A Pada Yatra to awaken Hindus in Hyderabad

via Press Release published on September 10, 2009

 I think there is something, more important than believing: Action! The world is full of dreamers, there aren’t enough who will move ahead and begin to take concrete steps to actualize their vision.  
W. Clement Stone

Take courage and work on. Patience and steady work–this is the only way. Go on. Remember–patience and purity and courage and steady work. So long as you are true and pure, you will never fail. Mother will never leave you. All blessings will be on you.
Swami Vivekananda

Knowledge about an issue is not enough, we must apply it; willingness to accept the issue is not enough, we must act; awareness of a problem is not enough, we must work toward executing; talking without purpose is no use, we must be passionate to implement what we say; indifference is not the virtue, we should treat is as decease; ignorance is not bliss, we must work to avert the potential danger of loosing our culture, apathy is not the answer, we must treat it as curse; criticizing ones own religion should not be  a vocation, we must sacrifice our resources to support our religion; hiding behind closed doors to protect one’s own economic interests is not the answer, we must be proud  belonging to the richest, scientific and tolerant religion on the face of the earth;  and one sided liberal  rational thinking in not  answer, we must  apply equally to all other religions openness.

Many of us are engaged in a number of activities thinking that we are supporting, promoting, and preserving our culture.  We are conducting a number  of discussion groups; we are conducting a number of meetings, seminars, conferences; we are delivering a number of lectures and speeches; we are engaging in a number of performing arts activities– such as arts, dance. Music, singing, instruments; we are writing a number of books and presenting a number of research papers; we are going to Temple in unprecedented numbers; we are praying and chanting mantras; and we are doing many more for centuries.

   But we never get united; we never exercise our will; we never realize the potential danger to Hindus way of life, we never take pride to call our selves as Hindus, we never show our passion to protect our religion, we never vote as block, and in fact we never lift a finger to preserve, protect and promote our way of life.  Let us wake up before we are all converted and corralled by force.

Times have changed. It is not the same world we wanted to be – peaceful, tolerant, compassion, open minded, broadminded.  Advent of Christianity and Islam have brought havoc to the Hindu way of life. Their arrival ended the civility, peacefulness, serenity, tranquility and sacredness of life human life. They are threatening our own existence. They have taken advantage of our generosity, hospitality, and kindness.

We have to prioritize our efforts and actions. Action should be on top of the list. Rest can be secondary for a while. If we can be rational, let us ponder. How do we save our culture?

May be we should ask ourselves as to whether Sanatana Dharma deserves to be saved? Is it worth preserving? If you say “YES” look at the termites that are silently eroding the Hindu edifice. Before it is collapsed, we need get the termites fumigated and removed. If we do not get united and take appropriate actions, we may be in the long haul of suffering, conversion, killings, destruction,

         Action, direct action. direct participation, direct involvement, physical involvement in the campaign toward bringing changes in the attitude, aptitude, awareness and consciousness should be the goal of every Hindu. We should not keep doing the same thing over and over, again and again. There is a time for every thing.

          Pada Yatra 3 is being undertaken to bring our mission of making people aware of the potential danger closer to the Capital city where legislative action takes place. It is time to educate the public as well as politicians.  Details of Pada Yatra are given below.    


 Maha Paadhayatra – 3, Greater Hyderabad

We invite and request every HINDU to participate in the Massive Grand Procession

Blessing and Starting by His Holiness Sri Narasimha Bharati Swamy – Pushpagiri Peetham

His Holiness Srinivasa Ramanuja Jeeyar Swamiji  – Jagannath Matham

Paadhayatra Program

Start : From Ujjaini Mahankali Temple – Secunderabad. On September 20, 2009
Duration :130 days
Distance: 1500 Km. ( Entire Greater Hyderabad )
Visits : Temples, Dharmic Mandals, Gou Shaalas, Sevaashrams, Mutts.
Tasks: Forming Baktha Mandals, Bhajan Mandals and Dharmic Youth Orgs.
Message : Unity and Respect for our Dharma, Culture and Tradition.
Aims : Temple and Culture Protection for future generations.

      We need your SUPPORT as:


      • Participate in Starting of Grand Procession.

      • Propagate about the Maha Paadhayatra in your colony and locality Temples.

      • When it reach your colony Volunteer Paadhayatra. You can also do it further.

      • PROBLEMS of your TEMPLE and seek HELP from Swamy ji can be discussed.

      • Distribute Pamplates and Broachers in your colony – you can collect from us.

      • Arrange Noon and Night Prasadham & Accommodation for Swamyji for ONE DAY.

      • Inform in your locality TEMPLE and Bhajan Mandals to receive Swamyji a day before.




       Please encourage all your friends and family members to get involved in Pada Yatra 3. We have to show our strength. Only then our cause will be noticed and will be paid attention by media and politicians.


          If we have to make an impact on our movement to bring changes to preserve our culture, we need you financial support.  

Your generous donations to continue our efforts to free Hindu Temples from government control, awaken the Hindus about the plight of Hindu Temples and the impending danger of illegal conversion techniques are essential. We are requesting all the individuals and organizations to support financially to continue our movement to free Hindu Temples from the government control and stop these conversions.

         NOTE: GHHF is exempt from federal income tax under section 501 ( c ) 3 of the Internal Revenue code.

          Our tax ID #  41-2258630         

 Please send your tax deductible donations to:

Global Hindu Heritage Foundation, 14726 Harmony Lane, Texas 75035

You can go to savetemples.org and pay by PAYPAL

 For more information


 Prasad Yalamanchi,  630-832-2665; 630-359-5041 / D. Satya 732-939-2060 / Vinay 248-842-6964 /Srinivas  Murthy  212-538-8716 / Dr. K. R. Venkatramaiah (Canada) 416-925-8167. Nemana Satya 732-762-7104, Sekhar Reddy 954-895-1947, Tulasichand Tummala  408-786-8357,  Raju Polavaram 919-959-6141; Pramod Kumar (615) 306-9403; V. V. Prakasa Rao, PhD, 601-918-7111 (cell), 601-856-4783 (home)

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