A Danger Called “FOUR-M” Nexus!

via HARAN.B.R published on February 11, 2008

As the Freedom Movement gained momentum, the British authorities tried to suppress it with increased ruthlessness, arrogance and autocracy. The freedom fighters led by Gandhiji felt that enough is enough and started the “Quit India” movement in 1942, which ultimately led to the Nation attaining Freedom with in five years, also due to the added strength of the meticulous formation of Indian National Army by Nethaji. The Communists conspired against the Freedom Movement and helped the British. A similar type of situation occurred in 1975 when the former Prime Minister Indhra Gandhi declared ‘Emergency’ purely for selfish reasons and the Nation sprung up in revolution under the able leadership of Jayaprakash Narain, finally leading to the worst drubbing of the Congress party in the 1977 general elections.

As far as our country is concerned, Communism would have died long back, but for the “Nehru Family”, which has almost become a permanent liability for our nation. In India there is not much of a difference between Communism (Marxism), Nehruvian Secularism & Socialism. The same useless policy in different names! The true Indian National Congress died long ago with the demise of Sardar Patel and the resignation of Rajaji. Since then, it has been Nehru & Family all the way and the party has been reduced to a family property.

Since the time of Nehru, the leftists have seized the intellectual world and till date they are calling the shots in academicia and media, the two areas, which play a vital role in the fields of education, knowledge and history. They have continued the British-System of education, contributing to the division of society along religious, caste and linguistic lines, resulting in the de-Hinduisation of this great Hindu nation. The Nehru Family’s Congress property also turned a blind eye if not yielded to the nefarious designs of the leftist historians, intellectuals and academicians.

After almost three decades, we are in a precarious situation under a double-edged sword, one edge being the foreign headed UPA and the other edge being the Left. With the advent of the UPA government under the stewardship of Sonia, Hindu religion is under severe attack, as evidenced by the Amarnath, Sbarimala, Thirupathi, Guruvayur and Kanchi episodes. Hindu culture & tradition are also facing frontal attack by the anti-Hindu media in the name of ‘secularism’ with the blessings of UPA government. Evangelization and missionary activities are going on unabatedly with increased vigor aided & abetted by Sonia led & Left supported UPA government. Islamic Terrorism goes literally unnoticed, in a way helped by the UPA government by its soft approach towards terrorism, as evidenced by the frequent terror attacks on our soil. The majority community is divided along caste lines by the policies of vote-bank politics and the country is divided on religious grounds by the minority appeasing and majority ignoring policies.

Even during the NDA regime, 5 to 6 years was too short a time to set right the damages, which had been caused for hundreds of years in general and 50 years of congress rule in particular. Unfortunately, with the advent of the UPA government under the stewardship of Vatican’s “Abimana Puthri”, things are happening very fast and the Marxists are having a jolly good time enjoying power without responsibility & accountability, along with her. The mission, that is the de-Hinduisation of India, is a common objective for Sonia’s Congress & the Left front and hence they enjoy excellent rapport and enact repertoires to the sheer amusement of their bosses, who are out side India. In the process of de-Hinduisation, they have colluded with the minorities and have formed the dangerous “Four-M” nexus called “McCauley-Marxist- Mullah-Missionary-” nexus, which is creating havoc in the country.

The Communists have formed a “Red Corridor” in collusion with the Maoists & Naxalites from Nepal to Andhra Pradesh covering more than 16 States, which has now extended up to Kerala, Karnataka & Tamil Nadu! The UPA-Left combine has deliberately left the naxal menace to grow to unlimited proportions by having a Home Minister assisted by two Ministers of State, whose efficiencies are under question. The Sonia led UPA, even went to the extent of sending a Comrade (SitaramYechury) as an emissary to destabilize the only declared Hindu country (Nepal) in the world, in connivance with Prachanda’s Maoists, there by throwing the Hindu Monarch out of power. The mission was successfully completed to the utmost satisfaction of China as well as the Vatican!

In this kind of an anti-Hindu environment, the role of the ‘Left Front’ clearly exposes the fact that it is anti-National. During the ‘Quit India’ movement in 1942, the Communists joined with the British and stabbed the Nation at its back. Again now, they are hand in glove with Sonia led UPA, working against the interests of the Nation. At a time when the lousy concept of Communism has failed through out the world including Russia and China, the Comrades in India are able to survive due to the aid & abetment of minorities, as they are united by the common objective of de-Hinduisation of India. We must understand this unholy combination and its nefarious designs and we should also realize that a foreigner, who also has the same objective and can stoop to any level to remain in power, heads this ugly combination of Communists & Minorities.

Bharat stands divided today along the lines of religion, caste & language and the divisions are getting multiplied day by day. The once famous “Unity in Diversity” is being mocked by the planting of “Cross” in the Coins / Currency of India. National Security is in an appalling status. The Harijans are being separated from the Hindu fold at an alarming rate and the cultural & religious splendor of this Great Hindu country is being destroyed. The Hindu regions are demographically reduced from all corners of the country, as evidenced by Christianisation of the North East, Islamisation of J & K, both of Kerala, Islamisation of UP & Maharashtra and the Christianisation of Goa. More than 50% of the Hindus have been converted as “secularists” by the concept of westernization. A major section of the media is encouraging & spreading alien & immoral things like Fashion shows, Modeling, Sex-education & Homo-sexuality, perverted art, etc, etc, etc and the youth are a misguided lot now-a-days!

By the time the Hindus realize, it would be too late, for the nation would have lost its Hindu identity! The “Four-M” Nexus spells not only Danger, but also Destruction & Doom! The forth coming general election in 2009 is a great opportunity for us to throw this UPA-Left combine in to the dustbin of History. Let us do it!

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