Amarnath Imbroglio Will Bury Islamist Tyranny In Kashmir

via HINDU JAGRAN FORUM – USA published on August 5, 2008

Gujarat riots and the history of incessant Muslim Violence against Hindus


Can we allow descendants of Ghauri and Ghazni and followers of Genghis Khan and Osama Bin Laden pollute our environment and subvert our democratic way of life?



A US based Islamist wearing an academic cover has made a vicious attempt to mislead the American lawmakers so as to make a case to deny the travel documents to India ’s most popular state Chief Minister namely Mr. Narendra Modi of Gujarat for visiting the US . This is despite the fact that Mr. Modi has categorically denied having made any attempts for seeking a Visa to undertake a US visit.


To further spread his venom against India ’s national leaders he has called Mr. Modi an “Avtar of Hitler.” The author of this cheap and untrue Islamic propaganda is Mr. Muqtedar Khan, Director – Islamic Studies, University of Delaware . In this enlightened age a member of thispredatory religion can not be allowed to get away with such slander and diatribe. (Attachment A)


As an honest person Mr. M. Khan should have told the people of this great democracy the truth about the fundamentals of Islam as propounded in the Sira and Hadith which stand for Darul Islam, Darul Ahad & Darul Harab given the numbers of Muslim population in different states. If Muslims are an absolute majority they are required to enforce Darul Islam where non-Muslims are kafirs, therefore, without equal rights. The so-called kafirs cannot practice their religions, pray, preach or display their gods as in Saudi Arabia . Where Muslims are in a hopeless minority they must live in Darul Ahad and must make a deal with the majority and make no demands; and finally when the Muslims are not in a hopeless minority they must conduct subversions and act against all human values to leverage their position in the polity and ultimately rulers and that is called Darul Harab.


1)  Political Islam as practiced by almost all of the Muslim countries believes in jihad building and not in nation building.

The mobilization of Muslims for a civilizational war and jihad will be relatively easy in Darul Islam. Mr. Khan has attempted to use his arsenal not only to achieve the goal of denying Mr. Modi the opportunity of visiting the US and educating the people about the Islamist conspiracy against Hindus but also to appease the titans of the UPA Govt. whose political energy is utilized in scheming to destabilize the popular and verystable Modi regime in Gujarat. But that’s not all – in his capacity as a member of the Islamic intellectual elite and a network Mr. Khan in his own devious and sinistrous way has in fact initiated a renewed civilizational war against Hindus and their leadership and at the same time delivered a message to the keepers of the sleeping Islamic cells in India to gear up for impending jihadi earthquakes and explosions. 


2) As a matter of rule, the

Islamist propaganda only highlights the public reaction against the extremist Muslims burning of Hindu pilgrims in a train in Gujarat . However, when the sufferings of Hindus as a result of the atrocities committed by the extremist Muslims in India are reviewed it becomes abundantly clear that these extremist Muslims actually are the cause and the culprits of these inhumanities.


 To achieve and expand its goals, the expansionist and predatory Islam is universally known for distorting and misrepresenting the facts. Following this general rule Mr. Khan has groundlessly alleged and implicated Mr. Modi’s political party, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in systematic killings of Muslims and burning of their homes and businesses, year after year. He conveniently suppresses the fact that a Muslim mob reportedly attacked and burnt a bogeyof a passenger train, in Godhra, Gujarat  killing some 60 Hindu men, women and children returning from a pilgrimage. There was a spontaneous public backlash resulting in riots in Gujarat , and in spite of the immediate response by the authorities some Muslims and Hindus died in the rioting. Some died in the police firing which became necessary in order to control the situation. Instead of stating the facts in an unadulterated manner this Islamist has exaggerated the sad development by turning and twisting it with a view to blame the whole incident upon the Hindus.  


Going by their incessant propaganda on Babri Masjid demolition and post Godhra riots the Islamists have attempted to paint a picture of injustice against the Muslims in Hindu India. This falsehood has caused multiple, including psychological, damage to Hindus. Truthfully Islamists must be reminded of the Islamic inhumanities, genocide, kidnappings, loots, arsons, rapes and atrocities committed by their sultans during the last thousand years against Hindus. Above all they must be reminded without mincing words that not even in one single Muslim country in the world do Hindus enjoy equal rights as the Muslims do in Hindu India.




