An appeal to all teachers and parents

via Abhinand Muraleedharan published on May 16, 2010

Bhagavat Gita is one book, which I strongly feel that all teachers and parents must read and properly understand. If we ever want to rise as a noble society, not in terms of economic or military might, but in terms of our commitment to Truth, then the only possible solution is to mould a generation of revolutionised minds free from superstitions, ego, greed, caste-ism, fanaticism, hatred, ignorance and chauvinism on the basis of language, creed, religion, region and even sex.

It is not the engineers, technocrats, beurocrats or even the politicians who are going to build a mighty nation. It is the teachers and parents alone who can deliver this huge responsibility. It is they who have the real power to bring change. They are the ones who will sow the seeds that will sprout and determine the future course. Whether you want to sow the seeds of the mighty oak tree that will set its roots firm on the ground and spread its canopy giving shelter to everyone, or you want to sow the seeds of the creeper ivy that lives a wretched life, depending on the host tree for all nutrients and ultimately destroying the host, has to be decided now.

The task entrusted upon you in not a mean one. Destiny has chosen you as the instrument to bring about a radical shift in the collective thought process of the society. Even if you are able to remove the darkness of ignorance from the mind of a single person it is a huge achievement. And the society will be indebted to you forever. No pilgrimage, no charity, no offerings, no ritual, no prayer can substitute this service you have done. It is not the gold jewellery that you have offered to the local temple deity that is going to save you; it is not the meaningless rituals that you outsource to the temple priest that will save you, and it is not the amount of money that you spend on charity that will save you; But it is the discovery of the inner divinity in you that will help you break the chains of ignorance.

It is the realisation that the consciousness that shines within is the source from which everything has manifested, that will elevate you to the level of a liberated soul. And it is this light of self realisation, by virtue of its nature, that will spread from you and shine on noble people across human society. This is your destiny. You are the torch bearers of mankind’s destiny. In a time when humankind is facing a deep rooted crisis in the form of global terrorism of various sorts, environmental crisis, consumerism that has crossed all limits, violence in the name of religion, politics and the increasing stress factor that reduces the life span, the hope lies in you. Dispel this darkness. This is an appeal to all the teachers, mothers and fathers out there. Seek the light of your own consciousness and pass it on to your children.

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