An Open Letter to Dr Chiranjivi , in Wake of his Promises to Christians

via Dr T H Chowdary published on February 17, 2009
Dear Dr Chiranjivi,

Sub: Your promises to the 71st Conference of the Bible Mission of Andhra
Pradesh near Guntur in January 2009 Not a few but many intelligent and true
citizens of secular India are stunned by what you promised to the Christians
assembled there.

2 First let me refer to what your party office is displaying. One
of the photos is of Mother Teresa. I wonder how much you know by your own
effort, through published literature and a BBC TV show ("Hell's Angel" is a
1994 BBC television documentary about Mother Theresa by Christopher
Hitchens) on Mother Teresa or whether you are accepting the propaganda. I
request you especially since you aspire to be Chief Minister of the state
and leader of our people, to read the book on Mother Teresa by Arup
Chatterjee, "The Final Verdict" available on

3 Mother Teresa has not only accepted money from criminals,
narcotics dealers, smugglers but even wrote to the Governor of a State in
the USA to show leniency to a person who was convicted for serious crimes.
Her plea was that he donated money to her cause. Suppose the fake stamp
printer, Telgi of Rs.35000 cr scam donates money to your Party, would you
first accept it and second, tell the public that he is a good man as he
donated for a good cause and so, he should be treated leniently? I urge
upon you to remove that photo and to convince yourself, please read the book
and also see the BBC TV show which exposed her frauds.

4 You have stated that you attended the conference of
the Bible Mission because of your faith in Jesus Christ. This is of course
the common naivety of every Hindu because when we accept thousands of
people as gods and goddesses and divine, one more could also be accepted, as
god's son, born immaculately to a virgin, Mary. Have you ever asked a
Christian or Muslim whether he would in a reciprocal manner, say he has
faith in Lord Vishnu or Lord Shiva or Sri Rama? Every Hindu can sincerely
and passionably say easwar Allah tere naam.

5 Have you ever asked a Muslim to say that? I have
asked Muslims who were my interlocutors in several public meetings to tell
this, just as I said and whether they would repeat it. None of them
repeated. I would not question your faith in Christ but I request you to
introspect within yourself whether your faith is not misplaced as we do not
have a reciprocal affirmation from non-Hindus; that is, Christians and

6 You promised to the conference of Christians the
continuation of and extension and intensification of state-funding for
Christians' pilgrimage to Jerusalem. We are a 'secular' state. There is not
a single 'secular' state in the world which uses the tax monies of people to
fund or subsidise religious pilgrimage of its citizens. Not a single one of
the more than 40 Muslim countries in the world funds or subsidises the
pilgrimages of its Muslim citizens to Mecca. It is only the 'secular' and
peculiar state of India that subsidises Muslims' pilgrimage to Mecca at
Rs.35000 per person, increasing annually, costing an amount of over Rs 400
cr in 2008 and increasing every year. It may be of interest to you to know
that the Bill to this effect was moved by the so called "secularist" and
"socialist" great man, Jawaharlal Nehru himself.

7 As nowhere else in this country or anywhere in the
world, the Christian Chief Minister Dr Y S Rajasekhar Reddy of this state
has started funding Christians' pilgrimage to Jerusalem from the coffers of
the 'secular' state of Andhra Pradesh. This is subversion of our
Constitution. Not a single Hindu Minister in his Cabinet had the honor, much
less courage to demand that like Muslims and Christians, Hindus forming 85%
of the state's population and contributing 95% of the tax revenues to the
government be also subsidised for their pilgrimages to Manasarover,
Amaranth, Kasi, Prayaga, Mathura, Ayodhya, Vashno Devi, Simhachalam,
Tirupati, Sabarimalai etc. Not a single MLA or MLC of AP has condemned this
anti-secular, anti-Hindu measure of the GOAP.

8 Surprisingly, you have promised to the Christians
that your party would continue this type of subsidies for religious
pilgrimages of Christians. It did not occur to you to say that it is wrong
for a 'secular' state to do so. Not even that; you did not invoke the
principle that a 'secular' state should treat all religions alike; you do
not say that Hindus pilgrimages would also be subsidised. This makes us to
suspect that you and your party, like all the so-called 'secular' parties,
are engaged in appeasement of minorities in the fond hope of getting their
votes. This is reprehensible for a leader and a party which is espousing
CHANGE, as the war slogan of the Praja Rajyam Party (PRP).

