ABVP to organise intellectual conference THINK INDIA

published on December 21, 2011

Bangalore: Akhila Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishat to organise a major academic conference, THINK INDIA, at  Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore on January 28, 29-2012. The event details are given below.


Vision for a Vibrant Nation

28, 29 January 2012 | Satish Dhawan Auditorium, IISc Bangalore

Think India 2012: Vision for a Vibrant Nation, is an all India conference of intellectuals, speakers and young minds of nation’s premier education institutions spelling out their vision for Vibrant Bharat.

The venue of this conference is also well suited to the theme, bearing history from two most prominent personalities of modern India, Swami Vivekananda and J N Tata, who thought of making India a stronger and vibrant nation.

Think India, the organizer of the event, is a forum for national students, researchers and alumni, in an effort to bring together the best talents of the country for a developed and vibrant nation.

This conference is open for student, researcher, teachers and alumni of national institutes and premier institutes. One can join the conference as Presenter, Entrant to Competition and as a delegate to enrich the discussions and session by your esteemed presence.

We hope to make this conference an interactive platform for thought provoking ideas to work in making India, a better place.


‘Think India’, is an invitation to bring together the best talents of the country and to infuse them a ‘Nation First’ attitude.

It is an active forum of researchers and students to encourage debate on national issues raise their concerns and offer innovative solutions to problems. It is a platform for the Leaders of Tomorrow. It is a celebration of the best brains in the service of the nation. It is a collective endeavour of creative minds, free from all burden and prejudice, who are willing to dedicate themselves in thought and action to the cause of actively building the nation.

It is a team of visionary young men and women who aspire for an integrally developed India and strive to achieve it. It is a team of inspired people who dare to dream great things for the nation and also have the courage to forge into an uncharted future based on the valuable discoveries of India’s glorious past.

‘Think India’, is a clarion call to all those who believe that they can make a difference to create a better society and a better world. Welcome aboard Think India.



To understand the present day national issues, emerging trends and problems
Responding to new developments with a nationalist perspective
To make the campuses vibrant centers of intellectual leadership and creativity
To foster initiatives that are solution oriented to resolve current problems in the Indian polity
To build a network of scholars to generate and sustain a democratic debate on national issues from an interdisciplinary perspective ensuring a common platform.


All India Educational Institutes or National Institutes and Premier Educational Institutes are an epitome of excellence in all the educational domains they represent. More often than not, the patriotic fervour of students and graduates from these institutes are unfortunately doused. The penchant for the serving academics & research therefore drives them to find right places across the globe to contribute to the mankind. These greats continue to inspire the youth of our nation since decades.

We at Think India have felt the need to bind the students with an Indian nationalistic string to harness this part of national treasure in furthering our aim of national reconstruction.



Understanding India
Corruption free India
Real-life Role Models
Delegate Presentations & Idea Presentation
Sustainable Development
Science and Technology for Vibrant India
Open Session-Panel Discussion with Experts


PAPER PRESENTATION: It should be presenter’s own work.  Presenter will be awarded with the certificate for the Paper Presentation. Paper will be selected on basis of blind review.

a.       Theme: India of my imagination
Deadline: 15 January 2012

b.      Submission: Full Paper (not more than 1500 words with Abstract in not more than 200 words)

c.       Format: Times New Roman, Font-12, Spacing 1 line, MS Office Word Compatible (1997-2003) and a copy in PDF

d.      Oral Presentation: 7 minutes, Power Point Presentation for selected papers.



Think India 2012 conference is having six different competitions namely in Photography, Poster, Short Film, Street Play, Essay Writing and Idea Impact. Competitions winner shall be awarded Monetary Prizes with Souvenir and certificate for each competition



 1st             –          15000 INR
2nd              –          10000 INR
3rd              –         8000 INR


Minimum entries in Competitions:  Five for Street Play and 10 for Photography, Poster, Short Film, Street Play and Essay Writing.
Open for delegates eligible to participate in Think India 2012
Decision of Think India organizing committee shall be final
Objectionable content in poster, film, PPT, Street Play i.e. abusive, hearting religious sanctity, porn content is NOT allowed and can result in disqualification
Copyright of the presented material should be with presenter
By entering into competition & Presentation, Copyright of the content is licensed to Think India for the event promotion purpose, for any other use author shall be asked first.

a.       Topic: Vision for a vibrant Nation

b.      Deadline: 15 January 2012, 23:59 hrs

c.       Submission: Full Paper (not more than 1500 words with Abstract in not more than 200 words)

d.      Format: Times New Roman, font-12, Spacing 1 line, MS Office Word Compatible (1997-2003) and a copy in PDF.

