ABRSM – An Organisation to safegaurd our Education Sector

published on February 8, 2009

New Office Bearers for ABRSM for 2009 to 2011 Period.

ABRSM, Short form for Akhil Bhartiya Rashtriya Shaikshik Maha Sangh is a National Teachers Organisation, for teachers from Primary to University level. This is a single organisation, for all teachers, which is the result of the works of personalities like Mananiya Kulkarni ji and others for last twenty years. The Structure of the Shaikshik Maha Sangh is as follows.

ABRSM has four Wings. Primary Wing, Secondary Wing, Higher Wing and a Mahila Wing. The Organising Secretary, who is a Pracharak, is for all alike. The President, General Secretary and Additional Secretary are for all wings alike. Then for each wing, there is a Vice President, Secretary and a Joint Secretary. Recently, a Pracharak has been assigned exclusively for higher wing. Apart from this, a Pracharak is Organising Secretary exclusively for the South Zone too. The Central Office is at Delhi, Maujhpur, ABRSM’s own three storied building.

ABRSM stands for three principles. 1) Education for Nation Building,
2) Teachers for National Education, and
3) Society for Teachers.

Cultural and Value Education is not an attempt to go back to the past blindly: on the contrary, it is an on going and constant effort to re-invent and re-create what is handed down from the past in the context of any new and changing situation, time and space. Such re-invention and re-creation shall be an ongoing process given dynamism of society, given new contexts of space and time, changing from time to time, but always keeping the archetype constant, solid as well as guiding. Presently, ABRSM is concerned with many challenges of invasions into Indian Culture, through Syllabuses, mutilations of history and the like.

The same structure goes down to the States, and Districts, in the same manner, although it assumes different names in different states, for example, in Kerala it is “Unnatha Vidyabhayasa Adhayapaka Sangham for the Higher Wing, and NTU (National Teachers Union) for the lower and secondary wing.

The National Executive held at Mysore on the 25th and 26th of December 2008 had formed the team of office bearers for the period from 2009 to 2011. The first meeting of the office bearers was held on the 31st of January and the 1st of February 2009, at Brindavan, Uttarpradesh. The meeting had set schedule for this year’s meetings, time and place in the following manner. March 2009, 7 and 8th, at Lucknow, the Higher Wing shall meet. May 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27, National Executive as well as Office bearers meeting at Dehradun, and an Adhivesan. Aug 29, and 30, Executive and Office bearers meeting at Hyderabad and in December 28th and 29th shall be Adhivesan and meetings at Jaipur.

Office Bearers of 2009 – 11.

The President,       Prof K Narahari,  Bangalore.           

General Secretary, Dr. Vimal Prasad Agarwal, Jaipur

Additional General Secretary, Dr. Vinod Banerjee, Mathura, UP 

Organising Secretary, Shri Mahender Kapoor, Delhi (Pracharak) 

Joint Organising Secretary, Shri Ompal Sigh, Lucknow,Pracharak

Vice President Higher Wing, Dr. JP Singhal, Jaipur       

Vice President Secondary Wing, Shri Baba Saheb Kale, Solapur       

Vice President Primary Wing, Shri Krishan Gopal Joshi, Jodhpur      

Vice President Mahila wing, Dr. Nirmala Yadava, Firozabad      

Secretary Higher Wing, Dr. Narayan Mohanty, Cuttack                

Secretary Secondary Wing, Shri Tadavarti Subbarao, Vijayavada

Secretary Primary Wing, Shri Govind Tiwari, Mainpuri, UP            

Secretary, Mahila Wing, Smt. Hemlata Jain, Bhopal          

Joint Secretary Higher Wing, Dr. TS Girishkumar, Kollam        

Joint Secretary Secondary Wing, Dr. Ashok Kumar Singh, Jamshedpur   

Joint Secretary, Primary Wing, Shri Jagdish singh Chauhan, Delhi 

Joint Secretary Mahila Wing, Smt. Priyambada Saxena, Pune

Treasurer, Shri Bajrang Prasad Majeji, Jaipur     

Auditor, Shri MG Sindagi, Dharwad                   

Higher Wing In Charge, Shri Mahedra Kumar, Lucknow

South Zone In Charge, Shri P Chandrasekharan , Cochin

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