Adarsh building not on Army land – Another Chavan’s stinking red herring

published on April 18, 2012

Always confusing these Chavans and Pawars and Patils, or the Party they are in at any point of time. Like we had to google up to find out that ASHOK Chavan was CM when the Adarsh Scam hit the headlines and Sonia-Gscam sacked him and planted another Chavan, PRITHVIRAJ in his place.

This Chavan’s only Terms of Appointment is to cover-up, whitewash all Conger-related scams – apart from scamming to contribute to Sonia Coffers, Mahrotten State being the No.1 Contributor.

In Terms of his terms, he has “constituted” a Panel comprising a retreaded and rottener Patil Judge, and a retired Mudrassi Chief Secretary from his bibernation in Kumbakonam (or wherever) to claim that the Adrash land belongs to the State of Maharastra, and not to the Army, or its Kargil Martyrs. This Panel, in an “Interim Report” just seems to have stopped short of claiming that the land was owned from Time Immemorial by the IAS, Army, Judges and Pakistanis involved in jointly and co-operatively constructing the building. Perhaps this will be detailed in the Final Accredited Report.

The High Court’s finding be damned. Our Party and all our scammers stand white-washed, and Shining like Glory Be.Yet another Cong Ostrich hiding its head in the sand, with rear up and open.

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