Adwani to lead Hindustan to true Abhyudyam

published on November 21, 2008

“I am concerned most about how the slowdown is affecting the poor. Even though I am concerned about the health of our airlines, I am more concerned about the economic wellbeing of our auto-drivers and rickshaw-pullers,” Advani told the gathering that included Mukesh Ambani, Anil Ambani, Sunil Mittal, Rahul Bajaj, Sajjan Jindal, K.V. Kamath and Shashi Ruia.

Read full Report here



Shri Kalyanaraman’s letter to Shri Adwani


Hon’ble LK Advani ji,

This is to congratulate you on the superb initiative. 

This dialogue with selected ‘captains of industry’ has to be carried forward further by including a number of institutions which truly represent the core of the economy of Hindusthan. I would invite a reference to the brilliant analytical article by Prof. R. Vaidyanathan of IIM, Bangalore: 

Ignore the engines of economic growth at your own peril (DNA, 18 Nov. 2008)


 In this article, Prof. Vaidya notes that 60% of the GDP comes from the services sector and the PM should be talking to traders, restaurant owners, truck operators, construction contractors; bus operators and money lenders.

Since 65% of Hindusthana lives in the rural areas, it is also necessary to add to this list:agriculturists.

Your dream of putting in place a National Water Grid (including inter-linking of rivers as a national asset together with reborn Sarasvati) has to become a reality. This will give a mega-push to the dormant economy creating the possibility of distributing 9 crore acres of additional wet land with assured irrigation to 9 crore poor families, mainly in the rural areas.

I earnestly request you to consider continuation of the economic dialogue with the captains of the services and agricultural (including coastal/marine) sectors since the financial crisis will rapidly snowball into a full-blown economic debacle unless the State intervenes forcefully and decisively.

This will lead to true abhyudayam of Hindusthan, converting the current financial turmoil into a national opportunity. Hindusthan’s destiny is to lead an Indian Ocean Community (Hindumahasagar Parivaar) to counterbalance the European Community (starting with a Trans-Asian Highway and a Trans-Asian Railroad linking Thailans with Siberia through India). This initiative can be taken in coordination with Smt. Sonal Shah and other Indian-Americans in the US President-elect Obama’s team

This will be a legacy which we can feel proud about and leave it for the present and future generations of the youngest nation on the globe and what the great French epigraphist, George Coedes, called ‘The Hinduised States of Indo-China and Indonesia’ in his brilliant book with the title: Les Etats hindouises d’Indochine et d’Indonesie (Paris, 1948).




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