2.                     2.PHOTOGRAPHY

a.       Theme: India Clicked!

b.      Deadline: 15 January 2012, 23:59 hrs

c.       Format: JPEG format, not more than 5 megabytes in size

d.      Photographs may not be staged or posed by models

e.       Photo without watermark, designing etc should be submitted.

f.        Entrant need to bring Photo for Display at the Competition Gallery

3.     POSTER

a.       Theme: Colours of India!

b.      Deadline: 15 January 2012, 23:59 hrs

c.       Submission: JPEG format, not more than 5 MB

NOTE: For more info on competitions and Presentations check online at www.thinkindiaonline.in andwww.thinkindiaforum.webs.com



WHO CAN PARTICIPATE: Student, Researcher, Faculty and Alumni of National Institutes can participate. Other premier institutes (on request).

HOW TO PARTICIPATE: Submit Google form: Click here

Or For conditions and more info : visit online www.thinkindiaforum.webs.com | www.thinkindiaonline.in

(Think India team shall contact you to confirm)


Students’ for Development (SFD)

Youth for Sewa (YFS)


Students and Alumni Association of National Law Universities (SAANLU


Avanti Fellows, Pan IIT

Prasthutha, IISc Bangalore


Date:                                      28, 29 January 2012

Venue:                                   Satish Dhawan Auditorium, IISc Bangalore, Bengaluru

Registration Fee:                200/- (inclusive of Food & Accommodations)

Web:                                      thinkindiaonline.in | thinkindiaforum.webs.com

Email:                                    [email protected]


SOUTH    Rishikesh Pandey, IISc    
+91 9449157001

     Sreevalsa Kolathayar, IISc    
+91 9482088377

     Janardhan Karnati, EFLU    
+91 9000609567

CENTRAL    Suraj Patel, MNNIT    
+91 8090625490

     Amarendar Reddy M, IISER    
+91 8871167356

WEST    Vishesh Bansal, GNLU    
+91 9662055150

     Sneha Jain, IITB    
+91 9004284187

     Sunil Dhar, NCCS    
+91 7798286111

EAST    Lokenath Chetterjee, NUJS    
+91 9433932167

     Nishant Mishra,IIT BHU    
+91 9984017351

NORTH    Ramesh Saran,IITD    
+91 9560705179

     Titto John George,IITR    
+91 9045760954



Yuva Shakti, 55, 1st Main Road, Seshadripuram, Bengaluru 560020 (Karnataka), India

Email: [email protected]

Web: thinkindiaonline.in | thinkindiaforum.webs.com

Contact: Sandeep: +91 9743232613, Ashish: +91 9427615135

d.      Size: A3

e.       The Poster should ‘still’ not ‘animated to be in motion’

f.        Candidate must bring Poster for Display at the Competition Gallery



a.       Theme: Challenges before us!

b.      Deadline: 15 January 2012, 23:59 hrs

c.       Format: .mkv/.vob

d.      Length: 2 minutes

e.       Short films that are submitted must be the entrants’ original work, with due copyright of the same with them.



a.       Theme: Dreams and Dilemmas!

b.      Deadline: 15 January 2012, 23:59 hrs

c.       Submission: Team details, 100 word note on the Street Play

d.      Time: 7 minutes

e.       Participation: minimum 5 Members of the Team will have to participate in the “Street Play.”

f.        Language: English and/or Hindi, as the language of their play.



a.       Theme: : Ideas for society, social impact, empowerment and for solution to the problem faced by nation

b.      Deadline: 15 January 2012, 23:59 hrs

c.       Submission: Full Project (2000 word (max) and abstract 200 words), Times New Roman, Font Size 12,  Both in word file and PDF

d.      Project should include Introduction, Background of Social Concern, Execution Plan, Expected Result (Short Term & Long Term)

e.       PowerPoint Presentation:  5 Minutes, to be presented at  Think India 2012, to be submitted at Registration Desk

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