An Appeal-Donate liberally to save Ram Sethu

published on July 31, 2007

M.V. Naidu Street, Chetpet, Chennai – 600 031.
Convenor: D. Kuppuramu, B.Sc., B.L., Advocate
Cell: 94433 50189

Shri Rama built the Setu at Rameswaram to rescue Sita. After he achieved the mission, he ordered that the Setu must be protected. Till date, people attach utmost sanctity to Ram Setu. Fishermen take care not to disturb even a pebble from Ram Setu. Rulers of Ramnad take pride in calling themselves ‘Setupathi’s, the protectors of Ram Setu.

The very nature of Ram Setu is divine and so it is sacred to the devout and disastrous to those who intend destroying it. Dredgers, cranes and ships that approached the Setu while digging the
Sethusamudram Canal, incurred serious damages. Latest in this series, a Russian engineer in one of the dredgers broke his limbs and had to be hospitalized.

Several facts based on hard scientific scrutiny are arraigned against destroying Ram Setu. Consider these:

Ram Setu has saved Kerala coast from devastation when Tsunami hit in 2004. The Canal Project in its present design did not have any provision for Tsunami assessment. Tsunami expert Sri. Tad Murthy has said that, in the absence of Ram Setu, the coast of
Tamil Nadu and Kerala will be adversely affected if another Tsunami strikes.

However, the greatest cause for concern is that
America has refused to recognize the “historic waters” of Gulf of Mannar, over which the Government of Bharat and Sri Lanka have exclusive right, and wants to dabble in it. This is highly dangerous for the safety and security of our coastline. The Indian Naval Authorities have not been consulted in this regard before beginning work on the Canal Project.

 There is one more sinister aspect in
America’s move. The sand that collects on both sides of Ram Setu is   rich in thorium. That is available in huge quantities; it will provide fuel for our atomic reactors for more than hundred years. If Ram Setu is
destroyed, the rare sand collection will be washed away completely.
doesn’t want that Bharat should be self-sufficient in nuclear fuel. It wants to make us dependent on uranium supplies from that country.

In spite of all this, the Central government seems to be bent upon destroying Ram Setu.

That places a tremendous responsibility upon all of us. That is, Ram Setu must be protected, come what may. Also, ‘God helps those who help themselves’. So, let us leave no stone unturned in frustrating every evil design to destroy Ram Setu.

That this is indeed a holy task is proved by the groundswell of support to the hundreds of demonstrations organised by the RAMESWARAM RAM SETU PROTECTION MOVEMENT to demand the Central government to realign the
Sethusamudram Canal so that Ram Setu is left untouched.

· The Movement has entered a legal battle to protect Ram Setu. Many cases have been filed and that takes a lot of money to take forward the court proceedings.

· The Movement has plans to convene a symposium in Chennai with eminent scientists are expected to participate. This has the purpose of heightening the awareness of the informed public and opinion makers about the catastrophic fallouts of destroying Ram Setu as well as the high stakes of national security involved in saving the Setu.

· We have to print a big number of handbills. So far, we have printed and distributed more than 2.5 lakh handbills. More is to be done in this regard.

· We have to reach lakhs of readers at large. They remain in the dark as they are denied the full picture by the media regarding the developments.


As you  are aware, we have to resort to releasing advertisements containing the
true picture in newspapers to overcome this handicap. You will appreciate, It involves a lot of money.

You are sure to appreciate the gravity of the situation as also the cost involved in carrying forward the ongoing struggle. The struggle to protect the country from subtle invasions. Marked by the tenaciousness of the government in steamrolling the Canal Project in its present form. Brazenly ignoring the resistance by responsible sections of society.

Therefore, join forces in this national endeavor.


 Ask your friends and relatives to send in their mite for this cause.

For more details mail to: saveramasetu@ or dkuppuram@gmail. com

Note: Donations for the cause could be paid also via Cheques/DD.

Cheques/DDs are to be drawn in favour of. ‘Rameswaram Ramar Palam Protection Movement’ payable at Chennai.

Address for communication: Rameswaram Ram Setu Protection Movement, 12,
M.V. Naidu Street, Chetpet, Chennai – 600 031

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