A Big Applause to Smt. Hemamalini

published on October 9, 2011

Smt. Hema Malini withdraws dance performance when made aware of  MF Hussain’s exhibition by the organizaer in Newyork which then forced the organiser’s to withdraw perverted M F Hussein’s exhibitions.

Smt. Hema malini’s response as follows in response to a protest letter

I am as pained as you are by the events that took place in New York on the 1st of October, 2011.

During the many discussions I had with SAAMA, the organisers of the event, prior to my departure to New York, I was never given any indication of clubbing my dance performance with MF Hussain’s paintings.  I was indeed shocked and in fact withdrew from my dance
commitment if my show was spoken of in the same breath as that of Hussain’s paintings.

Ms. Simmi Bhatia, the organiser, on my demand, withdrew the paintings.I could then present my program of classical dances along with my daughters to the delight of audiences which included many dignitaries
including the Consul General of India, Shri. Prabhu Dayal.

Let me reassure one and all that my birth, upbringing and innate faith as a Hindu can never be questioned and aberrations like the present one will in fact strengthen my belief and commitment to the glory of Hinduism.

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