All’s fair in India except being Hindu !!

via Intellectual Kshatrian published on June 19, 2008

Hindu Marriage Act breaking more homes: apex court

News Report


First the Hindu needed a marriage act to to unify the adulterous and inhumane practices within the Hindu religious and sects all over India. The Hindus who were then highly subjected to caste discrimination and Brahmin hegemony needed the British and pro-left and secular centered Congress to bring about a Hindu Marriage Act to stop the discrimination against the women and to save the Hindu family and religion. The Christian and Muslim family were safe with their church made laws and talaqs!!

But now the Supreme Court says the Hindu Marriage Act is what causes the increased number of divorces in the country. The legal system seems to blames the community on the whole for the discrimination in the Act rather than point  fingers at the successive governments who have gone through many changes since 1955.

A huge cry is raised every time the mention of a Uniform Civil Code is raised. The UCC is seen singularly as an RSS backed plan to subjugate the whole of India to rightist Hindutva.

But the partiality in ruling the bigger community in the country there for everyone to see. From laying down social and religious rules and regulation to the control of religious establishments the SECULAR government of country goes the extra mile. but when it comes to similar kind of changes and remarks for the other communities in India…the Supreme Court judge better think twice because that could anger many secular pull down the government and toss the constitution for a sixer !!

Its quite evident in the way the temples of India are administered. Now in Kerala the Public Service Commission appoints the staff in the temples. Which means anyone can get appointed to the temple board. It was evident when a christian was appointed to the Padmanabha Swamy temple as administrator. The temple staff which follows some very strict rules and rituals wouldn’t even be allowed to let him enter the temple. He couldn’t even take part in any of the festivals of the temple or oversee the functioning of the temple taken over from the Travancore royal family by the SECULAR government of my state. Now why would anyone want to appoint a non Hindu person to administer a Hindu temple? Why would a god fearing Christian even take up the job to run a idol worshiping temple? Fine, he maybe be a atheist government servant which makes it even more interesting.

Can you imagine asking a Hindu to run a church or a mosque…of course the SECULAR government of ours can simply dream of having control over those one day. But even if they do manage to take over the Christian and Muslim establishments would the believers allow a idol worshiper to administer their church and mosques?

The Vavar mosque right below the historically non-existant Ayappa’s temple in Sabarimala is the best example of our classic federal-secular system. The funds for Ayappa regularly greases the pockets of our government employees where as the pepper donations for Vavar go to the Waqf board. Now the Waqf board is a pious Muslim religious board. People who swear five times a day that there is no God but Allah and Mohammad is his prophet. It rattles my logic how they can earn money from a ‘shrine ( idol )’ that honors a mercenary who was a friend of a Hindu “non existant god” !! Vavar surely have to be punished with his own sword for having fought wars ( as per legends ) for this Hindu God.

Gone are the days the Leftist prided themselves by bowing to big names like Marx, Lenin and Che and called themselves atheists. Today they have ministers to take care of the affairs of the Gods. They selectively attack and attract God-men depending on how well the coffers are fed.

The judiciary which we proclaim as free from the politics of religion and caste occasionally makes some selective comments without much ado about anything. it simply strikes up debates after debates which do no good to the public. And they are also not in a position to give any sound judgment on the topic they have commented upon.

Is you really want to make the change, lets talk in the lines of equality for everyone under the constitution of the Republic of India.Lets talk about a Uniform Civil Code.


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