An apeal to Publishers who are beyond the reach of Christian Mafia in Kerala

published on October 8, 2011

I am writing this as an appeal to get help in publishing my book wherein I establish (on a moral interpretation of history) that Christianity was not founded by Jesus but by Judas, the traitor and propagated by the Roman emperors for politico- economic reasons using the ‘brand name’ of Mr. Jesus, a very good and famous man in those days. It is a play in Malayalam, the language of Kerala where the Christian churches have the most effective and equally unholy hold on every aspect of social life.
Although I am, at present a British citizen, I am a proud Indian not only by birth but also in mind and body .So it pains me to see how the Christians of Kerala forget and disown their glorious patrimony and gloat over a religion of doubtful origin. This realization was the driving force behind the creation of this book. Hence, the language Malayalam.
The title of the book itself conveys a lot: Yudas Mar Iskariathos Thirumeni (roughly translated as His Grace Archbishop Judas.) Among the moral arguments I bring in the examples of racism practiced in the Christian churches with the official approval of the Vatican while condemning Hinduism, how slavery was promoted by the Christian churches,  how terroristic  the church was, why the Roman emperors adapted Christianity, etc, etc.
I also explain why polytheism is better than the monotheism as practiced by the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam), how burial grounds pose serious ecological threat to places with wet climate like Kerala and suggest cremation as the best way to dispose of dead bodies, how ridiculous is the Holy Mass, the central celebration of Christian churches, and so on and so forth.  360 pages of ‘sacrilege’ or heresy, as the Christians would call it, in colloquial Malayalam. By exposing how the Bible was composed,  what a fanatic St Paul was, why god was given the name Trinity,  why religious conversion is immoral, especially in India  where a peaceful and philosophically sound  religion has existed for millennia, etc ,I have struck at the very roots of Christian faith.( Regarding conversion I agree with  Al Farabi, a Muslim philosopher, who argued that religions should not be’ exported’ to foreign countries as they are expressions of  cultures specific to the areas where they were born.(Finally I got a chance to agree with a Muslim on any subject).I do not expose any individual or denomination. So all the Christian groups, from Catholics to American Free churches, will be unhappy with what I have written. I consider myself as a Christian Salman Rushdie.
The history of male circumcision (practiced in the Greek custom of Pederasty) could anger many beyond the intended audience, I fear.
Nobody in Kerala has ever dared to go for such brazen attack on Christianity as I have done in my book. I have never heard of any Rationalists explaining away the ridiculous practices of the Christians. The church remains untouchable while all other religions go under the microscope of the Rationalists!!
Although I am a humanist I have been trained in Christian Philosophy and Theology at the highest level both in India and in Rome. So I do know what I am writing.
The church controlled media and the publishing houses of Kerala which I could contact are unwilling to publish my book for fear of a Christian backlash (financial loss).
This is not a book intended to create communal disharmony; it is just a book at the service of truth, a help to free the minds of Kerala Christians who have been brainwashed through sheer lies, and manipulated through financial machinations and moral coercion to dance to the tunes of the clergy. It would be an eye opener for others to see Christianity from a different angle. The lies of the communists and even those of the Nazis are no match to the lies of the churches. Besides, the Nazis and the likes of Lenin and Stalin did not use god or the good name of Jesus to enslave people.
I wish I had enough men and material (a la influence and money) to turn it into a TV serial!!! –too big an ambition, I know.
So now I am appealing to people who, I firmly believe, are beyond the reach of the Christian mafia of Kerala to help me find a Publisher who dares, or publish it through their own organization. I have already published it as an e-book through self-publishing internet services and it is available @ /e-books/Malayalam. But as you are well aware, e-books are not popular in Kerala and, besides, the Christian organizations which are at the forefront of electronic media stifle out writers like me. I am now experiencing it, first hand. Even my friends and family are like the Muslims of Afghanistan, too frightened to take the name of my book, let alone read it. Kerala have had enough; a Christian Taliban would be too much.
Expecting your reply,
Yours sincerely
George Emmanuel
Email: [email protected]

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