An Appeal-Sri Guruji Golwalkar Hindu Resource Centre

published on October 30, 2009

Sri Guruji Golwalkar Hindu Resource Centre of Bharatamata Gurukula Ashram & Yogi Ramsuratkumar Indological Research Centre

Sister Nivedita Academy was founded by Sadhu Rangarajan, a humble Swayamsevak of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, inspired right from his boyhood by Paramapoojaneeya Sri Guruji Golwalkar. The Academy was started  with the blessings of great patriots and spiritual leaders like Swami Chinmayananda and Acharya J.B. Kripalani on the auspicious Tamil
New Year’s Day, April 13, 1977, as an Institute of Hindu Thought and Culture, to propagate the ideals of spiritual nationalism and adoration and worship of Motherland. The official organ, TATTVA DARSANA quarterly, was started in February, 1984, and is now in the twenty sixth year of publication. The Yogi Ramsuratkumar Youth Association came into
existence in the year 1989 to inculcate in the younger generation the spiritual values and practices like japa sadhana, yoga and meditation.The Yogi Ramsuratkumar Indological Research Centre was started in 1993 to promote research and studies on Indology. All these activities were directed by this humble Sadhu when he was staying in an austere, two
roomed flat on rent at Triplacane, Chennai.

The Bharatamata Gurukula Ashram was started at Bangalore in December 1999 to accommodate visitors and devotees from various parts of the country and abroad who sought the guidance of this Sadhu and wanted to make use of the vast collection of books and journals in the Academy’s possession. Sri Bharatamata Mandir, a unique temple in which Sri Bharata Bhavani has been consecrated as Mahashakti as envisaged by great patriot-saints like Bankim Chandra, Sri Aurobindo, Mahakavi Bharati and Subramania Siva, was inaugurated in the precints of the Ashram on December 8, 2004. Sri H.V. Seshadri, former Jt. General Secretary of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh presided over the inaugural function and Jagadguru Sri Vishwesha Teertha of Udipi Pejawar Mutt consecrated the

The Sister Nivedita Academy has now undertaken a project to build Sri Guruji Golwalkar Hindu Resource Centre on the top floor of Sri Bharatamata Mandir and Bharatamata Gurukula Ashram & Yogi Ramsuratkumar Indological Research Centre at Srinivasanagar, Kithaganur,Krishnarajapuram, Bangalore 560036. The Centre will serve as a source of
information on all aspects of Hindu thought and culture and will enable students in any part of the world to easily access materials for their research and study.

The Centre will have a big auditorium, a library hall, with electronic equipments like computers, scanner, printer etc., to facilitate research and to preserve the vast collection of rare books, journals and press clippings collected during the last four decades, a dormitory with kitchen and dining hall facilities to accommodate devotees and research students from inside the country and abroad coming to the Gurukula Ashram for study and research, and a Gopura above the sanctum sanctorum of Sri Bharatamata Mandir. The whole project is estimated to cost about Rs.20 lakhs.

In the past, this Sadhu has never gone out approaching people to donate funds for any of the projects of our Academy. By the grace of the Divine Mother  Sri Bharata Bhavani, help has come voluntarily and spontaneously from various sources for all our noble work. We do hope, our devotees, members and patrons will extend their generous help and patronage to
this project also. Cheques and drafts may kindly be drawn in favour of SISTER NIVEDITA ACADEMY. Love offerings in the form of building materials, furnitures and equipments for the Centre will also be gratefully accepted.

Sadhu Prof. V. Rangarajan
Founder Trustee, Sister Nivedita Academy, Sri Bharatamata Mandir,
Srinivasanagar, Krishnarajapuram, Bangalore 560 036, INDIA.
Phone: 099-80-25610935

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