A Hindu view of the “Bleeding Heart” Sachar Committee report

published on November 20, 2006

(Excerpts from “Rajender Sachar Committee Report about (minorities) Muslims” by Dr T.H.Chowdary from  http://www.drthchowdary.net/)

The Rajendra Sachar Committee has collected some facts and is so presenting them to make the Hindus squirm in shame. The flavor of this report is  that Hindus have a bias against Muslims, Hindus are discriminating against them, Hindus are keeping them poor, Hindus are making them insecure, they are deprived of  education and opportunities for development;  and these are sought to be proved by facts like 15% Muslim population having between 2% and 5% representation only in government services etc.  It is silent about the numerous minority colleges and huge money they are making by selling seats. They gloss over the fact that the average number of children in any social or economic group for Muslims is higher than that of Hindus; that Muslim girls are not encouraged to go to schools, and the leadership is wanting madrassas and urdu schools, and that these are the reasons for their poor performance. The Sachar Committee wants us to forget that Muslims were a ruling class for hundreds of years; they foisted Persian as the language of the government, had 90% of the jobs for Muslims, and that for example, in the Nizam’s state Muslims were the rulers until 1948 and 10% Muslims enjoyed 90% of the jobs and not Telugu or Marathi or Kannada was the language of instruction from primary to even the University level but urdu was the language in schools, colleges and in government and in the High Court.

The Sachar Committee  Report   is understood to be recommending massive financial allocations specifically for Muslims including subsidies to madrassas which teach Koran in Arabic. We are witnessing competitive bidding of  ‘secular’ parties promising 5% reservation, a mosque in every village, a darga in every mandal, urdu ghars, shadikhanas and even in totally Hindu majority cities, (like Vijayawada)  Mayorships being given to Muslims.

There is a deliberate design, no longer a conspiracy but actual implementation to see that Hindus are finished, are reduced to second rate citizenship by a combination of minorities namely Muslims and Christians.  Muslims are first offered all the privileges and special rights because if offered and not implemented, they would become violent, take to terrorism and destroy the government apparatus just as during Muslim League’s direct action, on the 16th of August 1946 to terrorise the Hindus into accepting the partition of India .  If Muslims are given, then there is nothing which can stop the Christians to demand their pound of flesh.

Hindus therefore are now under siege from jihadi terrorists, Christian proselytizers and both of these are backed by Marxists and various brands of communists and vote-seeking ‘secular’ parties competing with one another to ingratiate themselves with the minorities.  The siege engine to breach and break up    the Hindu society is caste.  All the enemies of this country are united in pitting one Hindu caste against another and thus destroy the Hindu identity.  Hindus’ enemies are working hard to unite the minorities by religion and divide the majority by caste. this is their strategy.  If the Sachar Committee’s recommendations are implemented, India will be bled because we will be taxed to pay to produce more Muslims more terrorists more disrupters and more allies for the global Islamic umma. We will be required to pay for not only their  education and businesses but even for propagation of their religions, for diversion of Hindu temples’ funds as that is already happening.

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