A Broad summary of 

instances of atrocities and injustices inflicted upon Hindus by the Muslims:


a)  Genocide of some 50- 100 million Hindus by some estimates during 700 years of  cruel Islamic tyranny including Hindu Kush – the worst in the history of mankind, and demolition, vandalizing and looting of tens of thousands of temples and conversion to mosques;


b) They massacred some 20,000 people in Calcutta in August 1946 in three days to force Congress to accept partition against Mahatma Gandhi’s declaration of “Partition over my dead body”;


c) Massacre of millions Hindus and Sikhs during the partition in 1947;  

 d) Over three million, mostly Hindus were massacred in East Pakistan, now Bangladesh, and the exodus of some 9 million Bangladeshi Hindus to India as refugees in early 1970’s, when the Indian army had to intervene to rescue the populace;

e) These self styled Islamist victims have expelled, exterminated and ethnically cleansed the entire Hindu and Sikh populations from Kashmir region since 1989;


f) The recent incessant terrorist Jihadist attacks in various parts of India have cost hundreds of lives.

g) Forcible conversion of millions of Hindus into Islam. In fact 98 % of Muslims in India are a converted lot. A particular note should be taken of the fact that there was not a single Muslim in India prior to 711 AD.

h) Imposition of Jazzia (penalty tax) on Hindus for not becoming Muslims.


i) Thirty million Bangladeshi Muslims have illegally infiltrated in to India thereby stressing India ’s economy, civil society and posing a security threat.


j) The ethnic cleansing of Hindus & Sikhs in Pakistan where they are now less than one percent reduced from over 23 percent at the time of partition and in Bangladesh where they are now about 8 percent from over 30 percent at the time of partition in 1947.


4) Relentless Acts of Islamic terrorism



It may be recalled that after the terrorist attack on the Indian Parliament on December 13, 2002 there was a massive build up of Indian forces on Indo- Pakistan border that sent an unmistakable message to Pakistan and the Jihadists about the possible severe consequences. Unfortunately, under the UPA regime the terrorists have received a boost courtesy of the appeasement policy, religion based reservations and politically motivated Sachar commission’s recommendations. Even after the increased frequency of bombings in India , the Prime Minister of India, Manmohan Singh, has refused to activate POTA in the country.


Most recently on July 25-26, 2008 the attacks and bomb blasts in Bangalore and Ahmadabad , another in Jaipur in May 2008 killed hundreds and injured many hundreds of innocent men, women and children. Over the past years, major terrorist strikes have been engineered by Pakistan-backed Islamist groups in Delhi, Bangalore, Ayodhya, Mumbai, Varanasi, Hyderabad, Malegaon, Panipat (‘Samjhauta Express’), Ajmer and Ludhiana, with lesser attacks at a number of other locations.


Earlier, the terrorist attacks on CPRF and in UP courts were a partof an ongoing series.  India , a soft state, for the Islamic jihadists particularly under the current governance, had a renewed series of terrorist attacks on Friday, November 23, 2007 when bombs carried on bicycles ripped through courts in Lucknow , Faizabad and Varanasi and killed at least 14 people. This should be taken as the latest warning specifically that Bin Laden, Mullah Omar and Musharraf guided Islamic jihad will not let the Indian Govt. or its judiciary to function against the wishes of the fundamentalist crusaders. 


Jihadist terrorist attacks on Hindus and their temples continue in the country. The temples such as Raghunath, Akshardham, etc were specially targeted. In fact Varanasi , the most revered holy city of Hindus , bore the brunt of Islamist terrorist attacks twice. On March 7, 2006, at least 21 Hindus were killed and scores injured in bombings at Sankat Mochan temple and the railway station in Varanasi . Before that, terrorists had made an abortive bid to attack the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya. In Kashmir alone hundreds of temples were looted, desecrated, burnt, destroyed and some of them turned into mosques. The latest crisis on Amarnath land issue is also the continuation of the same anti-Hindu crusade.


5) In J&K State Hindu Institutions are being destroyed at an unprecedented Scale:


Muslim protests led by the PDP to deny 100 acres of barren land for setting up temporary shelters for Hindu pilgrims transiting to Amarnath  shrine during summer months is a recent example of the Taliban like intolerance demonstrated by the Muslim majority Govt. in Kashmir.


