All patriotic Kashmiris support Modi and reject Farooq’s deception

published on April 29, 2014

Dr. Jagan Kaul, the Convener of the newly formed Panun Kashmir International, said that all patriotic Kashmiris agreed with every single word that Shri Modi has said in response to Farooq and Omar Abdullah’s back and forth accusations via twitter today. As the massive support behind Modi’s leadership is building and the Indian nation unifies, these Islamists have resorted to communal tactics to poison the national environment. Their divisive tactics are not going to work any more Dr. Kaul said.


            Dr. Kaul said but for the double speak of the members of the Abdullah dynasty and their deceitful indoctrination of Jawaharlal Nehru, Kashmir ’s socio-political integration with the rest of the country would have been full and complete. This dynasty has always maintained Kashmir as its exclusive sultanate and National Congress without understanding the character and content of the National Conference leadership which had been tactically converted from the Muslim Conference went along with this facade. This blind trust of the Abdullahs was the result of the Indian Prime Minister’s close personal relations with them. As BJP says Kashmir has been, is and will continue to be an integral part of India and it is not private property of any body including Abdullahs.


            Dr. Kaul said that Mr. Modi has been very gentle and civilized in responding to Abdullah’s baseless and unfounded accusations against the future Prime Minister of India .  He could have very easily thrown on Farooq’s face one of the infamous statements of Mohd. Abdullah (Farooq’s father) about the Indo-Kashmir relations. In that statement he said that “ India in Kashmir was like an occupying colonial power”. This is the man whose regime was responsible for the death of Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee, the founder of the Bhartya Jan sang, in a  Kashmir prison.


            Farooq himself was one of the founding members of the Pakistan engineered “Kashmir Liberation Front” which engaged in massive violence to achieve Kashmir’s separation from mother India .


            Decades ago when BJP was poised for coming to power in India and the party had committed itself to the abrogation of Article 370 which gives special status to J&K, Farooq addressed a huge meeting of Muslims in Lucknow where he declared that if BJP comes to power and abolishes Article 370 that will lead to the 2nd partition of India and he will be ready to lead such a movement. So much about his loyalty to India !

            As Chief Minister of Kashmir he recruited and sent to Pakistan large contingents of Kashmiri Muslim youth for receiving terrorist training and on their return to Kashmir were used as terrorists against India . In any law, national or international, this is “treason”. But, instead of trying Farooq for treason he was elevated to a cabinet minister’s post in the federal government headed by Sonia Gandhi.

            In his today’s utterances he has threatened that Kashmir will not remain part of India if Modi becomes the prime minister. Kashmir is not his private property therefore, howsoever he may try to communalize the environment, Kashmiris are not going to accept his foolish commands, threats and dictates. More importantly this statement itself is seditious and the Indian state must take action against this crime.


            The youngest of the dynasty, Omar Abdullah, the current chief minister of the state, in order to deepen the confusion, supposedly on foreign advice, recently claimed that “Kashmir had only acceded to India and not merged in to it”. He questioned the very validity and constitutionality of J&K’s accession to India . Challenging the validity of the constitutionality of the accession should have been treated as a crime.


            Farooq lied when he held BJP responsible for driving the Hindu minority out of Kashmir, Dr. Kaul said. The truth of the matter is that Kashmiriyat and “Naya Kashmir” were deceptive constructs to get rid of Hindus and Sikhs from the day the Sunnis assumed control of J&K State . By introducing land reforms in the state, the Hindus were hit severely as it deprived them even of their small holdings. They were forced to seek migration to towns out side the state. The punitive laws against Hindus and Sikhs that were adopted in 1964 included: Abolition of Jagirdari Act; Big Landed Estate Abolition Act; Restitution of Mortgaged Property Act; Distress Debtors Relief Act; and, the Agrarian Reforms Act. They were all contrived to the detriment of the Hindu, Sikh communities and as a prelude to their destruction. Therefore, to blame others for de-Hinduisation of Kashmir is absolutely ludicrous.  


            It is clear that all three Abdullahs have been saying one thing in Srinagar and the other in ND. And one after the other congress governments in ND have allowed them to get away with it. Clearly for resolving the internal political divisiveness resulting from the Kashmir imbroglio, India will have to de-throne and isolate this dynasty and start the process of Indianization of the region. Patriotic Kashmiris are ready to join in this crusade. We must begin with finalizing a 4-way reorganization plan for the entire J&K state providing autonomous homes for the four major ethnic formations.

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