9 You have also promised to these Christians that the
reservations meant for Hindu SCs would be extended to the dalits in
Christianity. I am sure you are not ignorant about the claims of
Christianity that in it, there is no caste and no untouchability and that
all are equal according to the Christian creed. It is by propagandizing this
tenet of Christianity that missionaries and evangelists and churches are
luring SC Hindus to convert to Christianity. Christianity is hundreds of
years old in this country; yet it is practising discrimination against the
Hindu SCs who are converted to Christianity. Are you aware that out of over
300 Bishops just only one or two are from the so-called dalit Christians
whereas they constitute more than 80% of Christians in India? It is the
Brahmin, Reddy, Kamma and such upper caste converts to Christianity that are
Bishops. Church organizations, Christian-managed educational and medical
institutions do not provide reservations for dalit Christians. Why should
secular governments do so?

10 You must be aware that in South Africa, the white
European-descent Christian rulers practised untouchability against the black
Africans converted to Christianity until the year 1994. White European
Christians exterminated 40 million indigenous people in Americas. White
Christians traded in slaves and held slaves. The American civil war was
fought on the issue of abolition of slavery. Abolition of slavery was
proclaimed over 150 years ago, untouchability and segregation against the
black Afro- Americans were practiced by the white Christians in the USA till
the 1960s. Even today, Afro-American Blacks have their churches separate
from the churches of the white European origin Christians.

11 Christianity is thus a great fraud in saying that
there is no untouchability or discrimination against low-class, low-caste
converts like Hindu SCs or black Africans or Afro-Americans. To such
fraudster Christianity, you are promising that reservations meant for Hindu
SCs would be extended to converts. It would mean encouragement of Hindu SCs
and others to convert to Christianity! Do you please realize this? Is it not
an anti-Hindu position?

12 90% of the government servants who have got their jobs
in reservation quota by declaring themselves as Hindu SCs are in fact
practising Christians-. After retirement Stanley Babu, of South Central
Railways, Sri Danam retired IAS officer etc., are examples. One William, an
SC Christian is Chairman of the AP State SC/ST Finance Corporation. What do
Hindus owe to them, to such fraudster Christianity in Andhra Pradesh that
you are promising to help? Should not 85% of voters who are Hindus deem your
promise as an anti-Hindu stand? Do you know that Dr B R Ambedkar, whose
photo you are exhibiting along with Mother Teresa, told his people not to
convert to Christianity as the moment they do so, they cease to be Indians;
they get denationlised? Dr B R Ambedkar also told SCs that they should not
convert to Islam either as the brotherhood in that religion is confined to
Muslims and the rest are all kafirs, fit to converted or killed. Mahatma
Gandhi, whom hundreds of millions of Indians revere, answering a pointed
question by missionaries before Independence said, that 'if I had the power
I would, after India gained Independence, send out all the missionaries from
the country. He held conversion as the greatest violence, involving utmost
fraud. This is what Christian missionaries and Christian organisations in
Andhra Pradesh are engaged in and to them you are promising subsidised
pilgrimage and extension of reservations for Hindu dalits converted to
Christianity. This is a blatant, in fact, a competitive exercise to appease

13 I appeal to you not to compete with fraudsters, vote
gatherers and traitors to Hinduism in making promises to Christians and
Muslims in the hope of getting their votes. Have you promised to Hindus what
you promise to Christians (and Muslims)? Do you know that the so called
minority colleges sell 70% of their seats to Hindus and they don't give them
all to minority students?

14 Finally, I request you to read the enclosed articles
and booklets which bear upon the great assault that Hindus and India are
being subjected to by the evil quartet of Marxists, Muslims, Missionaries
and Macaulayans (i.e., English medium educated persons, who are only in
colour and blood Indian, but in culture, belief, tastes, view of India,
un-Indian, western, now-a-days, American), resident non-Indians (RNIs) all.
You are constantly talking of Change I suggest to you that the Change should
be to move away from corruption, anti-Hinduism, diversion of Hindus' funds
and tax monies by a 'secular' state to Muslims and to Christians. This
nation and our people owe nothing to Muslims or Christians. The former had
been the ruthless anti-Hindu rulers in several parts of the country for
several centuries, looting and humiliating Hindus. The latter had been
collaborators with the British rule, bringing into India un-Indian,
anti-Hindu faiths and beliefs and religious intolerance. Your party and you
which are repeatedly using the phrase change should discard the colonized
mindset and cultivate and promote Indian mindset of Sanatana Dharma, that is
Hindu and Bharat.

With regards,

Yours sincerely,
Dr T H Chowdary

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