The process of desecration, loot, vandalizing and destruction of temples has continued in J&K under the anti-Hindu Islamic rule through generations with intent to wipe out all traces of religious and cultural symbols of Hindus. These targets, besides the temples, included libraries, schools, universities and ashrams. After the country became free and Kashmir acceded to the Union of India in 1947, the destruction and desecration of temples under the new Islamic regimes wearing secular turbans received added impetus and acceleration.


lands, cremation grounds and other such entities belonging to Hindus were usurped and utilized for expansion of the Islamic populace. The famous Bhairavnath temple of Chattabal , Srinagar was locked up by the police. The judicial case pending in court concerning this temple was never allowed to be decided. Precious lands around Hari Parbat hill, Durganag temple of Srinagar and lands at several Hindu places of worship in the Valley were slowly and steadily turned into lands under the occupation of the Muslim trusts (Maqboozai-Ahali-Islam).


6)  The law and order situation in Kashmir since 1986 deteriorated progressively and temple desecration became the order of the day



The Islamic fundamentalist conspiracy against Hindus received unqualified support from the Pan Islamic Movement and from across the border. Here are some of the glaring examples that defy and shred into a million pieces the tall claims made by the Muslim leaders of Kashmir about their dedication and adherence to nationalism, multiculturalism, secularism, Kashmiriyat and religious freedom.


  In 1967, Shivala temple, Chotta Nazar, Srinagar was desecrated. Again in 1984 Shri Hanuman temple at Hari Singh High Street was damaged and in the same year Arya Samaj temple of Wazir Bagh , Srinagar was burnt down.


7)  Temples desecrated, damaged and/or shut down in Kashmir from 1990 to December 1992





There have been reports of further destruction of some 39 temples in Kashmir after December 6, 1992 for which FIR were filed. Please note that FIRs on all destruction cases were not filed with the authorities in view of the complicity of the administration and warnings of retaliation against the complainants by the Islamic terrorists. 


These examples represent only a fraction of the systematic mass destruction of thousands of temples in J&K after independence of India when the Islamists assumed the total and unfettered control of the state. But now the Amarnath imbroglio is bound to bury the Govt. promoted Islamist tyranny in Kashmir .


8) The facilities for Haj pilgrimage by Hindu India are unmatched – not even the Islamic countries provide such patronage:



provides an airfare subsidy to more than 100,000 pilgrims selected by the Haj Committee of India who go for Haj annually. According to official figures, this subsidy was Rs 280 crores in 2006 or about Rs 28,000 per pilgrim. Today, with rising fuel prices, this figure would have gone up to Rs 350-400 crores.


For the convenience of pilgrims, charter flights are operated directly from 16 airports in India to Saudi Arabia .  Returning pilgrims can transport 10 liters of holy Zam Zam water with them free of cost. At Delhi airport there is a separate Haj terminal. To improve the comfort of pilgrims, Air India has been advised to use wide-body jets in future for their Haj flights.


There is a separate Haj cell in the ministry of external affairs. The Haj Committee of India has its own premises in Mumbai.  Similarly the State Haj Committees have their own premises in various other Indian cities. These facilities have been built on land provided by the state governments. Yet the Muslims and their Kashmir government denied a mere 100 acres of forest land for building temporary shelter for Amarnath bound Pilgrims!


For the Muslims however, the Govt. provided accommodation in Mecca and Medina is decided keeping in mind the need to provide maximum convenience and comfort to the pilgrims. Typically, all accommodation has lifts, telephones, running water, electricity and telephone at the minimum.  There is total computerization of pilgrim location and movement. During Haj, a large contingent of seasonal local staff, supervisors, data entry operators, as well as drivers and messengers (whose job is to round up and bring home safely elderly pilgrims who may have got lost) is appointed by the consulate general of India , Jeddah, during the Haj period. 

For Haj 2007, a contingent of 115 doctors (including 63 specialists with post-graduate degrees) and 141 nurses and other para-medical staff, 3 coordinators, 46 assistant Haj officers, 165 Haj assistants and 186 Khadimul Hujjaj were sent from India on short-term deputation to Saudi Arabia. Special attention is given to medical facilities for the pilgrims.


