“Alliance compulsions” says PM in his TV show

via K.Vijayan published on February 17, 2011

Squeaky-voiced smarminess, hypocrisy and buck-passing were the hallmarks of our turdie PM’s Teevee Show yesterday.

Can a Prime Minister, even a dummy one, absolve himself of all culpability by blaming “alliance compulsions” for collusion and inaction in the face of crimes against the nation?

What sort of “Alliance” is this? An Alliance of Criminals looting the country? If the Prime Minister is utterly helpless, then what is the role of the Leader of the Alliance, Sonia Gandi, whose name Manmohan studiously avoids mentioning when blaming Raja and Karunanidhi?

Spectrum has been allotted to front companies of Pakistan and China, who are known enemies of India. Does “Coalition compulsion” include collaboration with Traitors and indulging in High Treason?

The Inference:  This PM cannot take cognisance of the criminal, treasonous and nation-breaking activities being carried out right under his nose since his Patroness is as much if not more involved the crimes, and he is the Front Half.

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