A most dangerous move By Baba Ramdev towards Muslim appeasement

published on May 19, 2012

The whole media, a greater section of Arya Samaj, actually the whole Hindu Samaj in broader concept, Constitutional experts, true national politicians with some of intellect, everybody all on a sudden stuck with a severe blow from Baba Ramdev as he surprised concerned sections  by supporting Muslims for their claim of reservation under Art. 341 of Indian constitution. Knowing nothing about  the provisions, implication and jurisdiction of Art 341 and the conspiracy of Muslims demanding such a facility publicly and  behind the scene, Baba declared his support for Muslims in this matter as Baba has set his eyes only to grab Muslim supports to make his success in 2014 election ventures.

When all are desperately waiting and preparing for the 3rd June, 2012 to drive a massive movement to bring back the black money, Baba Ramdevji, really surprised all patriots yesterday (on12/05/2012, Saturday) by supporting and by declaring that he is going to fight for Muslim and Christian Dalit Reservation with the amendments in article 341 of Indian Constitution. Baba was addressing a conference at the venue of India Muslim Cultural Center, New Delhi, as convened by All India United Muslim Morcha. This Morcha has definite connection with Kerala Muslim League and United Muslim Democratic Front, two dangerous Muslim Political outfit to destroy Indian Secular and Democratic threads in majority main stream.

Stepping away from the RSS stand, Yoga Guru Baba Ramdev supported Muslim leaders in their demand for reservation for both Muslim and Christian dalits and sought their active participation in his black money campaign. It is now heard that Baba Rambev will demand the rights of conversion by Christians and Muslims from Hindus soon under a pressure of Muslim-Christian lobby helping (eye-washing) Ramdev in his Anti Corruption movement.

“I did not know till recently that Article 341 does not cover Muslims and Christian Dalits. This is not fair. dalit is a dalit, whether s/he is a Hindu, Christian or a Muslim. So, all Dalits should get equal rights. We will have to struggle to achieve this. We will launch a struggle (for this). I extend my whole-hearted support,” he said.

Article 341 of Indian constitution of India is  a PART of XVI dealing with SPECIAL PROVISIONS RELATING TO CERTAIN CLASSES. It starts with Article 330 and ends with Article 342. Actually, Muslims are now trying to get inserted in the Scheduled Caste ( Art. 341) and certainly they are not satisfied with their just Dalit status in Mandal Commission or  Ranganath Mishra Commission or in Sachar Committee Reports. As the provisions of Dalits or OBC (Other Backward Classes) give only the reservation in jobs and various scholarships and loans/grants etc. to them, it never be counted synonymous to the rights of the SC and ST communities in the Hindu fold who get the seat reservation in the State Assemblies and the Parliament by the virtue of PART  XVI of Indian Constitution. Now, this Muslim Morcha demands the Scheduled Caste Rights to grab the political power in every State Assembly and in the Indian Parliament with their reservation rights in Indian Polity through Art. 341 and they gradually will extend their demand upto Art.330. And Baba Ramedv preponderantly supported those who love Sharitat at the highest level than their life and treat Indian Constitution as a political tool to make ease to reach to the goal of Shariyat. It is must but should be clear for Revered Baba that the whole Hindu community may reject him for advocating Muslim rights than the reasonable responsibilities of Muslims  in obeying Indian Constitution whole heartedly. Baba is advocating for those  Muslim propagators who believe in Shariyat and desire to capture Delhi again through  getting reservation facilities from the top of Indian Parliament (for ruling India again as Akbar, Sahajahan or Aurangjeeb) down to the Hindu families (for making Love jihad and so on).  Those who have not full faith in Indian Constitution, how they claim full rights and reservation from it?

In Kerala, Andhra Pradesh  and some other states in India, the Muslim and Christian OBCs are getting more facilities than the Hindu OBCs. And Muslims and Christian OBCs are gradually encroaching the facilities from the share of Hindus.

Baba Rambev succumb unnecessary pressure from Muslim pressure groups and equating a ‘Dead hand of Islam’, ‘Brute Muhammad’ or a ‘Satanic Verses – Quran’ with real Dharma (Virtue)  and Darhshan (Philosophy) of Aryavarta-Bharat-Hindusthan. Does Baba Ramdev want to discard 14th chapter of Satyartha Prakash, where Swami Dyananda vehemently opposed the unreasonable, eccentric and unscientific Quran? Is Baba Ramdev is going to be another Swami Agnivesh?

A copy of Quran (with translation in Hindi) was offered to Baba Ramdev. To Muslims Quran is the final words for everything. Will BaBa be kicked off as Jogendra Nath Mondal, the lone Hindu Minister in Pakistan?   

Instead of plainly supporting or opposing Baba Ramdevji, we just wish to invite your attention to the questions asked by Mohini Puranik in the blog


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