It is not the Central Govt. alone that has been lavishly spending Hindu taxpayer’s money on Haj subsidy — almost all State Governments have set up Haj houses. In fact, the State Governments across the country spend roughly about Rs 1,000 crore annually for the Haj pilgrims. The government in Delhi is constructing a six storey Haj house at a cost of Rs. 30 crores.


9) Preferential treatment of Muslims by Govt. is unconstitutional:



The official commitment for Aurangzebish, unconstitutional and privileged treatment to the Muslims by Govt. in enforcing the politically motivated Sachar Report, Prime Minister’s commitment for first preference to Muslims, his 15 point plan for the Muslims; and enforcing a communal quota system in employment and even at the topmost technical and management institutions – not practicedby any other country is absolutely baffling. Such naked discriminatory policies have the potential of leading the country towards a new dismemberment. The uncalled for and unconstitutional largesse amounts to open bribery and class war, initiated by Congress, for clinging to power.


10) Exaggerated and false Islamic propaganda on Gujarat riots must be exposed:


As stated earlier the Gujarat riots so widely publicized were a spontaneous reaction against the burning of some 60 Hindu pilgrims in a train at Godhra, Gujarat .  The highly exaggerated reports about these riots by anti-Indians and  Islamists, foreign owned Indian media and their sponsors, hide the fact that the Muslims themselves were the cause and the culprits of this upheaval. There is a concerted effort to defame Hindus and their leaders with the sole aim of Islamizing India and establishing a Darul Islam.
How can we ever forget the fact that India was partitioned on the basis of religion, as the Muslim leaders proclaimed that they were a separate nation and therefore, were unable to live with Hindus in a single country?
 They demanded a country of their own and the British masters readily obliged them.


Mr. Khan and his brand of Islamic society need to do some introspection on their own past violent crusades against Hindus. Using  Mr. Khan’s language of calling Shri Modi and his party “self styled Hitler and fascists, etc” is rather ironic.  By the same token the way Mr. Khan has unleashed his anti-Modi tirade rooted in Islamist thinking, he too could be called “Mr. Goebbels” of terrorists – Goebbels being Hitler’s propaganda man. The spate of terrorism in Bangalore and Ahmedabad in India on July 25-26  and the Amarnath Land imbroglio could possibly have been incited by people like him and his recent provocative articles and utterances.


Perhaps US Homeland security should take a note and look into any possible links between his outfit and the terrorist organizations like Al Qaeda, Taliban, and Mujahideen etc. For Mr. Khan’s satisfaction the most popular Chief Minister of a progressive Indian state has much to do at home for renovating people’s lives including that of the Muslim citizenry of Gujarat . Unlike some self styled leaders he does not need to visit foreign countries with a view to strengthening his political base at home.


11) Mr. Khan and the people of his politico-religious persuasion must realize that by now the curtain has been lifted:


The global community understands their inability and incapacity to coexist with members of other religious formations. The hard core Muslims like him believe that they must live by the Islamic trilogy consisting of the Koran, Hadith and Sira, which are considered to constitute the complete way of life for them. Tragically such a way of life is in direct conflict with democracy and freedom to practice one’s religion therefore, the prospects of coexistence in harmony with other religionists is rather unthinkable.


Under these circumstances unless Islam is tamed and/or reformed the continuation of civilizational war would remain a reality. With more than a billion free people of India , exercising freedom in every walk of their lives, unlike in most of the Islamic countries, the “siege of India ” as envisaged by Mr. Khan’s Islamists has absolutely no prospect of succeeding. The freedom- loving Indians like Mr. Modi will not sacrifice their liberties and way of life for any amount of petro-dollars and out dated regressive religious philosophy which promises nothing but ideological slavery. Indian people did not accept the slavery of the British imperialism and tyranny of the Muslims sultans and there is no way in hell they will accept the slavery of the fundamentalist wahabies. On the other hand
the day is not far away when not only in India but all over the world “jihad” will be outlawed as a crime against humanity thus putting terrorists, Islamists and fundamentalists out of business



Dr. Jagan Kaul

Krishan Bhatnagar
Hindu Jagran Forum ( USA )

August 05, 2008

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