An appeal for assistance from Ramakrishna Math

published on October 15, 2013


Dear Devotee,Namaste.

This is an invitation, giving an opportunity to all of you, tohave a blessed share in the building of the Sri Ramakrishna Temple and the Ashrama buildings.Ramakrishna Math, Haripad, Kerala, started by Srimat Swami NirmalanandaMaharaj in 1913, is the first Sri Ramakrishna Math in the whole of Kerala.This Ashrama has been blessed by the stay of Revered Srimat SwamiBrahmananda Maharaj (Bhagavan Sri Ramakrishna’s spiritual son ) addingsanctity o this place .

It’s been a 100 years.. and time has taken its’ toll. The Ashrama buildingis in a highly dilapidated condition, unfit for use. The entire centre hasto be reconstructed from the beginning. By the grace of Bhagavan Sri Ramakrishna, new Ashrama enclosure has beenproposed at this very place.

We have envisaged a grand temple, rooms for service / welfare activities,dining hall, quarters for serving and visiting monks, an office room andfree reading room and Library.The estimated expenditure for this divine construction is Rs.5,00,00,000.00( Rs.5 Crores). This cost has been divided in to 1,00,000/- blocks. We havecome up with a proposal of collecting Rs.1000.00 each from 50,000 (50thousand) devotees , towards meeting the outlay , providing these devoteesan invaluable share in posterity, by taking part in the building of the SriRamakrishna Math, Haripad.

You can involve your relatives and friends alsoin this holy project.We earnestly request devotees to wholeheartedly support us in this sacredmission aiding us in the early completion of this project. We also requestyou, dear devotee, to spread the word – recommend your friends and kin andhelp them partake of this divine bliss!

By the grace of Bhagavan Sri Ramakrishna and Holy Mother Sri Sarada Deviand Swami Vivekananda let us all realize that our hearts will always befilled with divine bliss flowing from the “ Holy feet of Sri Hari (Haripada)” our beloved Sri Ramakrishnadeva.

Yours in the service of the Lord,

Swami Virabhadrananda

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