal & external policies to keep Bharat safe & Bharatiyas abroad secured. Targeting majority to appease minority may help gain a few more votes & power for some years but when the nation’s boundaries are becoming unsafe day by day; Bharatiyas abroad are singled out & targeted; Jehadi terrorism is engulfing the entire world including Bharat, there is an immediate need to create a safety net in internal & external policies rather than singling out majority of Bharat & victimizing it or bending before foreign powers. In this open letter of mine, which I am writing to you Hon. Shri Prime Minister, as a common citizen of Bharat, I urge you not to succumb to international pressures in buying things & services at the cost of lives of Bharatiyas in Bharat & abroad. Hope you treat this as a democratic wake up call from Bharat. As a common citizen of Bharat, I & the majority expect you to seize to be a particular party man & be an all encompassing Prime Minister who is in charge of Bharat’s well-being in totality & does now allow contradictory statements, policies & actions from other ministers & also from any political party members. 

Dhanyavaad. As a Cancer Surgeon I wish you & your family a good health in coming years & look forward to a meaningful dialogue AND POSITIVE ACTION from you rather than some sundry revengeful activities. Regards,


Dr Pravin Togadia 

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