Agony of Hindus in Kanyakumari

via Subscribe : published on December 12, 2009


Hindus despite having justice with them, have to request the police for taking their Goddess in procession as Christians object to Hindu use of public road for procession. They falsely claim the road as private belonging to the Church The claim is false as proved by Government Panchayat Board shows clearly.


Indira colony

This video that shows the sufferings of Hindus in Kanyakumari district. Indra colony consists of economically backward Hindus. There are 80 Hindu families and two Christian families. Hindus desire a small Ganesa temple. Christians oppose it. Christians have political and economic clout. Politicians and Government officials side with powerful Christian lobby. This is the heart-rendering cry of Kanyakumari district Hindus for their basic rights. If Hindus are not politically aware and socially integrated this will be the fate of Hindus everywhere in India.


In those villages were Hindus have been reduced to a minority they suffer at the hands of very brothers who were Hindus just the other day and got converted by fraud. The village deities are targeted and destroyed. Here is one such case


Pillayarpuram Violence

2008-2009 Hindus in Pillayarpuram of Kanyakumari district: Denied rights they fight non-violently braving police brutalities.


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